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Old 03-24-2008, 01:16 PM   #1
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Default Dancing Stage Ultimix 4: OverloaD - Now accepting!

Alright guys, DSU is back and this time it will be an experience like no other! Everything that was a negative about the other DSUs is being fixed, to provide you, the reader, with as much entertainment as we can possibly squeeze out of you! And why do we do this?

Because we love you. ALL of you. Without you this series wouldn't be on it's fourth! Every person who downloads, submits or even LOOKS at my thread contributes, so thank you all s very much!

I believe a few of you know about KBU? Well, this pack and KBU are connected in a certain way... but when this is finally released, look out for something very new to Stepmania that could possiby pave the way for a new wave of simfiles...

The unlock system for 3 was a good idea on paper - but it seemed like a lot of you simply could not be bothered! After realising that ALL you want to do is to play simfiles, I'm gonna revert back to the original "play songs get songs" methods.. and maybe one or two surprises will pop up. It IS DSU afterall

I'm hoping to get the kind of reception that DSU1 got - as in, a group of simfilers having fun. We DO put a lt of hard work into each sim we do, but at the end of the day we are having fun. I want the simming community to join hands again, and revert back to the days of old where anything goes, but we're all on the same team.

But now I've rambled on, here are the rules of submitting - follow these to ensure you have a quality sim for me! <3

Length: The songs can be any limit between 0:50 and 15:00. We encourage that we get more normal lengh sims than long versions, and more long versions than marathons, but that's your call! As long as it's fine, I'm throwing it in!

Graphics: The sim must have the following graphics - banner, background and cd-title. If you cannot produce good graphic, PM me and I'll start a thread up in Graphic Requests where all our DSU graphic problems go, and I pay them with my lovely tokens that do nothing. You NEED a cd-title that includes YOUR SIMMING NAME. Sorry Super_Ray, I can't accept those Pop'n'Music cd-titles anymore Any problems, contact me!

Difficulties: I require Light, Standard and Heavy steps. Some songs can be CHALLENGE ONLY but in certain circumstances only (eg. it's a remix of an already submitted song, it's a marathon etc.). I also HEAVILY encourage Beginner charts - they don't take long and they do improve the overall quality so much!

So, that's it! Also, if the song doesn't SOUND like it should be hard, don't make it be! I'm trying to cut down on 10s and stuff

Where do I send my simfile? Send any simfile to Simfiles CAN be released, but even then you must e-mail me the link to it - I do not want my PM box overflowing, I don't want to be trudging through this thread to see what I have and haven't downloaded. I want everything to be nicely organised, so PLEEEEASE email me, otherwise I can't accept! If you are sending an exclusive, simply e-mail me the attached file

ALSO, in the email please specify whether the song is a license, long version, marathon, ddr/itg edit, bemani remix, DSU1,2 or 3 re-step or an ORIGINAL. Originals are songs by artists like cornandbeans, Sanxion7, DM Ashura, Detach etc.

I'll try to check this as much as possible, but if I am a little slow please do not start harrassing me - I do have a life outside of Bemanistyle XD

Now GO, and HAVE FUN!
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