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clarinet89 09-14-2009 11:29 PM

TWG LXXXVII: Cloverfield

16 Players

4 Wolves - 1 MW, 3 normal wolves

1 Seer

1 Guard

1 Psychic

9 Humans

At the beginning, nobody will get a role PM. In which case, everyone will need to send me a PM designating: 1. Who to wolf (chosen randomly from the 4 wolves), 2. Who to seer, and 3. Who to guard. The results will come back to the people on D1, and everyone will recieve their role PMs.

Items? - Oh Yeah!

1 Videocamera - The videocamera lets you seer human/non-humans. Blues are classified as non-humans. This item can only be used once and may be transferred to another player during the nighttime.
1 Light - The light lets you see what players have the other items. When you choose to use it, you will be given the names of everyone who has an item, and what item they have. Items that have been used will not be shown, since they are no longer available. The light can only be used once and may be transferred to another player during the nighttime.
1 Gun - Standard Issue Vigi

Please include your AIM names or you will be hunted down.
1. DarkManticoreX2 (DarkManticoreX2) Psychic
2. emerald000 (emerald3x0) MW
3. iggymatrixcounter (iggy911mc) Seer
4. Gun92 (james92hofmann) Human
5. FictionJunction (fikshonjunkshon) Human
6. Temote (sumote) Human
7. Bolth mannn (bolthmannn) Wolf
8. Viccica (MMViccica) Guard
9. Afrobean (Afrobean16) Human
10. Makilaz (BenderChan) Human
11. Litodude (litodude) Wolf
12. RedHerring (falseclues) Human
13. AC1speakerbox (ac1colossus) Human
14. Roundbox (tehroundbox) Human
15. Ruritsu (Ruritsu) Human
16. freakysnots (freakysnots)/A2P(Awesome Lamer) Wolf

Night 1: wolf-seer-guard

1. DarkManticoreX2 - gun-afro-iggy
2. emerald000 - freaky-iggy-iggy
3. iggymatrixcounter - temote-afro-manti
4. Gun92 - lito-manti-vic
5. FictionJunction - redherring-mak-iggy
6. Temote - gun-afro-iggy
7. Bolth mannn - manti-gun-emerald
8. Viccica manti-manti-manti
9. Afrobean - temote-fj-temote
10. Makilaz - freaky-fj-manti
11. Litodude - gun-fj-temote - recieves videocamera
12. RedHerring - roundbox-iggy-iggy
13. AC1speakerbox - temote-manti-manti
14. Roundbox - :(
15. Ruritsu - vicc-afro-bolth
16. freakysnots - gun-fj-gun

Gun is wolfed.(lol gun was the only person who could be wolfed)
Iggy seered Afro
Vic guarded manti
Lito gets the videocamera

Day 1:
afro - lito
lito - temote, manti, afro, mak, fj, redh, ac1, iggy, lito
manti - freaky, bolth
redherring - ruritsu
temote - vic

Lito is insta'd - Wolf #1

Lito tries to use videocamera on manti.
Mak recieves the Gun.
Iggy corpselooted lito and recieves the videocamera.

Night 2:
Temote uses the Light
Wolves wolf manti
Iggy seers bolth
Vic guards iggy
Iggy videotapes roundbox

Day 2:
Ruritsu - Emerald
Fic - ac1, red
red - temote
emerald - afro , FJ, iggy
afro - vic, A2P
ac1 - rb
a2p - mak
rb - bolth
vic - ruritsu

Emerald is lynched - Wolf #2

Night 3:
Ac1 was wolfed
Mak vigi'd bolth - Wolf #3
iggy seered ac1
vig guarded iggy

Day 3:
a2p - iggy, ruritsu, fj, rb, temote
ruritsu - redh, afro, mak, a2p
afro - vic

A2P is lynched - Wolf #4
End of Game. YAY!

MVP - Iggy for seering a wolf n2, and getting the other three lyched and vigi'd.
LVP - none! You all played a wonderful game! good job!
- Dishonorable mention: Fic did almost break up the human alliance though.

DarkManticoreX2 09-14-2009 11:36 PM

Ha my plan worked. One day alive one wolf lynched. I'd call that a good ratio.


A2P 09-14-2009 11:40 PM

wow iggy was the seer

When he said lito wasn't a wolf, me and emerald were confused. Then I thought "hey maybe he's ****in with us" ...and he was. :P


Gun92 09-14-2009 11:43 PM

Well...that was a fun game to read I guess, lol.

FictionJunction 09-14-2009 11:44 PM


roundbox 09-14-2009 11:49 PM

iggy took me under his wing since he videotaped me and made me a 100% confirmed human. Good thing he snagged emerald. It was a nicely structured game but it was sooo short.

FictionJunction 09-14-2009 11:50 PM

so did iggy know emerald was the MW when he was killed?

Temote 09-14-2009 11:53 PM

I'm confused why it says Iggy seered two wolves. x_x

Other than a few mishaps, that was pretty fun, though.

DarkManticoreX2 09-14-2009 11:54 PM

So Clarinet and I were talking during the game about how watching the end was like watching a good movie (Clari said Soap Opera and started giving people roles) It was a fun ending to watch with everyone exploding and thinking they were so lost when in reality you guys were right there.

So anyway this is what Clarinet came up with.

