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Old 02-13-2008, 09:09 AM   #1
FFR Player
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 1
Default Super Smash Bros. Brawl Forum

Want a more organized forum? Want a forum that is run by you the members? Want a forum that will provide you with gameplay tips? Want a forum that will provide you with one easy spot to find member's friends codes? Want a forum that is going to be hosting its own tournaments?

Then you are looking in the right place. There is a new Smash Bros Community that has just opened up today. It's up for you guys the members to make it the best place for Smash Bros fans to hang. What is the name of this Community? Well, it doesn't have one yet. I'm sure you are thinking "What, I thought you said it was organize?!" Well, it doesn't have one yet because we are serious about our members running the forums. What better way to start that off than by letting you choose the forum name! That's right, the most popular forum name chosen by you the members will win (It is currently called Smash Frat (or Smash Fraternity), but that is just temporary. We think you can come up with something better. Right now it is empty though, so it needs some help getting started.

A few things before you head over there:

We are going to need some moderators for this forum. When we choose these we will choose from the members that joined first, were very active, and showed the most knowledge. This could be YOU!

We know that our web link looks pretty cheap, and that is because it is. But why would we waste money on a domain name when we don't even have a forum name yet? Once the forum name is determined, you can bet that we will be getting our own domain name to go with it, along with professional hosting.

So, why stay at all of these other sites that don't have organized threads and you have to search forever for the thread you want sometimes because it got buried in page 3 or 4 while you were away with all the other activity. Why not help build a community with better organization so you can always find the threads you want. Go check it out now!

Last edited by Squeek; 02-13-2008 at 12:05 PM..
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