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blahblah18 02-11-2005 06:09 PM

good game, I'm confused why alain and cypher didn't kill eyespew earlier... will one of you guys explain it to me??

CypherToorima 02-11-2005 06:15 PM

That is actually a very good question. I think our first priority was to kill guido because he was the only other person to know that eyespew was the seer. Sadly, our first attempt failed. Alas, by process of elemination, we found out that whorli was the guardian. So we made it through another day and killed her that night. Then we made it through another day and killed guido that night. Alas, I brought my own demise. If I had only not spoken to eyespew, outcomes might have been different. Oh well. I nominate Alain as MVP because he threw all suspision off me till the very end.

Oh yeah, vote for me because you know it will be awesome. 3 teams, only one will be victorious. It won't have some lame theme either. Anyways, I'll save my campaign speech for later.

So close...

Tps222 02-11-2005 06:17 PM

Ok, I have seen a lot of conversations of me playing horrible, and I agree, but I will try and explain what I did.
First, I'm taking the wolves loss soley on my shoulder. If I didn't die night one, who knows what would have happened.

-Day1- Ok, stretchy was a good wolfing for obvious connections with Guido. It looked like there was no way he could have done it, but then people started over-analyzing the situation and began to come out with triple endless chains of revers pyschology; perfect. I decided to go with a random vote, though it wasn't very random. I voted Roopert for the sole purpose of him talking. He is very quiet, and wanting people to communicate looks very human. Then, Whorli jumped on my back for my random voting. Tried to explain. Then, the post that killed me.

He is probably working, many people have lives outside this game, and he could be busy, but he might be a good night one lynching, so we can minimize our losses.(if he is human of course).

Bad wording in my case. What I meant was that usually you vote off a human day 1. That is what the probability is. So, under the assumption that we were going to lynch a human, I wanted to make sure who we voted was inactive, not doing us much harm. The last line of sentance was meant to mean, unless he is a wolf, that would be a plus. There wasn't much talking going on, or anything important at least. The forums were garbage,and the chat was stupid; people talking in spanish and shit, nothing important. So, I was trying to do something to help us, other then random voting. Well, Kefit voted for me, then

Mead: Tps, another problem with the "damage control" lynching is this: One of the main things you can catch a wolf on is by how they vote. If the humans voted for Kilga/Kefit, the wolves would bandwagon, then we would be exactley where we are today, only one less human (assuming they are human). There is no good reason to purposefully lynch someone whose only crime was inactivity, and whom we have no evidence against. You are a player with more veterency than I, and I know you would see this. Therefor, my vote goes to Tps222*.

Bull, no wolf would EVER, EVER bandwagon on day, esepcially on no evidence other then damage control. No, we wouldn't be were we were on day one. All the sp roles would have made their picks, and there would be another wolfing to go off of. Also, if we voted off someone active, then we would be worse off the next day, that would just leave innactive players left, not much discussing going on then would their. Why keep someone who isn't contributing for another day. It would be better for everyone to, as a last chance desperation vote, to vote off someone innactive. I never said it meant wolfishness, inactibity, I said it would be nice to get one. So, if there wasn't too much evidence to go off of, and we wanted to make a smart decision, kill an innactive player. If they were an sp role, o well, they weren't helping the humans anyways. I was acting a bit defensive, so that might have looked suspicious.

Jursey said: Ugh, sorry. It didn't stand out to me because it wasn't an excel screenshot. But i'm going to vote for Tps222 because he's making himself look suspicious, and if he is a human, it's his fault for being an idiot and acting like he isn't one.

Ok, that was stupid. She didn't explain her vote, with her suspicions not stated. Then she called me an idiot, again, no stated reasons. Wait, didn't you request a voting chart after whorli just posted one. Nice, great job at paying attention to detail, yet, you payed close enough to be able to call me an idiot, for just trying to solve the day one randomness; though some people did go after Jurs on this one. So far I have 3 votes. 2 from newbs to the actual TWG game, and one from kefit, because he has to leave. Sounds like my inmactivity statement with a side order of comeback vote.

