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Old 05-12-2007, 08:20 AM   #15
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Default Re: ITT we discuss Procrastination

Hahaha, I think Mal wins the thread so far.

Also, considering this is about how "successful" we are in procrastination, it's good to post what kind of grades you got. It's not too impressive to do tons of work right before it's due if you just do a crappy job on it.

In my first two years of Spanish class in high school, for every single project we had, I waited until the night before it was due. And by "night", I really mean "night" (like 11 PM, when I had to be up before 6 for school). These usually involved making small books or presentations with example sentences made up for whatever we were studying, and pictures to go along.

I got an A on every single one. Most people picked boring sentences and just Googled for pictures, but I always made up ridiculous ones for fun and hand-drew little illustrations.

One time the teacher liked it so much that she kept it to show future classes as an example... so funny to me that it was the result of waiting until the last minute.
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Last edited by jamuko; 05-12-2007 at 08:22 AM..
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