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Old 04-17-2007, 01:47 PM   #1
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Okay, so far too often we get reports of bugs that we not only already know about, but that we've known about for years. So if you're going to report a bug, just make sure it's not on this list first, because if it is, we already know about it.

"Look at the high score list for (insert song)! There's a score higher than AAA!"
"Look, there's a person with 9 trillion points who has the #1 overall rank!"

Yes yes, this happens all the time. These are just silly little hackers who have nothing better to do than insert their name onto the top of some list for anywhere from 0-24 hours. Tass regularly checks the lists and purges all the clearly fake scores from them.

"I hit "try again" on the song Party 4U - HolyNightRemix V2 and the arrows go all slow and there's no music!"

We know about that. It's been that way since the song was released. Feel free to enjoy the renewed slowness of the arrows when you hit "try again", maybe it'll help you combo the file. Note: This ONLY applies to Party4U. If any other songs are repeatedly giving you slowed down arrows with no music, feel free to report it and do NOT play it slowed down.

"I figured out how to play the song that's in a "Not available" space, it's got all these yellow arrows in the beginning but then goes to 8ths, etc!"

That song isn't secret at all, it's Tetris Remix (a public file in the game). You get that whenever you somehow access one of the "Not available" slots.

"I pressed the Home key and a box appeared where I'm supposed to enter some kind of code!"

The code was "fotbb", and the box was used in a contest years ago. It unlocked the now-public song Flight of the Bumblebee, and doesn't do anything anymore.

All my songs are gone! Every SINGLE one says "Not available"!

You most likely have somehow gotten your credits into the negatives, which makes you unable to play anything since all songs have a credit requirement of at least 0. Just get a friend to give you however many credits you need (assuming you aren't TOO far into the negatives), or find some other way of getting yourself back into positive credits.

What does "Boost" in the Settings Menu do, and why can't I do anything with it?

It hasn't been implemented yet and doesn't do anything right now.

"I got to the end of a song, but it wouldn't end! I had to boo myself out!"
"I started a song, but no arrows would come up!

This is a common bug in Firefox, so try using Internet Explorer to play FFR instead. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. Regardless, we know about this one and don't have any real fix for it yet, so there isn't really any need to report it.

I finished a song, but it wouldn't record my score! It was my new personal record too =(

This happens sometimes for no particular reason. If you really want your score to get recorded, take a screenshot of it and post it in here, making sure to adhere to all the guidelines in the first post. If this is happening many times in a row on different songs, even though the rest of the site works fine, then feel free to report it.

Why did I get charged double for buying (insert Purchased song)?

Probably because you clicked on the button to buy it too many times. Never click on that button more than once, and you'll never be charged more than once per song.

There's a new level in Levelstats with a blank name, or no name, or a weird name like "?????"! Is this going to be a new song later?

Most likely no. Anything with a name like that is almost certainly just some kind of testing song and will never be released for the public. If a song is going to be released for the public, we'll almost always name it whatever it's supposed to be named when we release it.

I sent/received a challenge, but the date on it was 1969, the score was impossible, the stats screen afterward is messed up, etc etc"

The dates and stats on the challenge system are very buggy. The challenge system is still being reworked--it's not that high a priority, however, so don't expect much. Use MP if you really want to go head to head against someone.

That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to report any bug you come across that isn't covered here.
4th Official FFR Tournament - Master division champion!

Originally Posted by Boogiebear
use ur bain. Itz there for a reason.

Last edited by Shashakiro; 06-24-2008 at 11:45 PM..
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