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Old 07-23-2007, 11:33 PM   #29
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Default Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Spoilerific)

Originally Posted by Soujiro_The_Tenkan View Post
james dying if i read everything correctly it is true he didnt own the 3 hallows but he owned the cloak which if you read the whole book is the shielder of spells it protects you from death

the curse that harry was hit with wasn't as powerful because the elderwand truly was harry's so it only blasted voldemorts soul out of him putting him in a dream like state

harry asks dumbledoor right before he goes back. was this real or just in my mind. and dumbledoor responds just because it is in your mind does not make it any less real
I'm going to take on these specific points.

The cloak was never the "shielder of spells" and the only way it protects you from death is by being invisible. Invisible all the time, no matter what, never fading, never growing weaker, and never losing its invisibility due to spells. The reason it protected the one brother from death is because no matter where death looked death could not find the brother (until the brother walked with him willingly). Thus James died even though he was the owner because he didn't have the cloak with him and the cloak wouldn't have kept him from dying if he was hit by the death spell in the first place.

It's not that avada kadevra was any less powerful. If you truly had such a vast comprehension of the book, the curse always kills the target unless it misses or there is a special circumstance (aka twin cores). What wand Voldemort used was inconsequential because the spell would've killed either way (because "their use requires a strong desire to bring about the effects, a directed will, and great skill" and Voldemort had all three to the extreme). Harry should've been killed yet he wasn't because of the blood Voldemort took (and perhaps also because of some connection to the deathly hallows).

Yes you got one thing right. Dumbledore specifically states that just because it was in Harry's head (which was quite obvious) that it doesn't make it any less real. Which in my opinion and I'm sure in the opinions of many other makes the whole even in King's Cross quite real (being that Harry found out information that he could not have known any other way).

Originally Posted by mmeegghhaann View Post
One question I still have is what exactly was it that killed Sirius? Am I just missing something?
He fell through the arch/portal/curtain in the 5th book.
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