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Old 02-27-2007, 10:52 PM   #145
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Default Re: A big problem for Evolution?

I know it was a while back and talisman said he wouldn't come back, but: There is evidence for a flood IIRC. Pretty much every culture around the world (that was around at the time, at least) has a flood story. The story is basically the same, with a bunch of bad people and one worthy guy (and usually his family) surviving by building a boat. It's an event that most likely happened. The story is at least based in truth, but each version of it has its different points depending on the religion and culture of the writer.

Just wanna say this: I hate when people quote tiny parts of the bible (or any big thing). It's very easy to find things out of context and make them seem ridiculous. Some fanatics find small passages that they feel says they should hate hate blacks or launch crusades against all non-Christians and pervert the overall message of the Bible, which is an especially contradicting thing. You can disregard a huge portion of the old testament cuz Jesus comes in and says to ignore the old rules because "lol I'm Jesus!", basically.

I mean, I could go quote the part in Songs of Solomon where he talks about how his wife's breasts are like two galloping gazelle and her teeth are like a flock of sheep, but what's that gonna prove in a debate about evolution? Nothing. Hey let's make a thread about the presidency and then go argue against him by finding every retarded law in the books and ignore any story it may have behind it. WOW REALLY MEN CAN'T WEAR PINK DRESSES ON SUNDAYS IN SOME STATE OR THEY GET THE DEATH PENALTY? WOW THIS IS RIDICULOUS! It's pointless.

Anywho, I think that one kid had a similar point as mine that I posted way earlier, but he's trying to argue it as fact when this whole thing is a big opinion-fest. I said it earlier, but basically, either the universe has existed forever or something/somebody made it. Science says the later isn't possible, but if you ask me, it's easier to believe that a supreme being has existed forever than for some ball of matter to have existed forever. That's about the most logic I can put behind theism, but it works for me.

Because really, as I said before, science has no explaination for the creation of the universe. Formation of things and life on earth, yeah, we have ideas, but aside from "it's always been here" there's no explaination as to how things got here. And for me, "it's always been here" just doesn't cut it.
So I've gone completely slack-ass and haven't done any work on creating games. =(

In less-depressing news, I got a job for an online business (which sells non-electronic games, of all things!) which has taught me a lot about marketing online and all that jazz.

So now I'm on Twitter @NoahWright.
And I write the blog for their website.

Plus I do cool programming in-house that you'll never see. =O
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