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TWG Jade Harley 09-29-2017 07:41 AM

TWG CLXXII - Postgame


Originally Posted by Nice Reading Background

Jade called everyone to the center of the room after she killed Hakulyte. The wildness in her eyes had disappeared.

>some of you may have suspected this already, but that was the last villian among you.

She leaned back on her heels, taking in the reactions of everyone. Freezin looked at her with a stoney look.

>the forces of good have prevailed, and the world as you know it will be reshaped by the wishes of the victors!!

She turned to Charu and AragakiAyase, who looked disgruntled.

>naturally, those who did not wish for a good end will have their wishes ignored. hopefully your new masters will be more lenient than i would be

She giggled for a bit, then snapped her fingers. Suddenly...

"Ughhhh....Freezin? Is that you???"

A disembodied voice echoed behind Freezin. He turned around to see...A ghost. The ghost of ShadoWolfe, who had been killed a few days ago, was floating over his head. Freezin registered mild surprise at this impossible sight.

>before you ask, no i dont control life and death! its all a part of the contract this game operates under.

the participants of the game are to be brought back to life at the conclusion, to await the judgment of the winners.

Around Shado, the other dead players loomed, their translucent bodies reflecting the light of the room in strange ways.

Jade waved her hand impatiently.

>yeah yeah touching reunion. well now that the game is over with and the forces of good win what could be the last fight between them, my work here is done!!!

Jade gives them a goofy smile and turns on her heel. She begins to slowly float off the ground.

Without thinking, Freezin rushes forward and grabs the hem of her dress. "Wait." The voice he uses to say these words sounds foreign to him. A cold, detached fury echoes from his lips.

Jade comes back to the ground and turns to face him. The smile she held before was slowly cracking, revealing a worried face.

>hey no need for me to stick around, everything will become clear soon! i thought youd be happy to watch me go!

The last sentence was said with a sad, defeated air. Freezin ignores these words and presses on.

"You killed off my friends one by one and forced us to hunt each other. To choose which of us would die. And you forced me to watch it. To witness it all. And now you think you can leave without explaining what any of it was for?"

>i didnt do it because I wanted to...you have no idea what im dealing with. the situation ive been cursed with. the stakes of the game i must play to save the people i care for....

Jade's voice gradually gets louder and angrier. Her earlier humor is gone.

Freezin gives her a cold shrug. "Who cares about your friends. Where was that remorse when it was MY friends you were tormenting?"

Jade looks at Freezin in silence, like one would look at a bee that had just stung them before swatting it.

Freezin felt his stomach drop through the floor. And the unmistakable feeling that he had crossed a deadly line.

Then she began growling.

>dont make me laugh. your entire race owes its existance to me and my friends. we created you!!

These words were spoken with a power that shook the room to its foundations. Jade seemed to be growing, and the air around her grew visibly darker and darker.

>you and your worthless friends can be brought back to life at any time. your just cogs in a machine that you cant possibly comprehend.

theres nothing so simple waiting for the people i care about. only a painful death.

Her eyes began to glow as she narrowed them.

>if moderating the clashes between the light and dark kingdoms in alternate realities is what it takes to have a shot to save them...

ill kill thousands upon hundreds of thousands of humans like you and your "friends".

Saying this, Jade once again began rising in the air.

>goodbye victors. enjoy your "good end"

With one final bark of laughter, she blinks out of existence, and everything turns white around Freezin.

The world wished for by the victors...what sort of place was waiting for him, born from the sacrifice of his friends? Freezin would soon find out.



Good End GET!!!


TWGood End!

Semi-Open Setup:

14 Players:

1 Superstar or 1 Hero of the People
1 Challenger or 1 Savior
1 Eternalisk α, 1 Eternalisk β, or Eternalisk γ

1 Mysterious Variable X

6 Ordinary Citizens

1 Mad Scientist or 1 Deathdealer
1 Dark Messenger or 1 Dark Contracter
1 Informant

1 Alien

Superstar - An idol of legend whose skill on the stage is peerless. The more followers you have, the greater your influence. Gains different powers for the total number of Town aligned players alive (includes yourself):

10 Alive: Godlike Idol
Can execute 2 of the following 3 actions: Smart Investigation (returns role name), Roleblock a player, or protect a player from an anti-town night action (can include yourself)

9 to 8 Alive: Galactic Star
Can execute 1 of the following 3 actions: Investigation (returns Role Color; Red, Blue, Gray, or Green are the possible results.), Roleblock a player, or protect a player from a harmful night action (cannot include yourself)

7 to 5 Alive: Mythical Persona
Can choose to investigate a player (returns Town or Anti-town). The person you investigate will be protected from an anti-town killing action (you will receive it instead).

4 to 3 alive: Magnetic Charm
Can choose to target a player. If any actions are used on them during the night, you will be informed about the actions, but not who executed them.

