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Old 12-25-2006, 11:18 PM   #10
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Default Re: PS3 is dead (IMO)

Originally Posted by Chromer View Post
I love how people have started acting like the PS3 died like the Dreamcast when it's only been more than a month since it's been released. Also, you got your information from Gamefaqs. Seriously, what idiot takes Gamefaqs to face anymore?
I don't see why anyone would compare the PS3's lack of success at launch to the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast was pretty successful at launch, and it did fairly well until the PS2 came and destroyed it. The PS3 is just lacking any notable launch games (Resistance: Fall of Man aside), and the console is glitchy right now, just as other recent console launches with sizable hardware advancements.

The rumor of MGS4 being ported to the 360 (note: it would be at a later date than its release on the PS3) has been spread to much wider bounds than just GameFAQs. Should this rumor be true, the future for the PS3 seems pretty bleak.
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