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Old 09-3-2007, 10:47 PM   #99
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Default Re: Good bye FFR, maybe even goodbye world, heh, wouldn't that be nice?

Originally Posted by ToshX View Post
Tokzic, shut the fuck up.

In fact, all of you insulting him or not taking it seriously, just get out. I may not be of the authority to remove people for being inconsiderate jerks, but it isn't up to you to determine whether or not things are okay.

A lot of the time, there are things affecting others that we do not even know of. And sometimes, even a game and some forums can get to someone after some things have happened to them. Suicide things should be taken seriously when spoken of seriously, even on an internet forum.

I really cannot believe what has gone on in this thread. You people should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to insult a person who is already hurting badly enough to express his feelings to the public in search of someone to help him out a little.

This deeply offends me and makes me view the community as much lower than I thought it was. To the people who have been of assistance, thank you, and for the people who have been insulting him, just get out. There are places to joke around, but threads related to life and death are not the threads you want to do that in. You seriously have NO IDEA how bad things could really be for this guy.
Are you serious?

This twit gets caught for cheating in a game, he recieves a negative response to it (who saw THAT coming!), and he tries to reverse the situation by making everyone pity him and pay attention to him. "You don't know how bad things could be for this guy?" You don't know how bad things could be for anyone. Saying that we should automatically side with him just because he started sucking his thumb and HE COULD MEAN IT is laughable, especially when it's pretty obvious in this situation that chances are amazing that he's faking every single sentiment expressed in his OP.

You say we should get out if we're insulting him? On the contrary, if you are feeling any sympathy for this guy whatsoever, you're a brainless sheep.

Last edited by Tokzic: Today at 11:59 PM. Reason: wait what
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