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Old 07-22-2007, 09:38 PM   #131
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Default Re: Do you like Hardcore, Metal, or generally anything hard enough to eat your kids?

Originally Posted by Kamunt View Post
Fixed, because I'm getting damn tired of "epic" everything.

This may be so, I'll give you that,, I'm just gesticulating here, trying my best to just be looking for information from an uninformed, third-party view, but does every single song any given metal band produces sound the same way, with all of the same qualities and general characteristics that would make it so you can call them "This metal" or "That metal"? The only metal band (thus far) that I own more than one album of, aside from System of a Down, which NO ONE seems to be able to agree upon, is Metallica, and the two albums are Metallica and Kill 'Em All. Now, to me the two albums sound very different, where as "Metallica" seems to be more production-ized, heavy and melodic, with generally not-too-fast songs, "Kill" seems to have a large amount of double-time drumbeats, etc. along with lots of general song stylings that were absent from "Metallica". Are those two albums still considered the same subgenre of metal even if they sound so different? Because that doesn't make sense to me at all if they are.

Plus, what if the band itself claims they're such-and-such, but often seem to play this-and-that but almost equally often seem to sound like such-and-such, etcetera etc.? You all can genre-Nazi all you want, but I for one will judge each band, each album, and each song by the music they play and how good or bad it is, not by the labels they're given.
-All the subgenres of metal can be traced back together pretty simply genealogically.
-They're held together much like metal in general with a number of characteristics, one of which being already part of a scene or genre.
-Therefore, a power metal band that releases a thrash song can still be a power metal band, for example.
-System of a Down is not a metal band.
-Yes, Metallica's self-titled and Kill 'Em All are indeed different subgenres. So it's no problem.
-What a band claims they play is often not at all what they play. Motorhead is not rock and roll.
-Saying people judge solely on genre labels and not on the actual music is a blatant strawman.
Originally Posted by Henri Poincaré
The scientist does not study nature because it is useful to do so. He studies it because he takes pleasure in it, and he takes pleasure in it because it is beautiful.
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