Alain constantly had to explain my posts to jursey, which was extremely annoying. Then, she understood my statement and took her vote off me.

This makes me laugh
Eyes said: Im gonna have to vote for kefit. His severe inactivity is bad enough to not just be the result of work.
but he might be a good night one lynching, so we can minimize our losses.(if he is human of course)

My sane exact strategy, except he didn't get nearly as much criticsim as i did. Just a few posts from kilga. WTH.
Guido votes me, and ties me back with jursey. Nothing much to say about that.

Then the part that I think killed me. Alain suggested that by the end of the day, we all come to an agreement on who to vote. So I went along with it. Jursey was under extreme scrutiny, and all votes were going to her, at one point it the vote count was 7; then aim crashed and kicked off half the chat. Everyone went to the IRC channell, which I could not get, because of a virus, and had their discussions their. Apparently, Jurs made some huge speech that started to change some people's minds. Too bad I couldn't defend myself. So I went on the plan of everyone voting the same person,and voted Jurs, after she voted herself. I said she wasn't playing very intelligently, and voted herself, which is no good to us.

Afro said:Honestly, I have no belief that you're a wolf. Actually, I'm far more suspicious of jurs. Her posts seem to be the wild graspings of a wolf who is about to die.
Sorry people, I forgot to bold my vote before. Jursey.

Wow, that is so much more detailed then my explanation. No one jumps on him, then, I vote right after him
How is that fun, you have no clue what you are talking about, you don't know the rules too well, and now you are giving up, you are forcing me to change my vote to you. Jurs
THere about the same, and one vote apart, not counting Jursey's. I had no chance to defend myself, it being late and all, and there was a quick vote swing. I was screwed, everyone was in IRC, and there was only 25 mins left.

Alain said: He just completely voted her for no reason. At all. She is acting human by not caring about the game, she clearly has nobody telling her not to vote herself, or not to not give up for the wolf team, and you dare give the wolves a free lynching? That is retarded. You are working for the wolves whether you mean to or not. Either way, GTFO now TPS.

What do you mean, a free lynching, she had 7 on her, and she voted herself, but my vote gives a free lynching, come on.
Hans said:I really want to back off Jurs, those of you in chat know my reasoning. But it seems useless at this point.
Again, that damned IRC chatroom.

Jurs said Where's TPS's evidence on me? My "misinformation" like buttfly says? Even though on my point of view, it wasn't misinformation. Why are you bandwaggoning all of a sudden? To save yourself, and give the wolves a plus? TPS

Save mysel from what, you had 7 votes, and you misinterpreted the rules about the devil, misinformation, you didn't pay close enough attention to posts, your reasoning sucked, you didn't contribute to the chat at all, just got it sidetracked, and couldn't understand my phantom vote thing. Misinformation

Guido said: Tps's defense seemed rather calculated to me. Maybe he had some help from a couple other players? I haven't seen him play much, but nor have I seen him post like he has been.
Actually that is what hurt me, I didn't communicate with EB and Cypher enough. Funny.

Well, that's all I have. I regret voting Jurs, hence their being no reason. I guess I can't assume. Sorry If I offened anyone with my reasoning, it was not intended, all this from the games perspective. Lastly, a word of advice. Don't assume, because it makes an a$$ outta you and me.

Also, Props to Cypher for lasting as long as he did unsuspcious. GG humans

lightdarkness 02-11-2005 06:22 PM

I wanted to play :'(

I was rooting for Alain and Cypher!

Tps222 02-11-2005 06:31 PM

Another Avatar Ld. 3rd this week

evilbutterfly 02-11-2005 06:34 PM

From the beginning of the game I expressed fears that I would be seered very quickly. With Tass, LD, Chardish, and blah not in this game, I was right on up there at the top. Of course, the top players always get seered first, so I was pretty sure I'd get seered. I was right.

