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Old 09-12-2007, 10:45 AM   #33
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Default Re: Turbulence in my face

Originally Posted by smartdude1212 View Post
Well if Rubix will get some ****ing common sense and realize that just because he has rank 1 on every ****ing song doesn't mean he's automatically of higher status than anyone else.

Or I guess his big ****ing ego gets in the way of all that.

Ok, allow me to demonstrate why I have a big ego online (which I am surprised most people don't understand -- it's the damn internet, guys. You can get away with it here):

Because you're wrong about like 60% of the crap you say. Just because I have rank 1 doesn't mean I am of "higher status," if anything it's because my real-life accomplishments kick ass, and because most people here are stupid... as shown by your lovely argument of fluids in an attempt to stir-up needless namecalling and drama. That's what most of the people here at FFR do. They spew garbage about things they know nothing about and then needlessly flame and perpetuate even more misinformation (as you just did in the above post), and then start whining when I attack them back with evidence for their stupidity and why it's useless for you to argue with me about **** I know more than you about.


Oh, I forgot, you guys don't have any! If *you* had common sense you'd realize your argument is 100% moot here because it's simply a false assumption. Never have I implied such a thing. Unfortunately most of the people here latch onto ridiculous things. "Oh, he has sex" "Oh he plays Smash Brothers!" Come ON, you guys. Are you honestly this braindead? Why on earth would I use those things to establish higher status? I have much more meaningful, useful, and skillful attributes to establish something "higher" if I so chose, which actually is not something I normally brag about unless someone tries to needlessly establish superiority over me as so many people have done here with misinformation. And THAT is my serious response as to why I reply the way I do.

Honestly, the only reason I'm an ass to people is because they're an ass in the first place and have it coming, and it's fun to show how people are wrong. It's really simple, and most people completely nosedive it because it's the internet, and they can't handle the heat. Bunch. Of. Babies. Haha.

tl;dr version: Don't argue with me over things you don't understand and attach needless flaming to it in the process. If people were civil, there wouldn't be any e-drama. I love argument, but if you're going to be an ass, I'm going to be a douchebag.

Last edited by MrRubix; 09-12-2007 at 03:33 PM..
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