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Old 01-21-2008, 07:43 AM   #517
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Default Re: Top One Handers list

Originally Posted by skishmonkey72 View Post
When you play on a laptop, a number of things are different. Firstly, the keys push more suddenly than on a desktop. Second, they are slipperier. Third, although your fingers aren't pressing the keys as far, your fingers go lower than they normally would (down to the level of the keyboard instead of a bit above the keyboard). Fourth, most laptop keyboards have different size/shape arrow keys than desktop keyboards, so you have to get used to that. And finally, (I'd have to make a vid to explain, so I won't) switching to laptop is mostly hard to get used to because your middle finger often gets caught by the up key when switching from down to up. To see what I mean, press the down key, then try sliding your finger up. All five of these reasons combined are why it's hard to get used to a laptop keyboard from desktop. Although I'm sure the list is longer for switching the other way around... XD.

hehehe couldn't resist sorreh. =3
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