2 alive: Idol From The Ashes
The host will declare the presence of the following role in the game at the beginning of the day: Superstar: An Idol Risen From The Ashes


Hero of the People - A true hero who fights for truth and justice, your true powers only reveal themselves in times of great crisis. Powers depend on current amount of town aligned players alive (including yourself). Receives a Vanilla Town PM at the beginning of the game

10 to 9 Alive: Hidden Hero
Vanilla Town. Seers as blue

8 Alive: A Hero Awakened
Receives a role PM declaring your true role, as well as a random green check.

7 Alive: A Hero Lost In Solitude
No additional powers

6 to 5 Alive: Heroic Entry
Becomes one shot bulletproof. Can choose to investigate a player (returns Town or Anti-town). Receives a PM from the host confirming the alignment of Mysterious Variable X.

4 Alive: Logic Defying Hero
Can choose one of the following actions: Investigate a player (returns Role Color; Red, Blue, Gray, or Green are the possible results.) or inform a random town player of your identity as the Hero of the People. You are not informed who is chosen.

3 Alive: Heroic Double Entry!!
Pick 2 players: You gain effects the following day depending on the number of anti-town players between them (you are not informed of the result):
0 - Bleak Hatred (Your vote is nullified and votes against you count for double. These doubled votes cannot cause insta)
1 - Strength in Virtue (Your votes against an anti-town player count for 2 instead of 1 but cannot cause insta with the extra vote power)
2 - True Power (Your votes against an anti-town player count for 2 instead of 1 but cannot cause insta with the extra vote power. Your vote only counts against anti-town players)

2 Alive AND 2 Anti-town Alive: Final Gambit: Heroic Last Reversal!!
If you survive the night and are not roleblocked, if scum would win by parity, play continues instead as long as you are alive.

Last Town Alive: Supreme Power: Heroic Last Justice!!!
If you are the last Town player alive, town automatically wins.


Challenger - You love a good challenge. You are a master disruptor, but from the chaos you can draw many important conclusions...

Once per night, pick up to 2 players. If they are targeted for night actions you will be informed which of them are targeted, and the results of those actions will be delayed till the end of the next night. If your vote during the day ends on one of those 2 players, during the night you will be informed what the action targeting them last night was, as well as who sent it.

After doing this, you will be inflicted with the [Challenged] status. For the rest of the game, you may only target one player per night instead of 2.


Savior - A superhuman protector, and an untiring ally to the downtrodden. As the game progresses, your power and confidence grows.

Night 1: You may target one player. They are protected from being killed that night. If that player is not targeted by a night action that causes death that night, you are killed at the beginning of the day.

Night 2: You may target one player. They cannot use night actions and are unaffected by night actions.

Night 3: You may target one player. Once per night, if they would be killed by a night action, they are protected.

Night 4: You may target one player. Prevent them from being affected by night actions from anti-town players (excluding Strongman kills).

Night 5: Once per turn, target a player. If they are town, both you and the player are protected from being killed. If they are anti-town, they are protected, but you are not.

Night 6 and beyond: Masterful application of the saving artes. You may target one player. Both you and your target are protected from night actions from anti-town players (excluding Strongman Kills). If you target a anti-town player neither of you are protected, but your target gains a +1 vote modifier the next day (the +1 vote cannot cause an insta).


Eternalisk α - An ancient being whose powers are all encompassing and mysterious.

Alpha Version Notes:

Begins the game as a 2 shot Vigi. On first use of your power, you pick 2 names, one is killed at random between them. If an anti-town player is killed this way, you gain the status [Mesopotamian Mystery], and your next shot can target the player of your choice. If not, you must pick 2 for your last use of your power; one is killed at random. If you kill an anti-town player while affected by [Mesopotamian Mystery], your power is recharged and converted to Vengeful, killing the player you vote for if you are lynched during the day.


Eternalisk β - An ancient being whose powers are all encompassing and mysterious.

Beta Version Notes:

Begins the game as a 2 shot Vigi. Your first use of your power can only kill from the bottom 50% of posters (excluding yourself and rounded down). If an anti-town player is killed this way, you gain the status [Mesopotamian Wrath], and the next use of your power targets a player of your choice. If they are anti-town, they will be killed. Otherwise, your last shot can only target players from the bottom 50% of posters


Eternalisk γ - An ancient being whose powers are all encompassing and mysterious.

Gamma Version Notes:

Begins the game as a 1 shot Vigi. Every time a anti-town player dies, you gain a stack of [Mesopotamian Mastery]. At 2 stacks, your power recharges and you can kill again.


Mysterious Variable X - A shapeshifting master of disguise. You alliances are fickle, and your powers are even more so.

At the beginning of the game, chooses one of 3 options. Hero, Villain, or Self.

Hero - You are town aligned and win when all anti-town players are eliminated. You receive a pm alerting you to the presence of either a Challenger or a Savior in the current game.

Your role becomes Stand-In Savior OR Fake Challenger, mimicking the parent role currently in the game. This role seers GRAY and returns ANTI TOWN until it is activated by the death of its parent role, in which case you will then seer GRAY and TOWN.

Stand-In Savior: Once during the game (at night), you can target a player. That player is protected from being killed in the night. Your role only activates after the Savior has been killed.

