Thread: bf/gf
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Old 12-29-2006, 01:03 PM   #12
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Default Re: bf/gf

Originally Posted by Phsyco45 View Post
Ya no, its great getting the person u like or love to go out wit u. Right?
But what happens when u start fighting, when u see some1 that might be hotter or smarter then the 1 u love? What happens when u stop seeing ur bf or gf 4 a while? And finally what happens when u break up and no 1 else loves u the way u where once loved be4? If somethin like dis happened 2 u posta reply or come talk 2 me cuz I've been through dis and it hurts. seriously.....


'Ya no, its great getting the person like or love to go out wit u. Right?'
-[You] [know], it[']s great getting the person you like, or love, to go out wit[h] [you], right?

'But what happens when u start fighting, when u see some1 that might be hotter or smarter then the 1 u love?'

'[don't start sentences with 'but'] What happens when [you] start fighting [or] when [you] see some[one] that [might?] be hotter or smarter th[a]n the [one] [you] love?'

Alright. When you start fighting, well, all couples fight to some extent. All people fight. Is it worth it?

And if you're easily distracted by someone who 'might' be hotter or smarter...well, I don't know what to tell you. Your boy must be some mutilated retard.

to continue...

'What happens when u stop seeing ur bf or gf 4 a while? And finally what happens when u break up and no 1 else loves u the way u where once loved be4?'

'What (NICE CAPITALIZATION! looks like you have the DOWN!) happens when [you] stop seeing [your] [boyfriend] or [girlfriend] [for] a while? [Don't start sentences with 'and'.] Finally[,] what happens when [you] break u[ and no [one] else loves [you] the way [you] were onced loved [before]?'

When you stop seeing someone for awhile...Go see them. Jesus christ. What are you talking about?
If you break up, you break up. Maybe you shouldn't have been scouting out all of those potentially hotter and smarter people, right?
I promise, u wil b loved agan 1day.

If somethin like dis happened 2 u posta reply or come talk 2 me cuz I've been through dis and it hurts. seriously....

'If somethin[g] like [this] happened [to] [you] post[ ]a reply or come talk [to] me [because] I've been through [this] and it hurts. Seriously[...]

I don't think any of us have been through anything this serious. Good luck!
jwcgator: mah mee mee
merlonifan28: fight for my love, mamimi
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