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foxfire667 11-28-2010 12:37 PM

Playing some FFR...
Figured I'd just post a new thread for my FFR video considering that last night me just mentioning it filled up like 3 straight pages of not FFR scores and this:

So without further a due I give to you my video of me playing FFR! Which you can post about and probably talk about me being legit, against quite a few people's original beliefs. Anyway, for the following reasons, you will probably see me as legit:
1) Complete view of hands and keyboard
2) Keytaps
3) Non AAA scores
4) Complete view of Task manager, resource monitor, and taskbar before I play anything
5) Reopening of task manager whenever a decent run is attained (Kidney Stone, ERx8v2, and Reality)
6) Near AAA of two FGO's on Camera (should have AAA'd reality, but being nervous and jittery has it's toll. As well my ERx8v2 was okay, messed up the ending a little though.)


Songs played: EHHS (warm-up to get used to camera, jittering, distance away from computer, etc.) accidentally hit a good on a jump. Twas epic failure, so I just skip the stats screen and move to the next song.

Kidney Stone: 3-0-0-0 Hell yeah! Best run on Kidney Stone so far! This is where the stuff starts coming, full close up of stats screen, task manager, etc.)

ERx8 v2: I knew I was going to miss a couple times, but I love the song so I did it anyway. End up playing about 3 times before I got an ok run on it. I think it was 8-1-0-2 (messed up ending because of jitters)

Reality: 0-1-0-2 umm...product of accident in ending, oh well! Proof of the crazy stupid runs I get I suppose!

Yes, as I explain in the video, I do use AutoHotKey. I use it to run a script I made so when I play songs, if I accidentally hit the windows, control, alt, etc keys...it won't screw me over when I'm playing a longer or harder song. In case MegaVideo's quality is too low for you to read off the script, the script is in code tags below. Place it in notepad and save it as an .ahk, and open it with autohotkey if hitting these keys is a problem for you as well:

#MaxThreadsBuffer ON
SetNumlockState AlwaysOn
^up::Send {up}
^down::Send {down}
^left::Send {left}
^right::Send {right}
^q::Send {q}
^w::Send {w}
^e::Send {e}
^r::Send {r}
^t::Send {t}
^y::Send {y}
^u::Send {u}
^i::Send {i}
^o::Send {o}
^p::Send {p}
^a::Send {a}
^s::Send {s}
^d::Send {d}
^f::Send {f}
^g::Send {g}
^h::Send {h}
^j::Send {j}
^k::Send {k}
^l::Send {l}
^z::Send {z}
^x::Send {x}
^c::Send {c}
^v::Send {v}
^b::Send {b}
^n::Send {n}
^m::Send {m}
!up::Send {up}
!down::Send {down}
!left::Send {left}
!right::Send {right}
!q::Send {q}
!w::Send {w}
!e::Send {e}
!r::Send {r}
!t::Send {t}
!y::Send {y}
!u::Send {u}
!i::Send {i}
!o::Send {o}
!p::Send {p}
!a::Send {a}
!s::Send {s}
!d::Send {d}
!f::Send {f}
!g::Send {g}
!h::Send {h}
!j::Send {j}
!k::Send {k}
!l::Send {l}
!z::Send {z}
!x::Send {x}
!c::Send {c}
!v::Send {v}
!b::Send {b}
!n::Send {n}
!m::Send {m}
^!q::Send {q}
^!w::Send {w}
^!e::Send {e}
^!r::Send {r}
^!t::Send {t}
^!y::Send {y}
^!u::Send {u}
^!i::Send {i}
^!o::Send {o}
^!p::Send {p}
^!a::Send {a}
^!s::Send {s}
^!d::Send {d}
^!f::Send {f}
^!g::Send {g}
^!h::Send {h}
^!j::Send {j}
^!k::Send {k}
^!l::Send {l}
^!z::Send {z}
^!x::Send {x}
^!c::Send {c}
^!v::Send {v}
^!b::Send {b}
^!n::Send {n}
^!m::Send {m}
LWin::Send {1}
RWin::Send {2}
AppsKey::Send {NumpadDiv}
Numpad7::Run SnippingTool
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 20

It also allows for you to take screen shots with the snipping tool by pressing 7 on the number pad. This is why numberlock is always on in the code, etc. Also, the following questions you may have about me not being legit because I used AutoHotKey are answered below:

Q:The script does other things?
A: No, it doesn't. Paste it into a notepad file and try it for yourself.

