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Old 06-3-2004, 12:50 PM   #8
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Hitler was an idiot. he had his priorities all wrong. he could have won WWII if he had let Jews live. he should have first conquered the world and THEN set to his goal of ethnic cleansing. just think about all the thousands of Jews in camps dying that could have been fighting the Allies. also, remember that Einstein and the other lead scientist behind the Manhattan project (i forget his name) were both German, and they fled because they were scared of Hitler's anti-simetic (sp?) ways. had Hitler been nice to the Jews at first, he would have had many more men to fight, more women to work the factories, and better scientists who would have gotten him the A-bomb first.

thus, in a way, i'm kinda glad he was a Jew-killing maniac. if he had taken over the world, i wouldnt exist right now, and neither would alot of you.

also, u guys say that Germany was in such a terrible place that it would do anything, but so was the US. if anybody but FDR had gotten the Presidency, the US may have taken the same route as Germany. in fact, there was one governer (i forget which state) named Huey Long that was gonna run for president. he was Fascist and had many loyal followers. in fact, the police force in his state was very heavily armed and acted as his own private army. thankfully for us, he was assassinated and therefore was unable to become president. just imagine if the US was also Fascist. Japan + Italy + Germany + US = World Domination, and alot more death, because those 4 would not be able to agree on things after the war, and WWIII would have come soon after WWII and would have involved the 4 of us killing each other until hardly anyone was left. well, thats my theory, at least.
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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