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Old 07-26-2007, 12:27 PM   #79
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Default Re: Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Release Date Announced

EXTREMELY vital gameplay update.

"The Footstool Jump.

What the heck is a Footstool Jump?!

Well, it’s a cool technique. Basically, you step on your opponent and jump off!

That’s it!

Jump! Now press the jump button with perfect timing...


And then you jummmmmmmmp!

Using your enemy’s spine like a spring to launch you into the air
is pretty fun.

What? You say it doesn’t have much strategic value?

No, no, no. That’s hardly the case.

You can use it to perform Meteor Smashes! Incredible!"

K now heres how I think this can be exploited if it works out the way I think it will work.. I'm just gonna copy and paste it since I already posted what I was gonna type here somewhere else on teh internats:

"I'm actually hoping this Footstool jump isn't an effective meteor smash. Like yea It should push you down, but if you go down at the same speed from say ganons meteor smash then it's complete BS. Especially considering it's a boost jump.


Actually this could be easily exploited... Like say it doesn't push them down fast but it still pushes them down right?

Now imagine this, some1 is getting back on the board you jump on them do the footstool jump which makes you jump and makes them fall slowly THEN you fast fall back onto them and do another footstool jump they fall slow again..rinse and repeat until when they have no chance of making it back on the board and you do one last footstool jump then up special. OR if you get another jump after the footstool then up special.

lol genius technique right thar

If you get another jump after the footstool jump that's just plain unbalanced xD"

Nintendo Network ID: BigBadShamoo
Join Date: Sep 2003
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