Alain got seered Night 1 (since he's obviously better than me) and eyespew contacted him. Day 2, I was seered, and Alain got told about it. Alain, being the devil, contacted me. I knew either I'd trust him and win or trust him and get lynched, so I figured I'd might as well trust him. I didn't, however, tell him that Cypher was the 3rd wolf, just in case he was lying. I did, however, tell Cypher that eyespew was the seer and that alain was the devil...according to alain.

Now for the part I really hate: I DIE. I blame this on the day ending at noon. People were fairly convinced I was human. I had a few lingering suspicions, but I ALWAYS have a few lingering suspicions. All my defense about missing Infiltration wasn't pure BS to save myself, it was the honest truth. I wasn't putting my all into this game because it's so much less involved and I missed the more strategic Inf game. When I played Inf I tried to put myself in the wolves shoes and figure out what I would do as them in order to predict their moves. Thus, in this game I did the opposite, acting just as I would if I were human. If you compare me to my other games, I still defended just about everybody, made accusations based on people not responding to my accusations (which were stupid in the first place) and basically just brought up info but never did anything. I think the most wolfy thing I did was try to defend TPS somewhat, but I honestly would have voted Jurs if I was human. TPS didn't get the chance to defend himself in the chat, and Jurs showed clear ignorance of the rules of the game, which pissed me off enough to vote for her.

Anywho, I blame my death on the day ending at noon. However, the day ending at noon is kinda my fault. Day 2 didn't start for a long time because us wolves didn't send in a PM. I preferred to discuss wolfings with my fellow wolves, but Cypher has a habit of, well, being inactive. Me and him weren't on at the same times, so we didn't discuss and we didn't PM. blah finally got mad and asked me what took so long, so I just hurriedly looked at the list of people. I decided that ap was a decent choice, since his organization of the chat was critical in lynching TPS. After he died, the chat died, which killed almost all activity (which later left alain free to lead people around).

While I'm on the subject of wolfings: there was some amount of double reverse psychology in the choice for Night 1. I suggested it first, I'm pretty sure, so I think I had the most thought put into it. I figured we might be able to catch a newb saying "well Guido and Panda and well Guido is a wolf zomgosh" so that I could claim that the anti-Guido person was a wolf. I did say this to some degree, as I think one person (mead or matt, I dunno) kept saying they suspected Guido some. Also, I knew that her and Guido would instantly ally (which she tells me they did, plus she was a mason), so killing her would make a quick early alliance harder. I also discovered that her and Jurs are buddies, so that would further cripple things. Panda was like, the cornerstone of things, so we took her out to make things topple. aperson was the only person left that was getting people on the right track, so when we offed him that should have been game over.

But the day ended at noon. I was gone, Cypher was gone, lots of people were gone. That's one reason why there were so many phantoms. I really think ending it at noon was a bad idea. If I had been able to switch my vote for self-preservation and gotten Cypher or somebody to vote for somebody and whatnot I could have lived, very easily. Alain had contacted me and I believed him so I was gonna kill eyespew (since nobody else knew about him) but Cypher wasn't as sure, I suppose. That's why eyespew didn't die Night 3.

Instead, eyespew was free to seer Guido. We couldn't very well let Guido survive because he would tell on Alain, so Guido was killed...err not. Stupid guardian. From there we were pretty screwed. Really, I think the turning point for the humans was the day ending at noon. I'm not trying to lay all the blame on other people, but I really think that in the future the day should never end at that time. I feel that my death was entirely uncalled for. I'm sure people will now say "oh well I suspected you of being a wolf, you acted funny" now because it's over, but I honestly don't think I acted much different, other than defending TPS somewhat Day 1. Nobody even mentioned that, too, so I'm guessing it didn't really make me appear that wolfish.

And if you did find me wolfish, you probably always find me wolfish. Kinda like how Kilga always get heat because he's inactive. It's just how he is, not because he's a wolf.

lightdarkness 02-11-2005 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tps222
Another Avatar Ld. 3rd this week

I was testing a randomizing script, ignore it.

