Thread: Windows Vista
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Old 03-6-2007, 09:34 AM   #44
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Default Re: Windows Vista

Fortunately I see you're only 15 and you obviously haven't done your research on the matter before you've attempted to argue with someone who knows that there are Vista-Installed PCs selling as low as 599$. ****, there are even PACKAGES with those said PCs that sell for 699$ and includes the whole ****ing shabang. (Monitor and Printer included.)

Vista is terrible. Even if your Best Buy does carry all Vista PC's, that is a terrible mistake. Still a buggy operating system, with so many useless features that just suck up ram and kill your processor. Please. You may want to use some terrible operating with almost no useful/good updates, but I'll just stick with my 95, 2000, and XP.
Whoa I thought you were starting an argument? Rofl, you preach the words that everyone in my team has been saying for the past year.

Also, I believe ALL retailers that sell new PCs, sell them with Vista Pre-installed. It was a move made by the manufacturers, not the vendor themselves. Such is the price one must pay for an user-friendly OS.

Last edited by DiGiTaLSeraph; 03-6-2007 at 09:43 AM..
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