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lumphoboextreme 11-21-2010 09:53 PM

need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
ok so FFR not sure why but i'm hoping someone here will have a solution as to what i can do in my situation. not too many of you know me well enough so to explain well it'll be a lot of reading. so i'm in a long distance relationship with a girl i've known for a really long time. it's gotten to the point where next summer i want to try to move in with her and go finish out college down there. she goes to a nicer school than i do which means more money. i only have my dad to put my through college and the price of school would be about 10,000 more per year which he doesn't have the money for. i would have to help pitch for tuition plus my girlfriend and i would be working to put money towards the apartment we get.

i've thought on this a lot. it seems like my best option is to wait an extra year and to just go down there for my senior year instead of junior and senior year. if at all possible i'd like to go for the next two years i just can't seem to think out a solution that would make it work. i'm pretty sure a low paying part time job won't get me the kind of money i'm looking for. i have from now until this summer to decide what to do and try to make as much as possible. i have close to nothing saved up right now maybe a few hundred dollars and need to get more than 15,000 to be comfortable by the end of summer. also know that i'm a full time student and can only work part time. i'm currently unemployed and trying to find something that pays alright soon.

sorry for the long thread. probably the longest i've ever made.

tl;dr version: i'm trying to make about 15,000$ to go to school a nicer school and move down to live with my girlfriend and have less than a year to do it. i can only work part time since i go to school full time. any suggestions? or is this pretty much impossible.

Rubin0 11-21-2010 10:14 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
How long distance are we talking? Is this a school that will aid you in bettering your future, does it have the program you are studying, will all your credits transfer?

I think this is a huge huge decision, especially when it is actually going to cost you a lot more money to go there. I find whenever people make huge sacrifices for someone, it ends up biting them in the ass later. A possible 20,000 is a lot of money invested in a girl that you don't even know if you are going to marry. If you two have been in a long distance relationship for a long time, you have to realize that going from that to moving in is a completely different dynamic and could end up turning badly. Can you move in with her over January break just to see how things go? Maybe even over the summer you can move out there, find a temporary job, and just ride it out until September.

I like to be optimistic with romantic situations, but you really have to be realistic when it comes to money/your education/your future. I think if you two can ride out an entire summer and still be happy, then chances are you could probably ride out an entire semester or even an entire year. It's all about baby steps. Try to avoid big huge jumps that prevent you from turning around and starting back at square one when square two explodes and disintegrates into a million pieces.

Aldentron 11-21-2010 10:15 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
Apply for financial aid.

lumphoboextreme 11-21-2010 10:20 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.

Originally Posted by Rubin0 (Post 3347831)
How long distance are we talking? Is this a school that will aid you in bettering your future, does it have the program you are studying, will all your credits transfer?

I think this is a huge huge decision, especially when it is actually going to cost you a lot more money to go there. I find whenever people make huge sacrifices for someone, it ends up biting them in the ass later. A possible 20,000 is a lot of money invested in a girl that you don't even know if you are going to marry. If you two have been in a long relationship for a long time, you have to realize that going from that to moving in is a completely different dynamic and could end up turning badly. Can you move in with her over January break just to see how things go? Maybe even over the summer you can move out there, find a temporary job, and just ride it out until September.

she's coming here to spend all of her winter break, yeah my credits would all transfer and they have my program. even if it doesn't mean i get married to her it's a nicer school and i would end up growing up a lot in the process since i'm still living at home for now.

Rubin0 11-21-2010 10:24 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
Honestly, if this is a school you are legit interested in attending, and you can figure out a way to put the money together, then I say go for it. As long as it is not 100% just for her, then yes, I think it would be a good growing up experience for anyone. If things work out for you guys over winter break then I say go for it and best of luck.

lumphoboextreme 11-21-2010 10:28 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.

Originally Posted by Rubin0 (Post 3347841)
Honestly, if this is a school you are legit interested in attending, and you can figure out a way to put the money together, then I say go for it. As long as it is not 100% just for her, then yes, I think it would be a good growing up experience for anyone. If things work out for you guys over winter break then I say go for it and best of luck.

i would say it's about half and half... still though, any ideas on how i would make that kind of money not doing anything too illegal?

fullmetal_alchemist027 11-21-2010 10:31 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
Wow lumpy, havent seen you in forever. But thats besides the point...

You make a good point. Even if you don't end up staying with this girl and getting married etc., it would be a much better experience for you to get out on your own and go to an even better school. I'd suggest both a part time job and, even though you called the other dude on a troll, check and see what the school can do to help you pay for it. If worst comes to worst, try getting student loans, and pay them back asap.

Thats all I can come up with right now. Me and my girlfriend will talk about it and see what else we can come up with.

kmay 11-21-2010 10:37 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
there is a lot you can do. get scholarship (apply for FA, i dont think that kid was trolling) get a part time job for now, save whatever you can, and get a student loan to cover how much you feel you want to pay back when you graduate.

lumphoboextreme 11-21-2010 10:37 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.