And yes, i'm very supprised cypher remained so unnoticed.

evilbutterfly 02-11-2005 06:49 PM

Cypher always remains unnoticed. He's always so inactive that people forget he's playing. I've heard that statement from several people in a couple different games. It's just how he is...

Tps222 02-11-2005 06:52 PM

No one is going to read my post, and it took an hour to write. :(

stretchypanda 02-11-2005 07:04 PM

eb, I know you probably don't realize it, but your behavior this game was DEFINITELY different than any other time you've played.

That's about all I have to say. You bastards killed me. =( I sort of forgot I'd even been part of this game.

Way to take out the masons in the first two kills.

CypherToorima 02-11-2005 07:30 PM

Anyways, I'll say it again. I know I wouldn't have gotten that far without the help of alain, and I am truly sorry I basically let both of us down. Eyespew is a trickster :p Bah, if only I hadn't opened my mouth. I'd like to apologize to alain for screwing up.
I feel I did pretty damn well

Afrobean 02-11-2005 07:43 PM

First of all, eb, I'm pretty sure you did carry yourself at least a little differently over AIM. Not necessarily wolfy, but just different. I just got a bit of a vibe from you.

K, so I was right about Alain. I don't know how I called that one right. I called Cypher right, too, but you all thought I needed to be lynched. Can anyone even tell me what made me so deserving of a lynch? And that's not including my early pushes for jurs. You all have to admit that she seemed like a wolf who didn't know what she was doing.

So, next time, people, please don't be so quick to jump on someone just because a few people seem to "think" I'm a wolf. Alain and Cypher (aka the devil and the last wolf) were the first to accuse me, but you all instantly agreed with them.

I know I'm ranting now, but I'm just mad that you all would jump on me without any decent evidence. I just wish at least someone would have been like "oh afro. that's a good point. cypher prolly is the last wolf. I'll vote him." But no, everyone voted on me for no reason. You bastards.

PS I read your post TPS. Seemed good, but I think you quoted me out of context.

PPS I don't like this Devil role. It really messed up the humans. Sure, we got the win, but alain seriously got us messed up.

EDIT: Since no one posted this yet here:
Roopert - MASON
Eyespew - SEER
Matt4444 - HUMAN
aperson - MASON
hans - PSYCHIC
whorli - GUARDIAN
Jurs - HUMAN
Alain - DEVIL
Guido - HUMAN
Kilga - HUMAN
Stretchy - MASON
Cypher- WOLF
Kefit - HUMAN
Afro - HUMAN
Mead - HUMAN

blahblah18 02-11-2005 08:16 PM

afro ... thats the whole point man, its supposed to screw up the humans, it was balanced by having both seer AND Masons... and the seer basically won the game, so you're saying you don't like it cuz it made it harder... that's like saying it'd be better if there were no wolves?

CypherToorima 02-11-2005 08:18 PM

That's the point of the devil, afrobean. If you were on the wolves side, you would adore him.
Why are you so pissed anyways? I mean, of course we were going to try and get you lynched. That's my job. Plus, Alain basically had everyone convinced of my human-hood. Just like how matt got voted because he was basically that last suspicion. Of course, when the game went on, I was the only one left. Jurs had been seer'd.

"I won 2 TWGs, k? but I should have won this last one, but those bastards lynched me. " Holy crap, cry me a river. You didn't play as well as you thought you did.

blahblah18 02-11-2005 08:33 PM


ElSoyokaze: AWESOME TWG, man. I had so much fun.
mastr414: glad you enjoyed it
ElSoyokaze: You've reinstilled faith in regular TWGs in me.
mastr414: I"m glad to have obliged

alainbryden 02-11-2005 08:39 PM

Yes I did, afrobean, and don't blame it on the devil role.

I put more thought and effort into this game than any every before. I lived and breathed lies every minute I was on aim. I talked to eyespew consistently throughout the game, on and off topic, and I talked to Guido frequently after seeing him.

I don't want to make this long, because people will not read it. No one has properly summarised the game, allthough no one but blah really knows everything that went on as well as I do. I had to lie to everyone I talked to at one point or another.

