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Old 02-7-2008, 09:48 PM   #648
The Chill Keeper
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Default Re: 366 days of prizes

It is credits i do seek
I wish to reach a credit peek
I want more than ever before
For this goal I need to get more
You asked this question with a prize
so this poem I shall comprise

It all started long ago
When I saw a little show
It depicted a little boy
He received a little toy
A laptop it was so sleek with shine
luckily this toy was mine

I got on and with some speed
Went to a website where an ad I would read
FFR the place to go
Little did ,at that time, i know
That I would be hooked forever more
The site I began to explore

I found out that credits were quite fulfilling
Getting them was extremely thrilling
I grabbed up all the one I could find
Thoughts of this filled my mind
Then a fateful glitch appeared
and I lost my credits so revered

Now I look for every chance
to catch even the slightest glance
of the credits I once knew
of the credits concocted from my game brew
so this is why I seek them now
I leave with this and take a bow

i really want those 10,000 credits
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