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Old 04-22-2008, 03:05 PM   #216
Very Grave Indeed
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Default Re: TWG LXII: Cthulhu Rising

Unbeknownst to any of the folk of this town, even greater forces than those of Great Cthulhu were at work in their panic-stricken streets. Mad followers of Azothoth, a being of untold power and malevolence dwarfing even that of the Great Old Ones such as Cthulhu, had been at work here, feverishly preparing a surprise for those who would dare try to wake the Dreamer.

Their works complete, without the need for ritual killings, or anything else that would betray their intent, these madmen sat back to watch the disaster unfold.


The next day, the usual folk gathered together, bone-weary now from lack of sleep, and the crushing stress of fearing for ones very life. As they began to look around to see who was missing, who had fallen victim to the killers this past night, they all began to notice a slight dimming of the otherwise bright morning sky.

Looking up, they saw a small shadow cast down from above, as though something were in between the sun and the earth.

Thunderstrike asked "Is there supposed to be an eclipse today?"

Before anybody could answer, the shape swiftly grew in size, casting the whole town deeply into shadow and sparking a panic as it began to set in that whatever this was, would soon crash into the town.

EnR and x3Mamimi ran off towards the bomb shelter under the city hall, hoping for safety there, others merely dropped to their knees to pray, or else stood staring dumbly at their impending destruction. For all of them, it was too late. Nothing could stop the destruction being cast down upon them from outside of time.

Cthulhu could not be allowed to wake, and the swiftest expidiant for the greater forces of evil was simply to wipe the town off the face of existence.

The entire town has been destroyed by a meteor sent from outside time and space by minions of the Dread Azathoth, the game is over, everyone loses, nobody wins
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