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Old 01-21-2008, 11:57 PM   #10
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Default Re: Is it a good idea to censor kids from certain things?

Uh.... Usually, I'm one of those "Let them get used to it when they are little, because they will eventually find out what it is later in life" kinda people. But in this case, I say that we should, yet we shouldn't. It really boils down to what you believe is right. If you don't do something, and they watch what they want at a young age, they are going to think "Hey, this is cool, let's go kill people and we can get away with it!". If you do do something *snickers*, such as censoring it, or telling them that it's bad at a young age, they will be more likely to say "Hey, they shouldn't be doing that, it's bad." When I was growing up, My parents were somewhat lax on what I watched. That was, untill I stumbled upon one of my dad's asian pron movies. Heh, I got an ass-whipping bigger than hell, but learned my lesson, and that was: "Porn is bad, watch Hentai instead." Well, It didn't turn out QUITE like that, but now I just see it "Oh wow, 20 people going at it? What's new?" Anyways, It should be left to the parent's descision as to what their children can and can't watch. If you have always wondered why there are so many stupid people in the world, there is one universal answer, and that's the parents. Blame them for thier children becoming stupid f-ups.
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