Thread: Windows Vista
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Old 03-6-2007, 01:24 PM   #51
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Default Re: Windows Vista

Digital, I'm not trying to start an argument, just saying that Vista is a bad OS and it shouldn't be put in "all" computers that are being produced. I am only 15, yes but I've been building and selling computers for years (me and my friend's ebay store -, so I do have a bit more knowledge then you would expect.

From what I've seen, any pre-built PC would cost more then $699 to even meet the minimums for Vista, and why would you spend $699 to meet the minimum for an OS when you can spend $699 and get recomended for XP?

And I wouldnt go as far as to say Vista is "a user friendly OS", seeing as you have to approve or deny almost every action/process...

Also, I'm with Tibs. Download the skins... The main improvments I see in Vista are the skins and the visual Alt+Tab. They are extraneous, but they look nice. (I have OSX skins on my XP desktop )

Vista FTL. End of story. Use 98, 2000, or XP.
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