Fake Challenger: Once during the game (at night), target a player and delay any night action targeting them till the end of the following night (you will be informed if they are targeted). If you vote for them during the day, the next night you will learn who targeted them. Only activates after the Challenger has been killed.

Villain - You become a member of the scum team and win when you reach parity with town, or nothing can prevent that from happening.

Your role then becomes Initiate, which despite being scum aligned seers GRAY and returns ANTI TOWN. Your role has unique attributes:

Insider: You are informed who the members of the scum team, but they do not know your individual identity. Due to the Informant, the scum team are always alerted to the presence of an Initiate on their team at the start of the game.

Wretched Scum: You initially count as a town for the purposes of parity. You do not count towards scum teams parity with town until you are night killed. The first time you are nightkilled by the scum team, you become a full member of the scum team instead, gaining access to night chat and the factional kill.

Gray Matter: Can perform the factional kill if all other team members are killed. If you are not yet a full member of the scum team, you become one upon being the last scum alive.

The Mystery of X: At the beginning of the game and each following night, you may leave a one word message to be delivered to the scum team by the host. This word cannot contain any part of your forum name, anyone else's forum name, or be a proper noun. This ability works only as long as the Informant is alive.

Self - You are a 3rd party with the win condition: “Wins when every other power role, both town and anti-town, are killed or nothing can prevent that from happening.” As an organism made from the extremely dangerous Factor X, you begin the game relatively weak, but as more power roles die you pick up small but important advantages that give you an edge.

Your role is the Transmorpher (shoutout to litodude), which seers GRAY and returns ANTI TOWN. You have a single starting ability, and pick up more as the path to your victory progresses:

You begin the game with either a One Shot Vigi or One Shot Bulletproof (your choice)

Roles that must die for you to win:
Superstar OR Hero of the People
Challenger OR Savior
Eternalisk (Any Version)
Mad Scientist OR Deathdealer
Dark Messenger OR Dark Contracter

5 Roles Total.

After living to see these 5 roles die, you will leave the game victorious. If the town or scum team achieve their win conditions before you do, you LOSE.

After the following roles die, you immediately gain the corresponding power:

Superstar - Watch Out For Falling Stars:
At the beginning of the first night after you've gained this power, you receive stacking abilities depending on your past actions:

>Have not killed anyone successfully: Recieve a One-Shot Strongman Kill (Stacks with similar powers you already have)
>Have not been targeted by any night action: One-Shot Bulletproof (Stacks with similar powers you already have)
>Have not been voted for this game on the End of Day votecount: One-Shot Investigative Immunity (Seers as Town and Green the first time you are seered)
>Have gained no other Transmorpher powers before receiving this one: One-Shot Nexus (The first non-killing action used against you will instead target a random player. The sender of the action is not informed of the retargeting.)

Hero of the People - The Hero We Never Needed:
Receive a Host PM telling you:

>The roles currently alive in the game.
>The role of the last person you voted for.
>The last action used against you, and who used it.

Challenger - Challenge Accepted:
Become a Two-Shot Ascetic, nullifying the first 2 non-kill action performed on you. The first time you cancel an action in this manner, the next night you will receive the name of the player who sent the action.

Savior - I Don't Need Saving:
Each night can choose to do nothing. If you do, during that night you become untargetable for kills (anyone who tries to use killing actions on you will fail). Then you learn the name of one of the players who targeted you at random. Once you cancel a kill in this manner this ability becomes voided.

Eternalisk - What’s In A Name?:
Gain a factional nightkill. This does not stack with any one-shot vigi kill you might have and replaces it.

Mad Scientist - They Called Me Mad:
Receive up to 2 random unused tools from the mad scientists' cache.

Deathdealer - House Always Wins:
You gain a One-Shot Vigi kill (stacks with any similar powers you might have), and your next kill after you gain this power draws the blade Wakizashi to make the kill instead, a short katana that can easily pierce the guard of any foe. This turns the kill into a Strongman kill.

Dark Messenger - Return To Sender:
Become One-Shot Bulletproof (If you chose One-Shot Vigi at the start of the game) OR gain a One-Shot Vigi (If you chose One-Shot Bulletproof at the start of the game)

Dark Contracter - Game of Death:
During the night, you may name one player. If that player dies the next day and your vote on the End of Day votecount was on them, you are investigative immune the next night. If your vote on the End of Day votecount is on that player the next day and they do not die, the following night any killing action that targets you is redirected at them instead. Each of these abilities can only trigger once per game.


Mad Scientist - A reclusive scientist who’s technological prowess comes at the price of being slightly unbalanced mentally.

You have access to a whole host of tools. However, using these abilities in consecutive nights causes your night action for the 3rd night to include selecting a random tool from the ones remaining and having its “Darkside” effect activated. These effects are largely harmful for your faction, but the added bonus of using abilities in succession might be worth it!

List of Tools (Each one can only be used once per game.)

