Thread: Naruto
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Old 12-29-2007, 11:38 PM   #380
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Default Re: Naruto

Okay, okay, okay. Reading the first two sentences of this just made me angry. time to break down.

Originally Posted by mow123 View Post
ok Naruto is better then Bleach as of right now. Bleach is just oh lets save rukia yeah we did that now lets go save Orihime and on the way we'll fight random guys (for the most part)
To begin with, Bleach is a hell of a lot better than Naruto. At least they are fighting and training for a reason. Not just, "GAH I WANNA ****IN' GET STRONGER SO I CAN BE HOKAGE!" They started with that point, then people turned for the worst and now they're in "LET'S SAVE Sasuke" mode. (Cough so you can't even complain about that happening in bleach)

first off... has any bleach characters turned to evil for sure? no, not really it hints that Orihime wants to get stronger by siding with them, so she can destroy them.
....Aizen, Gin, Tosen. 3 of the apprently strongest people in the series seeing as they are captain level Shinigami. Orihime isn't saying she'll turn evil to become stronger, but she'll go along with their little plot to gain the trust so she can destroy the Orb of Distortion.

Has anyone turned in naruto? yes Has any non filler chacters died in bleach? no. Has any important chatacters in naruto died? only the ruler of the leaf village. Also this "lets kill orochimaru" is true but isn't bleach, "lets kill Aizen cause he did one thing bad?"
Like I said earlier, Aizen, Gin, Tosen. Who cares if anyone who isn't a filler character died? Orochimaru has been alive for like 300+ episodes now (Naruto and Shippuden) and how far have they gotten with killing him? ABSOLUTELY NO WHERE. And the funny part of it is, there's no huge epic battle about it that will go on for episodes and episodes. Sasuke's going to ****ing rape him in about 3 seconds. Aizen was known about for about 15 episodes. Not including the filler arc he's been officially labeled as a villian for 40 some episodes. At least they've infiltrated his base of operations and are fighting their way through his minions in order to kill him. Aizen's "one bad thing" was more like several really ****ing bad things, such as, faking his death, framing other Captains within soul society, steals the Orb of distotion, sides with the hollows along with 2 other captains and creates an army of Arrancar so that he can overthrow all of soul society and take the kings key and etc etc. Yeah, "one bad thing."

Also you must realize naruto is so much larger of a series Shippuden is really when the main plot starts and everything after sauskue leaving is a big "bounto arc" also know as letting the manga get ahead of the anime. since naruto is much longer the filler arc was alot longer.
Do some ****ing research before you make obscene statements. Naruto's filler went for 78 episodes. Bleach's went for 45. That's a little under half of how many fillers Naruto had. If you take all of the Naruto episodes (and shippuden) you get about double of how many episodes bleach has. So far bleach has done better than Naruto and compressed it into about half of the time.

Iam not saying bleach is bad all Iam saying is that bleach and naruto are the same as in "We fight guys to move along the story."
If that's the case, you could say that about most any anime out there.

its just that one is longer than the other. I say naruto is better right now because in naruto they are fighting a main chacter against a main chacter rather then in bleach a main chacter agaist a random undeveloped chacater.
But at least they'll get somewhere fighting a "random undeveloped character." Where is Naruto going to end up after fighting Orochimaru? Not gonna lie, he's probably gonna lose the fight and Orochimaru will barely escape with his life. Then the process starts over again. In Bleach they give you enough of a description of who Ichigo or whichever protagonist is fighting to care. Some they will describe more than others completely dependent on their ranking in power. They explain most of the people they've killed off fairly well. At least well enough for me to care who they are and what their story was.

so there is no suspense becuase you know that the main chacter is going to win. I do have to say when they get further along bleach is going to be neck and neck with naruto. (once bleach gets along to fighting the main bad chacters.)
"Oh, hey, Naruto's fighting ________, I bet you he'll either win or tie with the person or just not ****ing die"

Oh hey, that's happened EVERY. ****ING. TIME.

I'm done, this rant was not worth it but goddamn do I hate it when people say Naruto is better than Bleach.
Omega owes me [1] omega favor
I am God of Hot Pockets, fear my fillings for they may be hot.

Originally Posted by Synthlight
I hate myself.


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xxpla tonic love: ****ing give it to me
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