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Old 07-23-2007, 07:59 PM   #21
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Default Re: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Spoilerific)

shakshiro got the reason harry didnt die. i cant believe you all didnt read dumbledoors speech at the kings cross station. sure she might have spliced in the master of death thing but truly read it again. it was voldemorts foolish understanding of his opponent and taking of harrys blood. please accept this because it is so obvious im glad someone understood what i was saying and stop going on about james dying if i read everything correctly it is true he didnt own the 3 hallows but he owned the cloak which if you read the whole book is the shielder of spells it protects you from death. so from an earlier arguement in this discussion it should have worked for him if he didnt have it on him but it didnt thus proving harry who lacked the ring and the wand in his possession. was not the master of death. and also the curse that harry was hit with wasn't as powerful because the elderwand truly was harry's so it only blasted voldemorts soul out of him putting him in a dream like state. and if you dont remeber harry asks dumbledoor right before he goes back. was this real or just in my mind. and dumbledoor responds just because it is in your mind does not make it any less real.... so please just get it into your heads its all there harry was not the master of death because death never exsisted ne way as dumbledoor also pointed out. he just said the 3 brothers were extroadinary wizards. and by now i truly believe dumbledoor knew what the hell he was talking about. good day
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