Hooked Claw - Roleblock
Drill Arm - Strongman kill
Plasma Bubble - Save a player from dying
Tiny Magnifying Glass - Color Investigation (Returns Role Color)
Motion Detector - If actions are performed on or by a chosen player, you will be informed they took place.
Escape Pod - Eject a selected player into orbit, completely canceling any action that targets them that night, as well as any action they use. (NOTE: You cannot launch yourself)
Poison Vial - The factional kill becomes a poisoned kill, delaying the death until the end of the next night, but in return the kill itself cannot be stopped by normal means. (Roleblocking the kill sender is the only way to stop the kill).
(NOTE: Running out of gadgets will roleflip you publicly the following day)

List of Darkside Effects:
(One of these effects are randomly applied at the beginning of any night where items were used the 2 previous nights. After applying this effect, night continues as normal. The pool of possible effects can only be applied from tools that have yet to be used. Darkside effects consume the tools they use at a 50% chance.)

Hooked Claw - Roleblock yourself
Drill Arm - Your factional kill tonight will have 33% chance of working as intended, a 33% chance of having the role name who made the kill attached to it in the game thread the following day, and a 33% chance being sabotaged and replaced by a funny picture of a broken drill, which will be posted in the thread by the host the following day phase.
Plasma Bubble - Trap a random member of your faction. If no other player targets them for a night action, they die. If they are targeted, they are protected from that action and are released.
Tiny Magnifying Glass - Investigates a random non-scum player and returns their full role name.
Motion Detector - Any action your faction makes will be announced in the game thread (using actual names, not role names.)
Escape Pod - You are launched into space without a helmet. READ: you die.
Poison Vial - A random town-aligned player becomes one-shot Deathproof (Lynch+Killproof)


Deathdealer - A killer born from shadow, your skill at ending lives is without equal. Your vast collection of blades lends a colorful variety to your methods of doling out death.

Draws blades corresponding to different abilities depending on the total amount of town-aligned players who are dead. These abilities must be used the night you gain them or they are lost. You can only gain each tier of ability once.

0 Dead: Draw the infamous Excalipoor. A kill made by you has a 50% chance of failing.

1 Dead: Draw Jambiya, a small curved dagger. This allows you to make a Ninja Kill.

2 Dead: Draw Zorlin Shape, a jagged blade coated with a strange toxin. This blade allows for a roleblock on a chosen target

3 Dead: Draw the violent dagger, Tiptaptwo. Select 2 players, if they perform a night action, you will be informed (You will not be informed who specifically made the action).

4 Dead: Draw Lurebreaker, a massive sword that reflects the pale light of the full moon. A kill you make tonight will not have role information revealed by the host in the game topic, only to your faction in night chat.

5 Dead: Draw Masamune, an ancient curved sword from the far east. This allows you to make a strongman kill.

6 Dead: Draw Angel Halo, a dark blade made from the fused remains of 666 angels. A kill you make roleblocks the target and reveals if they were targeted that night and by who.

7 Dead: Draw Nagrarok, a blade thats appearance heralds the end of the world. Choose a player. Their vote counts as -1 instead of +1 this phase.

8 Dead: Draw the legendary Yagyu Darkblade, a dark sword used by a famous ninja school. The blade is serrated for maximum damage and it glows with an ebon light upon being unsheathed. Automatically performs Yagyuu Shinkageryuu Shirahadori, a masterful sword technique that can stop and even redirect any attack. For 1 night, you will passively redirect any action used against you back at the person who used it.


Dark Messenger - A sinister servant for the forces of evil, your powers wax and wane with the phases of the game:

Night 1: Your vote during the next day does not count unless you vote with a fellow scum

Night 2: Tonight, you may choose 2 players. Switch any night actions targeting one of them to the other. If you successfully redirect a town action with this ability, you roleblock the player you vote for during the next day (You are not informed if you redirected successfully).

Night 3: This night, your kills have the following attributes if you are the kill sender: Ninja, Strongman, Suppressor (Your kills are untraceable, unblockable and roleblock the target before killing them). You are one shot bulletproof this night (wears off after the night is over).

Night 4: Choose one ability that activates the following day only: Gain +1 voting power as long as no other scum players vote for the same person OR Cancel the vote of the player you vote for the next day.

Night 5: Choose a one-time ability: Strongman OR ninja kill

Night 6: You are hated during the next day (One less vote needed to lynch that day)

Night 7 and beyond: Nothing.


Dark Contracter - A sinister villain who gambles with life itself. When things go your way, you gain important advantages over your competition.

Your powers work on a "credit" system. You begin the game with 1 credit. Certain events and actions you take during the day give you extra credits. The following is a list of actions that give credits and what you can use them for:

During any night phase, you may bet on who will be lynched the next day phase, as well as who will be killed by any night phase related killing power that is NOT related to the scum team. If you are correct on either guess, you gain 3 credits for one, or 7 credits for both.

Bonus credit opportunities:

Vanilla Town lynched: 1 credit
Town Blue Role lynched: 2 credits
Mysterious Variable X lynched: 2 credits
The person you vote for at the End of Day votecount is also voting you: 1 credit
You have received no votes at End of Day votecount: 1 credit

Anytime during the night, you may spend your credits to obtain abilities!! Stock is limited, but you can buy as many things as you can afford.


