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Old 02-18-2007, 05:17 PM   #1
FFR Player
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Default ||-The MMO Guide-||

This is a guide I made just now; It's for people who aren't sure if they should download that RPG. Sometimes Videos and Pictures aren't enough. That's where the wonderful guide system comes in! By the way. Try maplestory and runescape. Because I am suprised there are 2 Million people on Maplestory even though it sucks. Same for runescape.
Have fun!!
I don't cover every RPG...Only the ones I've played.
|||||||||||||||THESE ARE MY OPINIONS||||||||||||||||||

Poor 2D interface/graphics. Last boss has 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999HP.
Easily hackable. You need to get to level 10 to get a job then level to advance then bla bla bla equip a sword and a ring and a necklace then play a gay little card game then all the monsters faces look exactly the same.
My defense of MapleStory:

Yes, it does suck, but for none of the reasons you said.

It sucks because the GMs aren't hard enough on hackers and the economy makes it impossible for a new player to get anything decent unless they're really lucky and get it from drop, buy mesos illegally, hack, or get a decent foothold with some capital and start "playing the market" (ie make profit from nothing by buying low from people who don't know what their stuff is worth, then turning around and selling for more than it's worth to others that don't know what it's worth). Aside from that, the only terrible thing is how long it takes to level at higher levels, and that's bearable as long as you don't want to just sit down and grind for 10 hours every day.

The things that you mentioned as negatives are positives in my opinion. I love the 2D art, and the interface is fantastic. I like the idea that bosses have tons of HP, so that certain classes can't just walk in and kill them in one hit. I love the job system. It opens the door for people to make alterations to their pathway as they go (in some cases anyway) and it is an effective way to unlock portions of your skillbook over time. Also: it allows for perma-beginners and I just really like the idea of being able to do that if I want.

ps there are tons of faces... that would be like saying anyone who plays WoW is the same faces. It's simply not true. As for monsters... they reuse and edit some sprites for related monsters (eg pigs, ribbon pigs, iron pigs, wild boar, fire boar, iron boar), but there is a wide variety of monsters, even if there are similar monsters. Actually using similar monsters gives the game a connected feel. If every monster were totally different than any other monsters, it would feel really random.

No comment, or maybe a row of asterisks would describe my feelings of hate when I think of this washed up clay made RPG. If I crapped myself, put it in the freezer. Waited a day, took it out and made a sword and a player with it, it would equal this apitamy of RPG'S.

I guess it's ok, a bit repetative, not so big-a-map. Lots to do, a bit confusing at times but a good "Guide/Sensei function" for newbies.
A good time passer.

Dofus !!!!!!!!RECOMMENDED!!!!!!!!!!:
A beautifully rendered 2D RPG. Not alot of servers (European) but hey, it lacks server space but makes up for it in gameplay. Imagine Disgaea crossed with...Lets say...Final fantasy tactics. It's really good. Also has a PK/PVP system and a PK Rating system were you can have Good (Bonta) wings or Bad (Brakmarian/Brak) wings.

Again, a bit repetative but nice, lots of skills that are upgradable. They don't all look the same. E.G: Ice I would look like a piece of ice falling onto the target. However; Ice IV (4) Would be A Glacier of ice covering multiple targets for effective damage to groupies. Also has a nice PVP system.

Not a very PRO:FPS like Counter strike or anything. It's the best Third-Person-Shooter (Free TPS) out there and has a levelling/quest system too. A bit bad but a bit good. There's good and bad in everything remember ...Except runescape...(Mumbles in head: Frikkin ghey rpg)

A nice tactical rpg, worms with machines and specials. Has a good engine and physics system. I don't really have much more to say but that. Think of Worms.Also has very very good Graphics.

3D Rpg with a nice battle system and equip/item system. I love the special features, like the fly option which comes to mid-level players. Really colourful and fun. (In UK we spell Color = Colour.)

Flying, 3D, Guns. Cool Pilot mode and Fly mode. It's really fun flying through the caves shooting the targets in one of the quests. I enjoyed playing it.

Not like other korean rpgs transformed into english ones, you know. Those same repetative (I use that word too much) Rpg's that have a tiny bit of difference. Meh! Try it out! It's fun.

Another failed korean rpg has a good interface and nice graphics but just doesn't do it. It just doesn't have THE feeling. If you get what I mean. I starrted playing and got to level 6. All I was fighting for like 2 hours were Bobcats and Toads. I couldn't jump onto Wolves which are the next enemy because they were too high-a-level. It was really really repetative and was getting boring...I hastily Alt+F4'd this biatch and tune-up-shredded it in the recycling bin. The quests SUCK ass and the spells are confusing to use. You have to do a quest and it doesn't tell you were you have to go. Then train it and doesn't tell you jack about that either, it's just a messed up game. Oh; It's 3D.


You Gonna Get Raped!
I hate those gay poké/digifag adoptables.
Lol 100 posts in about 2 days.

Last edited by Yuruka; 02-26-2007 at 04:34 PM..
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