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Old 07-20-2004, 11:06 PM   #9
FFR Player
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Where do you THINK I live?
Posts: 1,599

Just when I think I've read the stupidest post ever, you go and post another. How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it?

Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have descended into an abyss of irreversible lunacy. If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension. If you knew what you're talking about, you'd be dangerous. Oh well, as the late Douglas Adams said: "You live and learn. At any rate, you live."

You are a bore, and a very dull one at that. There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac and a polo mallet, or, better yet, suicide. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if your brain cells weren't on the Endangered Species list; if your weren't so fat that your local 'All-You-Can-Eat' buffet had to install speed bumps, or if you didn't have a face that could be used as an alternative to a stomach pump. No, come to think of it, you would.

In conclusion, sit down and shut up before trip over your own tongue and hurt yourself.

(lol, this is fun)
Afrobean16 (8:58:05 PM): you're evil incarnate
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