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Old 03-22-2008, 10:19 AM   #320
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Default Re: What's your favorite anime?

Originally Posted by Xx{Midday}xX View Post
Eureka7: Watch out for a cheesy ending (rainbows and hearts and sparkles...)! Otherwise, its good. 50 episodes. Probably the third anime I watched after September 2007 (when I seriously got into Konata-ism)

Air. Is not science fiction. More like a very emotionally moving tragedy with subtle peaceful comedy.
Air is an anime that fits in the drama genre (I don't know why its not a drama yet...maybe Key has something against it). It is a story about the encounter between a traveling puppeteer and an isolated girl with a mysterious sickness, in a town that has a history that no one knew about. The main theme is a tragic love story between these two characters, but this theme doesn't appear until towards the end of the anime, and is preset by three short stories (with sub-characters) that correlate with the character's past. It's a short 14(?) episode anime that can be divided into two introductory phases, a revelation phase, and a concluding phase. Some people tend to stop before the first introductory phase ends because of the deficit of any motion in the storyline. The best way to watch this anime is to watch it all at once (It is relatively short.). The emotional movement is found in the end of each phase, but the biggest one is found in the last episode (duh... climax). This anime does have subtle supernatural phenomenon in the form of traditional Japanese symbolism, but the anime as a whole has a very peaceful vastness. It doesn't have any physical action. I recommend this to those that like emotional drama above physical combat.

This is just my interpretation... don't be bound to it.

Visual Key has also made Kanon2006 and CLANNAD (ongoing anime). They are basically the same genres as Air. So if you like one, you're bound to like the others. Their origins were all h-games, but the anime itself has no hentai in it. Key has also helped make Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu with Kyoto Animations.

Btw, Torinouta Noise Rave Remix is a noise rave remix of the opening theme song. The song itself is so much better in its original form.
Yeah, h-game transformed in anime are sometimes really cool, or like CLANNAD or Kanon more sad and stuff except maybe Shuffle! (not really serious anime) but my fave anime are Haruhi, Lucky Star, the basic shonen (Death Note, naruto, bleach,kenshin) and some Seinen (higurashi, Jigoku Shoujo, Monster!) and that's all, i have a lot of favorite but seriously im a konataist ; haruhiist
Otaku's are cool, Haruhiist too, ok?

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