Q: Script modified from one in video?
A: No, watch the video and read every line of it in the video and compare it with this one, they are one in the same.

Q: AHK able to be used to hack scores?
A: Good luck with that. It seems like it would be generally impossible to do such a thing, and if you could, it would probably be WAY too time consuming to do for any song, much less for a series of them. If you can figure out a way to do it, you are a better coder than I.

Q: Running more than one AHK script?
A: Impossible, as one instance of Autohotkey.exe must be open for each script. Only one Autohotkey.exe was open in my task manager the entire time, and you are able to see my actions throughout the entire video. But I'm sure word of mouth isn't enough, and images must be shown. I just copy-pasted the same script so you can see what happens when a second one is run.

So this means that this and only ths script was running throughout the video. Again, using AHK to hack scores is pretty far fetched, but if you are THAT skeptacle, now you know it is impossible for more than one instance to be running anyway.

OKAY, I think that covers everything. Post your comments, questions, and whatever else. I'm fairly sure I covered all the ground, and that this should be enough poof to finally show you I am legit.

Xayphon 11-28-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
I really never thought you're unlegit or something like that and I think that's pretty much enough for proof, but I wanted to ask something.....are you >30 years old?...o.o

cedolad 11-28-2010 12:50 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

samurai7694 11-28-2010 12:58 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
FFR is very serious holy fawk

AsphyxZero 11-28-2010 12:59 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
Now if only Dossar would do something like this when he plays stepmania.

DossarLX ODI 11-28-2010 01:05 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
Too legit :cool:

I am REALLY happy about this right now, actually. See if you guys can figure out why

rushyrulz 11-28-2010 01:06 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
Yeah but where did you come from?

Seems nowadays there's never anyone who works their way up to being good anymore, it's either you're mediocre or you're elite, no in between.

DossarLX ODI 11-28-2010 01:08 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
He posted stepmania scores on DF, it's just nobody checks the SM scores thread there -.-

Also FFR is amazingly terrible for trying to improve your skills on it so I'm not surprised..... SM with its wide song variety is the best method to get better at FFR, just that the reading is different.

kmay 11-28-2010 01:13 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
i saw them. they didnt look good enough to be getting these kinds of scores though

leonid 11-28-2010 01:14 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

rushyrulz 11-28-2010 01:15 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
Keytaps aren't as sexy as I had hoped for, but whatever..

DossarLX ODI 11-28-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
I don't know if that was sarcasm or not - those keytaps were sick. What were you expecting if you were hoping for something

Plan_Bsk81127 11-28-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
Is it me or does it look like you play with your eyes closed. >.<

cedolad 11-28-2010 01:21 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

Originally Posted by leonid (Post 3353603)

i c wut u did thar

XXXsmittyXXX 11-28-2010 01:25 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

Originally Posted by leonid (Post 3353603)


Also, wonderful job foxfire

leonid 11-28-2010 01:25 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
foxfire you made the vid way too early; you should've waited till everyone begins jumping over making interrogation threads and shouting "vid or blacklist"

samurai7694 11-28-2010 01:26 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

Originally Posted by Plan_Bsk81127 (Post 3353606)
Is it me or does it look like you play with your eyes closed. >.<

that's racist

Plan_Bsk81127 11-28-2010 01:27 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...

Originally Posted by samurai7694 (Post 3353613)
that's racist


PrawnSkunk 11-28-2010 01:33 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
i drop'd loads

customstuff 11-28-2010 01:38 PM

Re: Playing some FFR...
This is a bit hardcore. Since when were you called bs? I don't recall anyone saying that, and if they did it's not big deal. I was called bs by a few people once...

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