One-shot Motion detector - 2 credits (3 in stock)
One-shot Ninja kill - 3 credits (Affects kills you send only) (3 in stock)
One-shot Strongman kill - 3 credits (Affects kills you send only) (2 in stock)
One-shot Bus Driver - 5 credits (2 in stock)
One-shot Framer - 5 credits (Frames alignment, not color) (1 in stock)
One-shot Bulletproof - 6 credits (Self) (1 in stock)
One-shot Ascetic - 6 credits (Self) (1 in stock)
One-shot Smart Roleblock - 8 credits (blocks harmful actions targeting scum team only. Actions are considered harmful if they would negatively impact a scum ie: Being seered without investigative immunity.) (1 in stock)
One-shot Color Seer - 8 credits (1 in stock)
One-shot Chaos Lightning Rod - 12 credits (Choose a player. All Non-scum team night actions in the game are directed at the targeted player for that night. They die if the number of killing actions outnumbers guarding actions) (1 in stock)


Informant - A triple agent. Your job is simple: Pass along crucial info and don't get caught.

Your role has 3 powers:

- Informs your faction if Mysterious Variable X becomes an Initiate.

- Allows messages to be passed to the scum team from the Initiate as long as you're alive.

- While you are alive, Wolf Daychat is enabled. Once you are killed, it becomes disabled. Being roleblocked does not affect this passive ability.



- You are an Alien sent to earth to observe the phenomemon of TWG.

You are essentially a spectator.

You dont count towards the amount of town or scum alive for parity or for any power that checks for current town/scum alive.

You can place a vote if you wish to. While your vote shows up in the vote count, your vote has no actual power. You can be voted, but it does nothing, as you cannot be lynched, killed, or targeted by any killing night or day action. If you are seered it returns GRAY as color and ALIEN instead of TOWN/ANTI-TOWN). Other actions work as intended, as long as the end result is not the Alien dying.

If you would be lynched during the day, a picture of an alien is posted by the host instead, along with some flavor text, and the player with the next highest votecount is lynched instead. Your only actual power is the power of speech. Before the game you choose a faction (town or scum). You will win if the faction wins, and lose if they lose. If you choose scum, you may observe their factional chat (but not talk in it). Scum are not aware if an alien is spectating their chat.


Day start
Nightchat is OFF
Kitb is ON (Unannounced)
No Lynch is ON
No Kill is ON
Wolf Daychat is VARIABLE (ON when Informant is alive. OFF when they are dead.)
Twilight Chat (Wolf Pregame Chat) is ON
No actions are randomized in this game. If you send nothing, nothing happens.


Player List:

1. Blindreper1179 > VT, Killed N3
2. Shadowolfe > Dark Contractor, Killed N1
3. InDheart > VT, Survived to Win
4. mellonxcollie > Eternalisk Beta, Killed N3
5. kirkfan2255 > Savior, Killed N1
6. Charu > Alien, Survived to Lose
7. the sun fan > VT, Killed N1
8. DaBackpack > Superstar, Survived to Win
9. AragakiAyase > Mysterious Variable X (Transmorpher), Survived to Lose
10. Yeti/TWG Ike > VT, Survived to Win
11. Hakulyte > Informant, Lynched D4
12. Xelnya > VT, Lynched D1
13. Roundbox > Deathdealer, Lynched D3
14. DarkManticoreX2 > VT, Lynched D2



1. Prophylaxis
2. Celirra


Game Resources:






Host Comments: Most of my thoughts for the game can be found in the analysis section of deadchat. To summerize...

D1: Things start off kind of bad for the wolfteam and town. Roundbox is MIA which is never good, and Haku is having trouble replicating his towntone which sets people off that something isnt right. Town posts a lot of irrelevant stuff and fights over small things, which makes digging and finding content hard. Xelnya said it best: A lot of the early stuff was NAI and not useful.

Town lacks leadership and direction, so a xelnya lynch materializes despite several people voicing misgivings. DBP forces a thunderdome between blind/xelnya, which ends pretty badly. Shado comes back and drops Haku into a silent kitb with Xelnya, which thankfully works out in the wolves favor.

Haku had a pretty god awful eod, he looked like he was blatantly trying to make himself look better by getting off the xel wagon and more than a few people picked up on it. I would say had dbp not called for votes to stay within xel/blind, haku would have died that day. However, Shado voting him buys Haku a ton of leeway later on after Shado flips.



DaBackpack COLOR SEERS Blind
kirkfan WEAK SAVES Charu
mellonxcollie uses her SLANK VIGI on ShadoWolfe
Roundbox uses JAMBIYA to perform a NINJA KILL on the sun fan

kirkfan dies due to her WEAK SAVE not preventing the death of Charu.

AragakiAyase passively gains the abilities of DARK CONTRACTOR and SAVIOR due to the roles dying

mellonxcollie gains a stack of [Mesopotamian Wrath] for shooting an anti-town player, supercharging her final vigi shot. The next use of it can target any player in the game. If their role alignment checks as [Anti-Town], they will be killed. Otherwise, nothing happens.


