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Old 01-1-2007, 10:39 AM   #1107
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Default Re: The Wii is Here.

My Wii has crashed once or twice. Only because I left it on pause for like 8 hours. Literally 8 hours. Silly thing to do.

In other news I got Call of Duty 3. Good game. I was a little sceptical about FPS on the Wii after Red Steel, then willing to give FPS another shot after seeing how well shooting bits on Zelda were. Call of Duty 3 is really good. No jip with the controls. Really responsive. Also. The game puts the controls to very good use. Sometimes, a Nazi will be all up in your face and take you into close quarters battle. To wrestle him you got to do sort of punching movements to wrestle him down. Then quickly hold the Wiimote and nunchuk like a rifle and make a gun butting motion. Really clever. Also, when planting explosives you push forward with the nunchuk to plant it, circle the nunchuk to twist the fuse in and then pull the nunchuk away to trigger the timer. So far I've had to motion rowing (I was in a boat lol), simulate driving (by holding the nunchuk and Wiimote like a steering wheel), Wrestle a guys (as mentioned), pull myself up off an edge cliff (hold controllers up and pull down, like climbing as cliff lol) and work a crane, which involved a lot of motions.

All in all a good game. Graphics are very decent. Gamplay is superb and the story is great. Very cinematic and very exhilarating.
Originally Posted by Tibs
I love you, you Welsh ****
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