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Old 04-9-2007, 03:33 AM   #5
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Default Re: Homosexual Marriage

Originally Posted by GuidoHunter View Post
Wrong. You're completely missing the issue if this is what you think could happen.

So people can't have everlasting love without government recognition?

When I get married under the eyes of God I'll be married. Signing papers is a mere formality.

Yeah we do. Last I checked we prevented others from having slaves and stabbing each other.

I'm quoting this to highlight the fact that your poor grammar is severely hindering your ability to make a point. What, praytell, is my "right to the constitution"?

Actually, there are a lot of questions about that, some of which I detailed in the OP of the other thread from which the above quote came.

Most states don't allow gay marriages.

Signing papers is only a formality I agree.

We prevented others from having slaves because thats invading THIER right to the constitution and the rights of freedom.

Sorry for having bad grammer, i'm not as blessed as some of you. I could just type out in my own language if ya want and have you guys try to translate it to english. Its not as easy as it seems.

There is no question if marriages should be allowed or not by homosexuals. You're removing rights of homosexuals of getting married. Why aren't homosexuals allowed to get married? Its thier choice, not yours. Don't like gay marriages? Don't marry one.
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