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Old 01-14-2008, 01:24 AM   #436
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Default Re: Top One Handers list

Originally Posted by dean_machine View Post
Max Forever - 1?, 0, 0 //I got a 450 combo starting from the beginning, would that cover all of the first section?
Comment notation made me smile .
First trill section is a bit after the 450th note. It ends at arrow 615, give or take a few notes. You don't necessarily have to combo anything before the long sections of trills, just the trills themselves and the small parts between them. The "large trill sections later in the song": The next one is simply the next long series of trills, and ends shortly before you hear the words, "Show me your hottest moves." Then after a period of time you stumble upon another large section of trills. After that there is a mid-sized stream, which transitions right into the last section of trills.

I just realized something. If I'm in bottom tier, and Redo/orlando/Cj/etc. are put in top tier, who does that put in middle tier except maybe chopperdudes? We may have to consider lowering the requirements for bottom and middle tier at some point. Partly to encourage more people to try for the bottom tier, and partly because there simply aren't that many one-handers at the moment that are at a high enough level to try to get into the tiers at this point. But I wouldn't change anything yet, I'd wait until more people post their points.
One Handers Ranking List

Last edited by skishmonkey72; 01-14-2008 at 01:33 AM..
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