Thread: Drugs
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Old 01-25-2007, 05:04 PM   #20
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Default Re: Drugs

Originally Posted by xjohnieboyx View Post
I think drugs are worse, seeing as I can drink night after night, but I would never do drugs night after night. I don't really know how to put it into words, but drugs seem more extreme to me than alcohol.
You're right. Alcohol is far better. After all, if it were worse for you than drugs, it wouldn't be legal, right?

After all, only under 100,000 people die every year from alcohol poisoning, and another 40,000 die from drunk driving. Never mind that weed has yet to kill a single person for any reason in the history of mankind. Pay no attention to the ~10,000 deaths attributed yearly to all other illegal drugs combined, less than a tenth of what alcohol kills. Ignore the fact that alcohol causes serious and irreparable damage to your liver, stomach, and brain, whereas weed causes no permanent damage whatsoever. In fact, used occasionally and carefully, very few drugs cause any permanent damage. Alcohol is one of the only drugs to cause permanent damage.

But hey, you're right - why would it be legal if it was bad for you?

It's not like the government lets you smoke tobacco legally or anything, since that doesn't kill something like 400,000 people a year, either.
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