Thread: MapleStory
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Old 01-21-2008, 04:22 AM   #15164
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Default Re: MapleStory

Ok this is going to be a long post >.>.

First of all, i got my helm by surviving zak and the runners of MnC told me to loot, so i did. There was a run right after that one and i was SUPER happy lol so i was lagging like mad and struggling to kill zak. We were on first or 2nd body and i randomly say " Brb food" to break the silence and kid around thinking ppl would laugh and take it as a joke. Then the runners get all emo and say im not welcomed back in the group blah blah blah. So i continue killing zak with them then i hit a lag spike and faking end up in the middle of zakum. Now xomystikox,forevernite, and magickai are talking about kicking me out of the group/calling my helm STOLEN and some other bull. X.X replies plz =(

I went on the helm list and noticed magickai left my name off of the Milk n Cereal new helms from 1-20-08. w/e man.... just... w/e.

Last edited by vpr0721; 01-21-2008 at 04:51 AM..
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