Thread: Come Meet /DJS\
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Old 10-9-2007, 10:05 PM   #1
FFR Music Producer
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Default Come Meet /DJS\

I know this is a carbon copy from the musician's area, but I think it'll get more attention here.

Straight from my website ( )

The weekend the album comes out (10/13/07), I will have a booth set up at the First UU church of San Antonio community music festival. Come by the stand, say hi, get an autograph, all that fancy stuff. I'll have about 50-150 copies of the CD ready to be sold to the public.

Now, here's the incentive. Because it's opening weekend, you come by, and I'll get you an autographed copy for $7.50. BUT, if you do the Viva La Painkillers scream, I'll cut the price to $5.00. However, this is only for the fans reading this, because quite frankly, I'm not telling anyone at the festival about it! So, in short, come, meet me, listen to the CD before you buy it, have a good time.

All the information for the festival can be found at:

I had asked to play the festival, only to find that all slots were taken. However, I'm sure you guys send them e-mails saying "We want to hear /DJS\ live!" I'm sure they'll re-consider.

Anyway, First UU church of San Antonio, Texas, October 13th 12PM-6PM, /DJS\ CD release. Be there.
People in the area, check it out.

PS-Publicity on this would be lovely.
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