Originally Posted by fullmetal_alchemist027 (Post 3347851)
Wow lumpy, havent seen you in forever. But thats besides the point...

You make a good point. Even if you don't end up staying with this girl and getting married etc., it would be a much better experience for you to get out on your own and go to an even better school. I'd suggest both a part time job and, even though you called the other dude on a troll, check and see what the school can do to help you pay for it. If worst comes to worst, try getting student loans, and pay them back asap.

Thats all I can come up with right now. Me and my girlfriend will talk about it and see what else we can come up with.

i wouldn't be accepted to get grants or anything my family income is too high, but my dad has me and two other kids to put through college so this is. not trying to kill myself with student loans the interest on those adds up quick. my dad will still pay most of it but i'll probably have to cover around 8,000 a year extra in tuition and money for the apartment payments, bills, and all other things. trying to also find a job that pays fairly decent like at least 10 an hour because long run that'll make a big difference over minimum wage.


Originally Posted by kmay (Post 3347856)
there is a lot you can do. get scholarship (apply for FA, i dont think that kid was trolling) get a part time job for now, save whatever you can, and get a student loan to cover how much you feel you want to pay back when you graduate.

not sure how many scholarships i would actually get, i wasn't exactly a great student in high school... not comfortable getting student loans and getting myself into debt. it's either if i can get the money together i go, if not i can't do it.

freekilltwo 11-21-2010 10:44 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.

Originally Posted by lumphoboextreme (Post 3347839)
troll elsewhere.

i dont see how thats trolling, if you can get better financial aid than its a valid option, aside from that i would say a job like fedex or the sort, when i was in school they paid pretty well for the guys i knew there, work was hard as hell but it paid somethin in the range of 12.50 an hour if i remember correctly, just a few thoughts

Rubin0 11-21-2010 10:45 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
This is really random, but I was looking up some companies that are hiring right now, and UPS is a really good company to work for, apparently. The work is hard and sweaty, especially during holiday season, but they offer a lot of different options for students, and have part time employment options AND benefits.

Basically, you are going to have to plan your school schedule around your work schedule if you plan to be able to reach those financial demands and have enough left over to eat and to take your girl out to a movie every once in a while. I used to cram all my classes in two days a week so that I could work 40+ hours a week. I was only pulling $11 per hour and no benefits at a **** job, but I still had a few thousand in my bank account at all times, and had the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted. (Edit: aside from when I was working, lol)

RobertsonaIsBack 11-21-2010 10:45 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
rip yr girlfriends tits off and eat em

kmay 11-21-2010 10:45 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
you can get scholarship based on your college GPA. look around there are plenty of them

RobertsonaIsBack 11-21-2010 10:50 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
this dudes played over 89000 games of ffr i dont think thats a viable option

RobertsonaIsBack 11-21-2010 10:50 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
lol owned

Rubin0 11-21-2010 10:51 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.

Originally Posted by RobertsonaIsBack (Post 3347866)
rip yr girlfriends tits off and eat em

dude, srsly, wtfiswrngwu?

RobertsonaIsBack 11-21-2010 10:52 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
i think that once he weighs his options and knows what will really work out he'll thank me later

lumphoboextreme 11-21-2010 10:55 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
lol first guy wasn't even trolling my thread now at least i guess i have a troll in my thread. i'm not too sure i think my gpa is around a 3.1 so pretty average.

if i can get something that pays like above 10 an hour and work i should be able to get enough to at least manage if i work through the school year after i move.

also if it comes down to it i could also play poker for the money i need but thats more of a last resort i'm not trying to lose money getting unlucky.

TC_Halogen 11-21-2010 10:59 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
Don't mind sona, he hasn't gotten out of puberty yet.

15,000 in a year is more than possible part time IF you opt out of getting anything for yourself that you don't need. However, this trip should benefit yourself, or both parties. If you're just going down their to meet your girlfriend, it might be a mistake. (God forbid) If something happens with your relationship, if might not be worth while. Think carefully, I'm sure you're aware that a trip of this proportion requires a lot of thought, as well as weighing what's good and bad for you and your future (school that expensive isn't going to be easy). Save every penny you have and just push, you'll get somewhere.


also if it comes down to it i could also play poker for the money i need but thats more of a last resort i'm not trying to lose money getting unlucky.

psychoangel691 11-21-2010 10:59 PM

Re: need some creative input to help me with an issue here.
kmay said basically what I was going to. If you've been doing well in the college you're attending now you should be able to get some kind of aid to go to the better school. If not you can try finding something job wise for now and save every penny of it see how much you come up with by the time you'd start working on moving. Upholding an apt plus paying for school certainly wont be a cakewalk. Having you're own apartment is a pain in the ass even with someone to split the bills with trust me. You don't want to get yourself in a situation where you have the place and are trying to go to school but are struggling to pay for the apt. I'm not sure what the expenses look like for the area you're thinking of moving to but you need to look into that carefully as well because most part time jobs will not cover enough to live on.

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