Stretchy (Mason) - Wolfed
TPS (Wolf) - Lynched
aperson (Mason) - Wolfed
roopert (Mason) - Quit
Evilbutterfly (Wolf) - Lynched
HansSky (Psychich) - Wolfed
Kilgamayan (Human) - Lynched
Afrobean (Human) - Lynched
Whorlichan (Guardian) - Wolfed
Matthew4444(Human) - Instalynched
GuidoHunter (Human) - Wolfed
CypherToorima(Wolf) - Instalynched

Winners: Mead1, Kefit, Eyespewgreekfire, JurseyRider
Lost by default: alainbryden

TPS - Your strategy was all too good. As the Devil, I had to try to identify the wolves, just like any other human, but then I had to save them. You are 100% right. What you did is something that a wolf would never do, and that's why I led the lynch on towards you. Because of the way you acted, I saw it at exactly the level you wanted everyone else to see it. I thought you were a human acting retarded, and couldn't possibly be a wolf, so I got you lynched. It I had been a human, I would have saved you for the same reasons I got you lynched as a wolf. So you had a great Idea, and I'm sorry that I bought into thinking you were human all too well.

Evilbutterfy - It is a terrible shame you got lynched. All the right people were in the wrong place when the voting closed. My plan to make you look innocent, allthough seem disconnected from you should eyespew announce what he saw, would have worked fine. I had convinced eyespew that we should let EB live a day, while we gained trust from other humans so that they didn't think we were the wolves. Alas, EB got lynched when I hadn't intended him too. This was the first butchering of my game plan.

Eyespew - I want to thankyou for your undying trust in me. I collected all the conversations when you said you trusted me 100%. I have 3 of them. The reason I didn't kill you the whole game was because you were so easy to convince to do what I needed, and having the seer, whom everybody trusts, trust you completely, is a huge boost. Ironically, you won the game because the wolves found you so useful. I think it's funny that even after Cypher admitted to being a wolf (kinda a mistake on his part) you still thought that I was human, and that he had infact tricked me :P. Don't worry about it man, you won, who cares how you got there, right? Even thought the past week I've used you shamelessly, I think we're better buds for it :P

HansSky - You trusted me too. You never really got the chance to figure me out, but I'd like to think you wouldn't ;) I'm glad cypher killed you, that's exactly what I wanted. Without you to confirm what eyespew said, I could use that for ammo later to try and get him lynched. That never got off the ground, but that's another story. Either way, I never felt comfortable with having two special roles in contact, it was either him or you, and since evilbutterfly died, it had to be you. If he had lived it would have been eyespew. I enjoyed talking with you while you were in the game and see you next time.

JurseyRider - I have to mention you, just because I worked with you alot, and put alot of effort into defending you. If anyone is wondering why, well at first I thought Jursey might be a wolf, but even when knowing otherwise, I found her trustworth and thus useful, especially when I went for the unheard of instalynch 10 minutes into the day against Matthew. It's ironic that against the will of the majority of the humans, I as the devil kept you alive for the game win. Good game.

Afrobean - I'm surprised how easily everyone went for you as well, but you did have a somewhat distant disposition in the game, which is what influenced me to make you my next target for a fake lynching. If I had been human, though, I would have had room to defend you. You didn't mess up as bad as people say.

Whorlichan - You played the game great. Only reason we figured you out was because combined with my seeings, and the fact Guido told me that he was talking to the guardian, I made a list of all people and narrowed it down to you, mead, and matthew. Guido told me upfront he wasn't talking to mead. Matthew wasn't online. I told guido not to tell me who the guardian was, precisely so that when you died the following day, they wouldn't accuse me of being the one that leaked it to the wolves. It would have made it easier for me to lynch eyespew, had I had the time on the last day to do so.