Comments: Mello takes a hero shot at Shado's domepiece, completely redeeming the day for town and putting wolves behind the 8 ball.

Kirkfan suicide save comes from her mentality that roles should try to get the maximum allowed value out of them. She will rarely not use a role action, even if it could be potentially harmful. Her save targets were good too: Shado, sunfan and Charu. Unfortunately, she whiffed it and picked Charu, causing her to rip and costing town a valuable PR.

DBP seers blind, probably to clean up possible suspicion against blind the following day and due to the fact he had a very low chance of being nightkilled.

Wolves are suspicious of dbp, ike and raeko for power roles, but end up killing sunfan due to them tinfoiling on some alien role post he made that they saw as cover.

AA chose BPV n0, which would never be popped but probably gave him piece of mind.


D2: Haku has an implosion early on where he slips multiple times, but nobody catches them. His tone is garbage, though he redeems this through a combination of good explanation and better play later. Roundbox still isnt fully back and is mostly stuck catching up, causing his slot to become very suspect.

Shado leaves a poisonous reads list the previous day, and town wastes a ton of time analyzing and drawing bad conclusions from it. At this point, Shado's eod vote of Haku d1 that i disparaged is turning out to pay off big.
Haku gets semi cleared from that and pressure is relieved from him. Roundbox begins to look way better it seems after being active the 2nd half of D2.

Meanwhile, by comparison, towns biggest players are not being very assertive or strong. Charu has pretty much singlehandedly undermined Manti the entire day. Indheart and Backpack have really phoned it in this phase and arnt trying to take over the game. Yeti is playing the role of enabler and conversationalist, which is fine but town kind of needs someone to lead the day. Theres a lot of chaos and disorder. Case in point: Less than an hour before eod and theres no clear wagons or lynch consensus except for arguably against manti, which is really bad.

Charu working against Manti all day pays dividends and they both end up looking bad, thought Manti ends up worse off. Mostly due to this, Manti pays with his life and gets lynched. A real waste of potential town solving power, and a good example of town tinfoiling a lynch that had no business ever happening.




DaBackpack ALIGNMENT SEERS Charu (Returns ALIEN)
Mellonxcollie SMART VIGIS InDheart (Nothing happens)
Roundbox uses LUREBREAKER to perform a ROLEFLIP SUPRESSION KILL on AragakiAyase (Kill fails due to SAVIOR TRANSMORPHER power causing AragakiAyase to become untargetable for kills)

AragakiAyase does nothing, activating his passive SAVIOR TRANSMORPHER power.

AragakiAyase is told that ROUNDBOX targeted him for a night kill action. His SAVIOR TRANSMORPHER power is now void.


Comments: AA begins putting the pieces together, correctly reading both DBP and raeko as power roles. Once he realizes Roundbox targeted him for a killing action, he pieces together the wolf team as exactly InDheart/Haku, Roundbox. Once Haku fakeclaims his role, he solves the game.

DBP Seers Charu, which i think lowkey saves town in a big way because it begins the long but necessary process of town realizing and stemming all the sabotage Charu was doing.

Mello submits a smart vigi on indheart. Not really sure why, but there's no real bad shots she could send with the exception of AA.

Once again the wolves have PR reads on backpack and raeko, but they also read AA as a PR and decide to shoot him. This ends disastrously and I would argue it was the point where the game was out of reach for the wolfteam.


D3:Day 3 can be split into pre-haku claim and post haku claim.
pre haku claim, both him and roundbox were circling the drain and everyone thought the setup was mechanically close to being locked. dbp claims, outs his 2 checks, and suddenly everyone knows that charu is the alien. what follows is a strange series of posts where town is trying to figure out if charu is town aligned. By all rights they should have ignored charu because his alignment can not be confirmed. I dont think its in peoples nature to ignore someone who had been minutes before a top town. So despite being outed as the alien, charu still wields a surprising amount of influence despite have no actual voting power. This is due to town finally (mistakenly) concluding Charu is town aligned DESPITE outing DBP and ruining his plans, and generally being one shady motherfucker. Charu wastes no time bussing roundbox, and while it think this is the correct play in his situation it still paints a bleak picture for the wolf team. roundbox efforts but nobody REALLY pays attention due to him approaching consensus scum territory

For simplicity sake, as soon as DBP outted Raeko should have outted as well
She had a pseudo green check to help town with, no value left in her role, and her position would only grow weaker as time passed. Town still needs time to solve the game, so getting the info about her and indheart being town early is highly beneficial. instead, she sits on her role
then something happens that completely turns the game on its head
Haku claims MVX self-aligned (with a bit of heavy hinting from charu to do so i might add). but more importantly, AA doesn't counterclaim him

Conclusion will be added later


MVP goes to AragakiAyase. Despite (narrowly) not achieving his win condition, he played his role to perfection (A role that had a very difficult wincon and not a ton of tools to help you achieve it). He solved the game early, and did enough be consensus town and wield vast amounts of influence. His play was all around stellar.

Honorable Mentions goes to...

