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Old 02-16-2008, 10:21 PM   #20
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Default Re: Acceptable Suicide?

Well Bynary, you're a lot more optimistic when it comes to the future of the species than I am, but that's neither here nor there. All I'll say in response is that pretty much every great civilization has fallen apart and that we're on pretty thin ice at the moment.
You definitely make a good point when it comes to suicide though and (upon reflection) the problem I present is really an impersonal one.
This is reaching a little bit to illustrate my point, but I remember reading somewhere that when the Nazis were moving Jews to the death camps, they sometimes threw loaves of bread into the train cars where the prisoners would fight and kill each other over them because they were so hungry.
What if I find myself in a situation where I either can kill someone else to survive or let them have what I need? Should I let my animal nature assert itself or rather abstain in order to keep from doing moral wrong? Obviously whoever survives in the end will be able to say that they were in the right, but is it morally acceptable? How can we choose who lives and who dies?
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