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Old 04-21-2008, 05:26 PM   #202
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Default Re: TWG LXII: Cthulhu Rising

Alright, time to turn this game up a notch. It may be nighttime, but I am going to throw down who I think is a wolf and why. If I get wolfed, the info I had is right here in the thread for you guys to use, and if I don't get wolfed, then

EnR, dooey, Manti (who was wolved so that isn't right), and pnt (lynched.)

I'll start with dooey, who has been acting rather suspicious this game. He decides to claim seer night 1. Now, if he truly were the seer, he would not come out at night, whether or not there are counterclaims. He'd get wolfed if there were no other claims, and he'd get lynched if there were, due to the fact that anybody that counterclaims dies along with the original claimer. And if he's a wolf, the real seer will do what he does best and seer him to be a wolf. (If he's MW he'll be seered green which contradicts his seer claim.)

That last paragraph means that dooey would not claim if he really were the seer, and that he is a wolf, who is getting any needed support from his fellow wolves (which is none because nobody has seriously accused him of anything with proof.)

Also, dooey's decision to seer Hoochan, who has not been active at all this game, (he posted saying he would be very busy for some time to come.) is highly suspicious. Why would you waste a seering on somebody who is simply going to be phantoming anyway? If he comes back when we have killed a few wolves, then just lynch him. He'll have nothing to hide behind.

Next is EnR. I had an AIM convo with him night 1. Two things of note here:

TwilightxShade (3:24:48 PM): Hey
RyanFFR (3:25:16 PM): yoo
TwilightxShade (3:25:22 PM): You're in the TWG, right?
TwilightxShade (3:25:26 PM): The one that is going on now
RyanFFR (3:25:40 PM): no
TwilightxShade (3:25:56 PM): Yeah you are...
RyanFFR (3:25:59 PM): rofl
TwilightxShade (3:26:00 PM): 16. EnR (RyanFFR)
RyanFFR (3:26:02 PM): damn it
RyanFFR (3:26:07 PM): I was gunna ask you your role

He tries to trick me into thinking that he is not in the current TWG so he can ask my role. Why? He never claimed human at the start of the game, but I did. So he obviously wants to see if the claim was true. He wouldn't need to know if I was red because all wolves know who the other wolves are from the start of the game. So he wanted to know if I was blue or green. Either way, he knows that he can use me when the wolves have nobody good to kill.

The second point is halfway through the rather short conversation to the end:

TwilightxShade (5:32:20 PM): You know what I just realized
RyanFFR (5:32:25 PM): wut
TwilightxShade (5:32:27 PM): Anybody who is mentioned during an attack
TwilightxShade (5:32:30 PM): can't be a wolf
TwilightxShade (5:32:35 PM): Think about it
TwilightxShade (5:32:40 PM): the wolves are the cloaked figures
TwilightxShade (5:32:41 PM): right?
RyanFFR (5:32:44 PM): yea
RyanFFR (5:32:49 PM): yea but think
TwilightxShade (5:32:53 PM): Anybody who is there isn't a cloaked figure
RyanFFR (5:33:03 PM): the cloaked figures are normal dressed at the time
TwilightxShade (5:33:09 PM): not at night
TwilightxShade (5:33:24 PM): At night, they are cloaked figures
RyanFFR (5:33:26 PM): they got to the kill scene 3 hours after
RyanFFR (5:33:31 PM): in the morning
RyanFFR (5:33:47 PM): they were normal people by then
TwilightxShade (5:33:47 PM): they did? What about the first post?
TwilightxShade (5:33:58 PM): The cloaked figures were in the first post
TwilightxShade (5:34:04 PM): as cloaked figures
TwilightxShade (5:34:46 PM): See?
TwilightxShade (5:34:47 PM): Just as Makilaz finished this ominous pronouncement, the lights in the chapel suddenly cut out. Amidst the shocked screams and cries, four voices intoned loudly

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

The doors of the chapel burst open and everyone fled for their lives, rushing to their homes to lock their doors, and bar their windows. Everyone that is, except for four, dark figures with a dark purpose, and one. Panicked, near to fainting, their first victim, taken just after sunset right out from under the watchful eyes of Man and God.
TwilightxShade (5:35:09 PM): So anybody mentioned in the first post cannot be a wolf
RyanFFR (5:35:36 PM): he picks randomly
RyanFFR (5:35:44 PM): and the roles in the story randomly
TwilightxShade (5:35:58 PM): But how can a person who was clearly mentioned as something in post 1
TwilightxShade (5:36:03 PM): be a cloaked figure in the same post
RyanFFR (5:36:31 PM): k so you're saying mak isn't wolf
TwilightxShade (5:36:55 PM): I believe lito was mentioned in post 1
TwilightxShade (5:36:56 PM): as a doctor
TwilightxShade (5:37:29 PM): pnt is a detective

In the first post of this thread, I missed the part where Devonin says that the roles in the story do not correlate to the roles in the game in anyway. So EnR doesn't say anything about my misperception of the story after I am done asserting my point, and decides to let me think this way to make the false claim and make a complete fool out of myself.
Note to self Finish.
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