At this point, the game was getting more and more constricted. The choices for what I could do were getting more and more constricted. My favorite point in the whole game was when I convinced everyone to vote off matthew4444 all at once. It was beautiful having so much power. I had 5 people, who were watching the game come to me and say "WTF DID YOU JUST DO??!?!" It was simply amazing. I practically vigilanted him out of the game.

GuidoHunter Oh man. It was a fun game eh? You know you had to die. I even hinted it to you in our conversations. You were next, you didn't have much hope. We had some good talkes, I had to save my ass after a few slip ups. I could sense you didn't have such complete faith in me as eyespew, so I was more careful, and really thought ahead of myself when talking to you. You played a good game, and if you had just been a little less quick to follow my lynch Matt idea, you could have figured cypher out and finished the game. My plan after you died was to setup eyespew, but I needed alot of time and thought to start this. Unfortunately, he gave himself away before I could set in motion my final masterplan for the win.

CypherToorima - The last one to go. Goodness gracious it was tight. We almost pulled through but eyespew got you to admit that you were the wolf before you knew what was going on. It's a shame, It was going to come down to whether everyone beleived eyespew or me. I think I could have pulled it off, but he made the first move against you, because I wasn't around, and sadly that was out demise. I think you played well, you kept a good quiet position in the game, and let me work behind the scenes and manipulate the rest of the game. You're best accomplishment was looking human - you did very well there. You made my job much easier. It was a pleasure working with you, and I lookforward to you hosting the next TWG.

The game is over. It was close. I should have been quicker to act, and then I might have pulled it off. Congradulations to this team for what I feel was the most interesting TWG ever. The devil idea was great (especially the idea to make me the devil) and we played the longest lasting TWG in FFR history so far. Good job to everyone, even those I didn't mention, and see you next game.

HansSky 02-11-2005 08:40 PM

First of all, Afro, I after that chat episode, I was convinced that she was human. There is no such thing as a wolf that doesn't know what he's doing. Because they ALWAYS GET HELP. They will always get help from their fellow, elite teammates. She wasn't getting any help. That's what I was trying to beat into your heads.

Oh, and there is a reason why I said nothing about my intuition this game. A few, actually. But the first is because my first and strongest intuition had nothing to do with a wolf. It was with a mason. I had an incredibly strong feeling that stretchy was a mason. The sense I try to make out of this, is that I needed to find some type of an alliance, because of my blue role. And when we were talking in the chat, "there must be at least one wolf in here, masons too, etc.". I had the strongest urge to IM her and say, "yeah, and I think one of the masons is you." But I didn't, and alas, she died. :-\

So, again, +1 intuition.

On a different subject, I think alain played amazingly well this game. He had me and eyespew duped from day 1. But he didn't really help himself by helping with the lynching of TWO WOLVES. I really was convinced he was human. Even when eyespew ended up pinning Cypher, ending the game, I told him alain was the devil. He was like WHAT?! Although, I think if somebody had an open mind about it, they would have been able to put the pieces together eventually. But regardless, fantastic playing, alain.

I want to end this with a suggestion. I suggest that we make sure that NOBODY plays a TWG without playing a jTWG beforehand. See: Matt and mead. They really were the typical noobs that played and made stupid decisions. I think we should enforce this, because by now, we will always have enough people to play a TWG.

CypherToorima 02-11-2005 08:48 PM

"Cypher admitted to being a wolf (kinda a mistake on his part)"
It wasn't just kind of a mistake. It was a huge mistake. Oh well, eyespew got the better of me, and that's all that matters in the end. This was quite possibly one of the funnest games I've played.

Kilgamayan 02-11-2005 08:49 PM












Okay, I'm done.

evilbutterfly 02-11-2005 08:49 PM

People say I acted different, and I know I did. Like I said, I didn't really care about this game, which is odd because I looked forward to being a wolf. Now I just want 40 days to go by so Chardish can come back and we can do Infiltration.

Oh and guys, please let me live past Day 2. Other than my 2 wins (I think it's 2...) and Infiltration, I have always died Day 2 or before. Why can't you guys let me stay alive? I don't do anything important when I'm around, so kill of the better people first :P.

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