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Old 05-18-2004, 04:00 AM   #15
FFR Player
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 161

I can't believe a zealot didn't throw this in here.

The wisdom of God is beyond our comprehension. Therefore, to try and understand what he does is an exercise in futility.

But, to not kill the argument. Our entire universe is made of atoms and vacuums.

Look around. You are not seeing the true form of our world. You do not see the air. You do not see the minute spaces between the atoms in the wall, you see another version, the world as perceived by the human eye. God is the ultimate computer programmer in a sense. His entire system may have been corrupted by a single abberation (which is impossible if you believe in his infallability) which grew and grew.

As any programmer knows, one simple typo, a misplaced semi-colon, anything, and your entire program will not work the way it was intended. Maybe God has a more forgiving compiler, or he missed something while debugging, and maybe he really isn't perfect, but just wants us to think he is. Like all of us want to be. Perfect, without fault. Without hate, sorrow, ignorance, lack of knowledge, fear, pain, indecision... just perfect.
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