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Old 04-9-2007, 10:24 PM   #23
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Default Re: Homosexual Marriage

Originally Posted by slipstrike0159 View Post
First of all, the churches would go crazy and i could only assume they would become more homophobic and vocally opposed to homosexuality than they are now. Needless to say, its not a good thing to pick a fight with religion seeing as how that has caused many wars in the past so its probably not the best idea to hint that an attack is being made on any one of them.
This is exactly the controversy over the topic. Isn't the government supposed to separate church and state? If a religious institution is going to sway opinions and views on a bill, that is already violating this philosophy.

Originally Posted by
Also, with a new bill like this being passed i could see a great rise in the abuse of marriage benefits. You can see today that people are getting married and divorced left and right and approving of this would only let those numbers rise. I will even go as far as saying that some people would get married purely for the benefits of divorce, which happens a lot too. Imagine if you will that someone decides they need some money so they head down to a gay bar, pretend to be gay and get into a relationship with someone, then they marry and divorce. I dont think it would be right in this case to grant the first person the assets and benefits that comes from both the marriage and divorce just because he wants to abuse the system.
A rise in the abuse of marriage benefits? As chaz said, this is implying that all marriages should be deemed illegal. The rise in divorce rates are due to people marrying out of love instead of status, like it was in the past. I'm not saying that we shouldn't marry for love, I"m saying that the majority of the younger generation rushes to marriage because "OH I LOVE THIS WOMAN/MAN" and it really isn't a sign of compatibility.

My view on gay marriage should be obvious. I am a homosexual, and as such, I will have a huge personal bias on the subject. I am also Buddhist, which gives me another bias as well. I just can't see how gay marriage is even a huge issue because it is so insignificant compared to many other problems in the country. By restricting marriage to only heterosexual couples, it just creates a second-class group and I just feel it is a bit... condemning. Not giving someone the right to a union of two people is a bit unfair. Sure, in the Bible it says that marriage is between man and woman and the purpose is to procreate. What about those couples who do not choose to have children? Also, it isn't like gay couples don't raise children, many adopt children of their own to raise.

I guess it is just hard for me to be empathetic and view this problem from the other side because of all the personal bias I have. My thoughts are really jumbled at the moment because it's Spring Break and I haven't really done anything intellectually stimulating in a while. So excuse my random jumps in logic heh.

pyro31191: rofl
pyro31191: You should tell them earlier though
pyro31191: so they can buy dildos instead of fleshlights
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