Thread: Spider-Man 3
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Old 05-8-2007, 04:22 AM   #150
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Default Re: Spider-Man 3

Originally Posted by Chromer View Post
If you were to ask some random person on the street who is the first villain that comes to mind when you say Spiderman, 90% chance you'll get Venom. You might get Hobgoblin or some other villain, but I doubt many people synonymously(sp?) think Green Goblin when they hear Spiderman. Also, the last time I checked, people didn't go to a superhero movie for deep character development (or lack thereof). If Venom was portrayed correctly in this film, not only would the fight scenes be more brutal and action-packed, it might have covered up the rest of the failures in this movie.
Did you know that 23% of people make up statistics? It's true!

In all reality, the people who would even be able to NAME A REAL VILLAIN from Spider-man when asked that question would probably be much less than 90% of the population. Of those who would be able to answer, they'd mostly probably only be able to name villains who have appeared in movies. Also notice that Venom is never actually referred to as Venom within the movie, even though it would be very easy for them to have thrown in a "WE ARE VENOM". If an average person was asked who Spider-man's arch nemesis was, the response would probably be Green Goblin or Doc Ock. The allusion you make there to Gwen Stacy being the same as Batman's parents isn't really realistic... according to the recent movie, that would make Sandman Spider-man's arch nemesis (and obviously this isn't true, both for Spider-man/his Uncle's killer and for Batman/Joe Chill or, in the case of the first film, The Joker). The reason why Green Goblin is Spider-man's arch nemesis is a lot deeper than "he killed Gwen Stacy" because in reality, Gwen Stacy is not killed in this way in most of the continuities. Why is Joker Batman's arch nemesis? Is it because he killed Jason Todd? Is it because in the movie he killed Bruce's parents? Things run a lot deeper than that.

And once again, the only people who know about Venom by name are people who watched the 90s cartoon, those who were/are into the comics, or people who have a close relationship with a person like that and have heard about Venom secondhand. Just because you know of Venom for whatever reason and you feel that he's the best villain doesn't make him Spider-man's arch nemesis. You seem to feel you know quite a bit about Venom. Did you know that he and Spider-man team up to defeat Carnage? Did you know that Venom actually identifies himself as a hero and a defender of the innocent?

And Mr. Dragon, I thought the rest of the fight scenes were very good. The ones with Peter and Harry ended up quite good, even if I didn't like the idea of Peter swinging around without even wearing a mask. You'd think he would have thought to himself "yeah, Harry's right on my tale, but I don't want anyone to know who I am... I should probably at least pull out the mask and put it on, or at least make a makeshift mask out of webbing". As for the drama... they might have overdone it a bit, but I'm satisfied with it.

And as for the cheesy dancing that everyone keeps commenting on: Would you really expect a nerdy college student to be a good dancer? He did exactly what any nerdy kid would do if he thought he was a badass.
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