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Old 04-23-2004, 10:40 PM   #1
FFR Player
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Posts: 90
Default Earning Your Settings

While the settings are nice and I love having them for free, I think it could be a better idea to place them in the shop. The shop has a couple of songs, and they are nice and everything, but in my opinion it should contain more than just new stages. This could have several advantages...

1) It would fill the shop, as stated above. The shop looks a tad bare and this would add a WALL of new things to purchase.

2) It would add replay value. Gathering more and more credits to try out different mods. Some newcomers have no concept of Stepmania or even Dance Dance Revolution so they may be bewildered and interested in effects such as "Tornado" and "Dizzy".

3) It could prevent new people from mod-whoring. It is just my personal preference, but I think a person should learn to play the game a tiny bit with default settings before playing with speed mods and other things that some would say makes the arrows easier to read and such.

4) Retaining interest. I've seen people go "Eh, why buy these songs I can never beat them". Settings are different however. You can use settings on ANY stage. Someone may want to try out Mario on 2x for example. This keeps them playing, which will build up their skill playing new songs which will ultimately make them good enough to save up for the better songs to play.

The effects would not have to cost a lot of credits. Perhaps 50-100 or so. Maybe 200 for the more interesting ones like Tornado and Dark. You could go a tad extreme and go 200-500 for the new direction settings (diagonal/reverse/etc). There are many pricing possibilities.
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