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Old 07-24-2007, 12:43 AM   #36
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Default Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Spoilerific)

Originally Posted by Soujiro_The_Tenkan View Post
Ok ok, You are coming after me without reading all of my entries or squeeks. We were argueing over a phew things and you come in and try to explain the whole book to me? Buddy i understand all of this quite well and you shouldnt qoute just one of my qoutes then pick at it.

Oh and btw Umm the avada kadavra if you havent noticed doesnt work on harry i know about the killing curse you moron. And saying oh it needs a special circumstance no **** who do you think harry is?

And lastly read the book the cloak is the shielder of spells because DEATH NEVER EXSISTED IF YOU LISTEN TO WHAT DUMBLEDOOR SAYS ITS FOLKLORE FOR THE LAST TIME THE BROTHERS WERE GREAT WIZARDS AND MADE THE HALLOWS THEMSELVES. If you read the entire book instead of just the ending you will learn of the hallows alot more then what you appearntly know. So please before you pick apart a simple qoute of mine which in turn was only and arguement with squeek about 1 tiny aspect of the book. Read the rest of what we have said and get it into your head. Before you boast of what little knowledge you have of this series
I have read every single book the first days they came out. INCLUDING the first one (when you consider the US release date since I live here) because my grandma got it for me and made me read it cause it was "such a good book that I had to buy it."

I know full well about the series and I understand it all, I read all of the books. I read the entire 7th book. I started at 4:30PM and finished at 2:48AM and I full well understood the whole book. I do not appreciate you attacking my knowledge of the series.

I was responding to your quote because we are discussing literature and in a public forum I do not see that you have an inherent right to exclude me from responding, whether or not you meant it only towards Squeak. The reason I chose those parts of your posts is because I meant to directly explain my opinions on only those points. Never in my post did I attempt to "explain the whole book" to you.

When I said that the curse only fails with special circumstances I meant exactly that. All of the times where Harry was not killed by it had specific special circumstances behind it. Harry Potter being Harry Potter is not a special circumstance because he can be killed by that curse just like everybody else.

Also as you claim the Invisibility Cloak is a "shielder or spells" Don't you think that Dumbledore would've kept the cloak with him, as it would have given him some sort of immunity to the killing curse as well as other spells? It is true that it's invisibility is not affected by spells, but that does not mean that it is a wearable shield to all spells for the owner.

Before attacking me and my knowledge, next time you can hopefully argue in a reasonable manner.

<edit> though you can't read this, nice edit while I was typing my post. I might edit that in sometime.

<edit 2>
Originally Posted by Soujiro_The_Tenkan View Post
Oh and more about the Avada Kadavra the twin cores only affected harry and voldemort through book 4-6.
Voldemort searched for the elder wand because he couldn't figure out why harry could still beat him when he
wasnt using his original wand. It is because of the blood which i already stated long before you joined this arguement.
And if you didnt read the whole book you wouldnt understand so much about wands now would you?
Wands that dont belong to you and that haven't been won wont work as well for you. So the elder wand wouln't work for voldemort as well as it should
Or maybe you forgot why voldemort killed snape becasue he thought he was the owner of it. Truly you need to go back and re read basically the entire book.
I don't need to re-read the book because of this. I'll probably end up re-reading it because I want to. First off, the twin cores affected Harry and Voldemort through book 7 as well (as described about the even in which Harry's wand acted on its own accord to attack Voldemort, who was using another wand to bypass the twin cores [though the book suggested the wand acted on its own accord because of the event during the 4th book in the graveyard, that Harry's wand might've been imbued with a bit of Voldemort, thus recognizing him as kin and foe]).

Yes wands that don't belong to you and haven't ben won won't work as well for you. Which is why harry survived Voldemort's final spell (in their duel) and had his curse rebounded back, thus killing him. That was because the Elder Wand refused to kill it's rightful owner, but also because Harry had casted another spell to bounce it back at Voldemort (as far as I understand). Yet Voldemort was completely able to kill and cast his spells with the wand, he just didn't feel the greater strength of the wand that he was expecting because he wasn't the proper owner.


Last edited by soulofcerberus; 07-24-2007 at 12:53 AM..
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