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Old 02-24-2008, 01:36 AM   #18
Solitary Seraph
FFR Player
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 8
Default Re: Is it a good idea to censor kids from certain things?

Censorship is a sub par substitution for teaching children right from wrong, and enables lazy parents to skirt tough issues.

Children should be taught right from wrong, sat down and explained why something isn't right, rather than plunked in front of a tv and not allowed to see things.

I can understand lies-to-children. That's a solid form of explanation, something that isn't too in depth, but still informative. What I despise is that most people don't even bother anymore. They want the TV to raise their children, and god help the tv stations if something comes on that is too much like "real life."

I can understand people not wanting their children to see things like Skinimax, but when it gets to the point when they won't release old school Sesame Street because "Bert and Ernie shared a bedroom, Big Bird was delusional and Cookie Monster was on the fast track to obesity because not only was scoffing cookies bad for him but that milk looked dangerously whole." You think I'm lying?

Censorship is basically the judgement that people are unable to make rational decisions. This really grates on my nerves when people tell me that if I do x, or y, then I end up on x,y and there's nothing I can do about it.

I like to think that I'm a rational person, and that my children will be able to handle moral decisions without popping someone in the face with a gun, unless I censor everything until there's nothing dangerous there for them...until they reach the real world, that is.
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