Raeko. The power of that vigi shot on Shado cannot be understated. While many might not agree with your playstyle, you played the role of vigi well. You took your shot, you owned it, and you answered to nobody. I think you leaned a bit too much on your claim to keep you out of potential trouble, so you were blindsided when AA preemptively fakeclaimed your role. Nevertheless, you played an excellent game and town would have been in a bad spot without you.

Charu Your role in keeping the scumteam in the game cannot be solidly quantified i feel by anyone except an outside observer or someone reading the thread fresh for the first time. I think what you did was a perfect example of optimally playing the role of Wolf-aligned Alien. Its a hard role to get good value from. You need to painstakingly bank a ton of towncred while avoiding the usual pitfalls of being a wolf, and use your (fake) vote to push leading wagons and artifically make them bigger. Which you did well.

I think it's a big reason why pressure got relieved from Haku early on. You made the Haku wagon way bigger and cause people to get cold feet on the size of the consensus against him and get off of it. You subtly argued against killing roundbox earlier when he was MIA. You did a lot of little things to facillitate scumteam that most people missed but i didnt. Well done, you did the role proud. Even your meltdown at the end i felt was justified because you had done so much before then.

DBP: You put in work for town, and kept them mechanically focused at opportune times when it looked like the day was about to go off the rails. Your claim was really well handled and your plan to frame blind as a pr would have put town vastly ahead of the 8 ball, had blind not ruined it. Handling Charu, and neutralizing his power and influence potentially saved the game for town.




Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


TWG Jade Harley 09-29-2017 07:49 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
overall, this game was a blast to watch and host. it had its ups and downs, but every game goes through them. its the biggest game on FFR, nobody replaced out, and it sounds like almost everyone had fun playing the setup!

thank you for playing!

XelNya 09-29-2017 07:59 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
I can kinda summarize my thoughts a bit too

1. My going after Blind may come from a place of disagreement in his play, but I still would hold most times in that thunder-dome I had done better in trying to force him into not having a passive d0 for read's sake. I don't think anyone really awarded that any credit and I can sort of explain to myself why, but really I feel my distaste for blind weighed heavier than my post did, which left me rather disappointed.

To be fair, I think DBP forcing a true thunder-dome was mechanically good. It progressed reads for town and probably helped place blind into a safer place for later in the game and he at least capitalized on making the most out of it. It helped clear Blind, a player I personally think is hard to read because of how he plays early. So it's not like it was wasted.

Though I feel the seering was a tad overkill and other people made better options because TBH what was the point of forcing that dome otherwise for at least a day or something that comes up that sets off a flag.

2. I have zero idea why how angry I was, was a focus at any point while I was alive. The only fake part of my anger is that I generally tone it down. Most often I'll drop some super heavy swear ridden posts that I change to sound more calm or like bothered, more than I exaggerate it, if that's ever happened ever.

3. Mellon's response to the fakeclaim:

though I agree with Freezin' on it, but maybe not for the same reasons, and I feel the raw appeal of how angry she came off with that arrogance was just.


4. Seeing Haku fakeclaim his role kinda confused me, I'm not sure I understand the why.


6. I earnestly feel the first 40 pages of this game where so fucking bad, and I admit I contributed to it.

7. Freezin' ded chat was great, I hope future hosts do at least a shiptosting room :D

8. I dunno how to feel about how the wolves played this game. I feel this was a super strong wolf team and that Mellon shot did more than kill Shado, but it probably thrust a gaping hole into morale. Any of the other wolves being shot would have resulted in a drastically different game I think.

XelNya 09-29-2017 08:02 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame


TWG Jade Harley 09-29-2017 08:05 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
her reaction was pretty freaking badass tbh

DarkManticoreX2 09-29-2017 08:50 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
Reads list before I died was pretty good. Bottom 4 was the whole scumteam:


Originally Posted by LightManticorex2 (Post 4589114)
Hot takes before I just observe the rest of the thread.

AA and blind had really good t/w interactions with shado. I almost never lynch either

I feel like backpack is probably town. He's been mediated in most of his responses and I was able to eventually discern his opening D2 direction, just not why he came to his initial suspicion.

I feel like Ike Mellon Haku and Indy are all floating in the middle (in order)t--->w

I don't like charu at all. I could see a game solving mindset in some of his posts, but I also see this snark subversion that started on sunfan and now is on me. He is being completely stubborn and is ignoring all rational behind posts. This is wolfy and overtakes what I like in his game solving.

I don't like roundbox. Roundbox usually reads me correctly and he's dead wrong this game. Had he been more involved early in the game I would definatley be pushing hard on a lynch train for him. Him not being here and not fully having caught up is evident being that he asked me several questions that I'm not responding to because they were already answered.

Early prophetic D1 post


Originally Posted by LightManticorex2 (Post 4588388)
I think the wolves are trying to mislynch me this phase.

