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Synthlight 12-8-2002 09:29 AM

Please place all your feature requests for the upcomming Remix #2 in this thread. As this forum is growing quickly it will be hard for me to track down every request in the forum and this will be the central area we will take from for feature requests.

*Please keep conversation to a minimum so that this area is not cluttered. We may remove conversation to keep it clean in here

*Please do not say "Make X feature more like DDR". FFR is not DDR

*Take the time to fully explain your ideas so that we have no doubt what you are talking about. For instance "I don't like the arrows" probably won't be all that helpful

*I will most likely not post responses or chat within this topic.




Jaims 12-8-2002 02:17 PM

I would love to see more subsections within each genre. Like, you have a trance song, rave song, etc. Lets make those the names of the sections, instead of just "Dance". Also, a grading system based on your score (this has been mentioned b4) and I'd like to ask you to fix one thing: lets say your loading a song; if you accidently put your cursor over another song, and the info screen for that song appears, whatever song you were just loading at the time stops. Could you fix this? Hope my input helps, thanx for your continuing work.

jewpinthethird 12-8-2002 08:28 PM

My Song! WEEEE! :wink:

Esparno 12-8-2002 09:05 PM

My suggestion is that when someone gets a high score they input their name as normal but if the name is already up there they just change it to the higher one. This way there wont be millions of the same name and regular people would be able to get on it.

Esparno 12-9-2002 01:10 PM

I dont take credit for this, but he just refuses to actually post it here, so i will:


Originally Posted by Vincent_Valentine
I've been doing the Final Fantasy 7 battle for awhile now, and i can't pull it off because i can't figure out the button presses fast enough. What i'd like is to have a mode where i can either....

A) Simply watch the arrows and listen to the song.

B) Not have my misses counted, so that i can go through the song and try to learn the buttons.

C) Have no music and scrolling, and just learn button patterns by pressing them in the order the game gives you, but with no time limit to press them in.

I have rhythm, i just don't have the ability to read 8 buttons at one time, then press them, then -try- to get them in sync. :wink:

nestlekwik 12-11-2002 02:09 PM

Have you considered the possibilities of having nonstops or challenge songs in #2?
DJ KANKAOH and I can easily use our programs to make like a 4-minute mix of three different songs. It would also be nice to get some sort of secret song or such by getting a good accomplishment on a certain song. Maybe if you had a few harder songs on #2, you could get a password by beating a certain score, you can put the password in on the title screen, and a secret song pops up. What do you think about these ideas?

KungFuDude 12-11-2002 03:38 PM

The ultimate Flash music video
While I can understand why it isn't around at the moment, I think many of us KNOW what song, along with its video, should be there.

That's right. All Your Base.

I mean, really. It's got a catchy rhythm, a good beat, and is already a flash video. You'd just have to paste the arrows on to there and you'd have an instant hit.

The only problem I'd see with it is getting permission from The Laziest Men on Mars and Bad_CRC to feature it, but I'm sure they probably wouldn't mind, seeing as they're video has been pimped out so much already.

Also, some of the animutations on Newgrounds have some catchy dance beats, such as Suzukisan and Wakufuchita. Heck, there's even "We Drink Ritalin," an animutation done to the song "Hot Limit" with Hitler, Alex Chiu, and bizarre interpretations of the lyrics.

Oh, and let's not forget Irrational Exuberance, the Yatta video.

So how about it? Would it be easy to do?

nestlekwik 12-11-2002 05:22 PM

Maybe you could set up a time to gather everyone in the chat room and discuss the new FFR? You could get mega-ideas then, that and every time I check the real-time chat no one's in it :? We could get some use out of it.

Esparno 12-11-2002 09:06 PM

I got the idea for a tutorial that is played like a song, and in said song you listen to the person talking and then play the beats that the person "sends". And there would be seperate tutorials, like one for the <,V,^,> and such. Take this idea and run with it,

jewpinthethird 12-12-2002 06:44 PM

Yatta is by Happa-tai, and All Your Base belong To Us is by The Laziest Men on Mars and both the videos can be found at www.mit.edu/people/patil/yatta.html.

Happa-tai might me hard to contact...same with TLMOM(if they even are alive).

Chakan2 12-12-2002 07:12 PM

One stupid little suggestion:

Can we get the song title on the scorecard at the end. Me and my buddies are passing screenshots back and forth so we don't know who's cheating...=)

Chakan2 12-12-2002 07:18 PM

Also...I heard it mentioned before somewhere on the site, but how long until we can re-map keyboard buttons, and (more importantly) start using other devices. Not necisarrly USB, but serial would be nice so you can sodder an old nintendo power pad, or a DDR pad.

cl0ud 12-12-2002 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by cl0ud stupidly
a whole reel of songs from final fantasy 7!!!! yeah!

i put it in another post, oops

nestlekwik 12-12-2002 08:56 PM

Chakan2: I'm trying to work on a results screen layout to propose to Synthlight. The results screen I have in mind for #2 will include the song title, a grade from 1-10 stars with an announcer-type comment along with the standard perfect, good, average and miss results. Then the screenshots will "tell the truth."

Masamax 12-13-2002 09:40 PM

I know someone already suggested this, but you could probably devide the Dance section up fairly easily. Catagories of Dance, and maybe even an Industrial group or two in there? (NIN, KMFDM, Rammstien, Ohgr, Zeromancer etc).

Dracil 12-15-2002 04:33 AM

How 'bout some Anime songs?

87x 12-16-2002 04:36 PM

Not sure.......
Ive seen other places, which i think would really be cool, for those of us who have the faster connections have like and online battle against each other, like a versus mode, or something a long that sort, or just send out formal challanges, then one of you plays the song and it sends that info to te person you challanged, then when they get on it'll show up as they have a new message, where they can acceptor decline the challange, and and side note off that, we could could have a rating system to go along with it, like you get 3 points for every win and 2 points taken for every loss...... just osme ideas


Chakan2 12-16-2002 04:59 PM

One more thing. Can we shorten songs...jesus...3 minutes is a marathon. I would like to see more 1 - 1.5 minute songs, but make them harder. If we actually do get to use a dance pad with this I'm going to have to give up smoking.

Chakan2 12-16-2002 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by nestlekwik
Chakan2: I'm trying to work on a results screen layout to propose to Synthlight. The results screen I have in mind for #2 will include the song title, a grade from 1-10 stars with an announcer-type comment along with the standard perfect, good, average and miss results. Then the screenshots will "tell the truth."

Cool, Thanx.

So to expand on that. How hard would it be to report all that to the high scores section? That way we know just how well the top score did (in terms of perfects, goods, etc...)

nestlekwik 12-16-2002 06:26 PM

I believe Synth was working on creating multiple tables to rank players according to score, max combo, perfects and whatever else, so there would be multiple high score tables.

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