Look at that wolf vote block


Originally Posted by TWG Jade Harley (Post 4589201)

Manti (5): Charu, Haku, Roundbox, Mello, InDheart
InDheart (1): Blind
Haku (3): AA, DBP, Manti

Unvote (1): yeti



AragakiAyase 09-29-2017 09:48 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4591661)
Reads list before I died was pretty good. Bottom 4 was the whole scumteam:

Early prophetic D1 post

I escaaaaaped

Although 3rd party doesn't really count lol

It was fun playing with you finally :)

AragakiAyase 09-29-2017 09:48 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
Also I had a ton of fun this game (except maybe the last day) and glad I signed up

AragakiAyase 09-29-2017 09:52 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame

Originally Posted by XelNya (Post 4591658)
I can kinda summarize my thoughts a bit too

1. My going after Blind may come from a place of disagreement in his play, but I still would hold most times in that thunder-dome I had done better in trying to force him into not having a passive d0 for read's sake. I don't think anyone really awarded that any credit and I can sort of explain to myself why, but really I feel my distaste for blind weighed heavier than my post did, which left me rather disappointed.

To be fair, I think DBP forcing a true thunder-dome was mechanically good. It progressed reads for town and probably helped place blind into a safer place for later in the game and he at least capitalized on making the most out of it. It helped clear Blind, a player I personally think is hard to read because of how he plays early. So it's not like it was wasted.

Though I feel the seering was a tad overkill and other people made better options because TBH what was the point of forcing that dome otherwise for at least a day or something that comes up that sets off a flag.

2. I have zero idea why how angry I was, was a focus at any point while I was alive. The only fake part of my anger is that I generally tone it down. Most often I'll drop some super heavy swear ridden posts that I change to sound more calm or like bothered, more than I exaggerate it, if that's ever happened ever.

3. Mellon's response to the fakeclaim:

though I agree with Freezin' on it, but maybe not for the same reasons, and I feel the raw appeal of how angry she came off with that arrogance was just.


4. Seeing Haku fakeclaim his role kinda confused me, I'm not sure I understand the why.


6. I earnestly feel the first 40 pages of this game where so fucking bad, and I admit I contributed to it.

7. Freezin' ded chat was great, I hope future hosts do at least a shiptosting room :D

8. I dunno how to feel about how the wolves played this game. I feel this was a super strong wolf team and that Mellon shot did more than kill Shado, but it probably thrust a gaping hole into morale. Any of the other wolves being shot would have resulted in a drastically different game I think.

Ty Xel :D also sorry for forgetting how to read your anger levels :|

the sun fan 09-29-2017 10:08 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
the real winner of this game is anyone that's played a dragon dressup game

blindreper1179 09-29-2017 10:11 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
I understand your big lettered post now dbp. Lmao

inDheart 09-29-2017 10:18 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame

Originally Posted by the sun fan (Post 4591666)
the real winner of this game is anyone that's played a dragon dressup game

it's probably a better game

DarkManticoreX2 09-29-2017 10:19 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase (Post 4591663)
I escaaaaaped

Although 3rd party doesn't really count lol

It was fun playing with you finally :)

I had a weird read on you (remember the ball analogy)? But since I only skimmed the roles this game, I didn't really even know what the mvx did, so I didn't really purse anything. Like I said you were town enough to not act on it till lylo.

Game was fun for me as well untill attack birb things.

inDheart 09-29-2017 10:27 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
i didn't enjoy this game

you could probably tell

AragakiAyase 09-29-2017 10:30 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame

Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 4591669)
I had a weird read on you (remember the ball analogy)? But since I only skimmed the roles this game, I didn't really even know what the mvx did, so I didn't really purse anything. Like I said you were town enough to not act on it till lylo.

Game was fun for me as well untill attack birb things.

Yeah I was pretty intentional about not pushing as hard

Have a habit of drawing early kills when I do so I already picked up the BPV, but hedged further by holding back, although not to the degree that I wouldn't be townread

Lynching me wouldn't even help town at lylo though lol because given my alignment I was actually an obstacle to wolves
Lolattackbirb he did well, I didn't see it that well tbh

roundbox 09-29-2017 10:32 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
I've had better games. Charu still didn't catch me though!! The real victory is here.
For the record AA: we had the PRs down to a pool of AA/raeko/yeti/backpack, with yeti being least likely. We didn't suck at PR hunting, we just shot the guy who commuted and got told who visited him :v (also I wasn't really around for the first kill)

Lesson learned: exist on d0

roundbox 09-29-2017 10:34 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
My last 2 hours of existence was pure laughter
Don't believe Ondore's lies!!

Charu 09-29-2017 10:44 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
ty freezin for noticing I was being a good birb and trying my hardest to redirect lynches from my partners.

Still say I played a solid game. Unfortunate of the sequence of events that occured before and after AA's fake. I think if AA kept going, I could've made something happen.

It is what it is though. I played my heart out, but it wasn't enough. Don't think I was obvious scum (despite what deadchat says to some). My goal as alien was to sway and maintain town status and only to go full on scum as a last resort.

Charu 09-29-2017 10:47 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
Wish I could check discord to see people going OMG CHARU U SUK

On my Wii-u again before work, lol

DarkManticoreX2 09-29-2017 11:06 AM

Re: TWG CLXXII - Postgame
Search discord for charu

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