TWG LXXXVII: Cloverfield Soap Opera parts
Unofficial fun role list as seen from Clarinets Soap Opera addled mind

DarkManticoreX2 - you are the good guy. you have the housewives swooning all over you and no mater what predicament you get in, you can talk your way out of it

emerald000 - emerald was the main family's arch nemesis. he claims to be in the hospital getting a liver transplant, but he really is getting a face transplant so that nobody will recognize his evil self'

iggymatrixcounter - iggy would the the town's crazy lady
clarinet898 (10:30:48 PM): or man
DarkManticoreX2 (10:31:02 PM): iggy's a guy
clarinet898 (10:31:12 PM): nobody thinks he can do anything right, like seering people, but he's got a few tricks up his sleeve
clarinet898 (10:31:17 PM): i know
clarinet898 (10:31:30 PM): but he seems to fit the crazy lady persona

Gun92 - Gun is an unfortunate sailor who came to town. For his day off, he was looking to have some fun, when things got too out of hand. Lost, he wandered into the nemesis family's part of town, overheard their plot to kidnap the old redherring. Before he could alert anyone, he was captured and killed.

FictionJunction - Fic is the guy that always says the right things, but is hardly listened to. Because of this, he gets in to confrontations easily so people will finally see his point. He seems to be of a small, mousy stature, to go with the character. His confrontations get him in to trouble because he comes of as a bad guy or wolfish

Temote - Temote is the scientist. He stays in the background until he pops up with information about someone or is williing to help with highly dangerous and illegal expriments and medical procedures

Bolth mannn - both was Emerald's henchman that tragically died in the cemetery shootout.

DarkManticoreX2 (10:39:27 PM): was i involved or was i too busy with my housewives
clarinet898 (10:40:04 PM): you were involved. you were wounded, but survived until the next night
DarkManticoreX2 (10:40:14 PM): blah
DarkManticoreX2 (10:40:34 PM): hope i got some action before i died
clarinet898 (10:40:40 PM): oh yeah

Viccica - vic is the troubled teenager sometimes the friends she makes and defends get her into trouble but she really is a god kid that just wants to grow up and be a vet

Afrobean - afro is this assertive but devilishly hansom guy
DarkManticoreX2 (10:24:57 PM): lol wut
clarinet898 (10:25:04 PM): who has to be bad in some way

Makilaz - mak is the cool-headed guy. he's the guy that all of the girls go to to be a shoulder to cry on he sees things the way they are and doesn't take no ****

Litodude - Lito's the hothead jerk. His rippling muscles couldn't even calm him down.

RedHerring - RedHerring is the ancient Grandpa that they only bring out for christmas weddings. He doesn't come around much

AC1speakerbox - AC1 is the computer nerd who has troubles with the ladies, but can hack into the President's computer if he wanted to.

Roundbox - roundbox is an aging actor who the writers "sent him on a trip, sailing around the world with the love of his life", to get him off screen
DarkManticoreX2 (10:33:58 PM): lol
clarinet898 (10:34:06 PM): or stopped wanting to pay him, but could bring his character back at any time in the future for a major plot turn!
DarkManticoreX2 (10:34:16 PM): coma patient

Ruritsu - Ruritsu's the little kid who is too clingy for his own good. He always wants to hang out with the older kids and often finds himself in some sort of trouble.

freakysnots/A2P - a2p is the newcomer to the town. he doesnt speak much, so people dont know what to think of him

Temote 09-15-2009 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 3228330)
Temote is the scientist. He stays in the background until he pops up with information about someone or is williing to help with highly dangerous and illegal expriments and medical procedures

How in the... That's actually how I designed his character back when I wrote him in my stories. x_x

emerald000 09-15-2009 12:06 AM

Good game guys. It was so funny to look at the made-up psychic results. And good choice for the people you throw under the bus iggy.

DarkManticoreX2 09-15-2009 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Temote (Post 3228329)
I'm confused why it says Iggy seered two wolves. x_x

Mistype probably


Originally Posted by FictionJunction (Post 3228327)
so did iggy know emerald was the MW when he was killed?

No, luck/skill


Originally Posted by Temote (Post 3228336)
How in the... That's actually how I designed his character back when I wrote him in my stories. x_x

We're good =D

roundbox 09-15-2009 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by DarkManticoreX2 (Post 3228330)
Roundbox - roundbox is an aging actor who the writers "sent him on a trip, sailing around the world with the love of his life", to get him off screen

It's like I'm actually in a coma

clarinet89 09-15-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Temote (Post 3228329)
I'm confused why it says Iggy seered two wolves. x_x

Other than a few mishaps, that was pretty fun, though.

Sorry, I was hopelessly confused. It's fixed now.

clarinet89 09-15-2009 12:14 AM

Oh btw, most of those story lines were actually from a soap that my mom watches. I don't watch it, but apparently it's sinking in.

Afrobean 09-15-2009 12:45 AM



#1: Iggy LYING about pychic situation. His lies ****ed me up bad, especially at the end of the game. Luckily he was able to scrounge out a win without me being around to help. Iggy, next time, tell the truth, at least to ME MOTHER****ER.

#2: All of the people I jumped on. This is a two headed mistake. My mistake for reading between the lines too heavily on them, their mistake for sucking ass at making logical posts that don't have easily readable alternate meanings. For example, if I say "person x thinks we should lynch the seer" and person y tries to talk down the case on person x, that screams to me that they're both wolves and that person y is too stupid to realize that trying to save person x from a lynch is useless. That subtle, between-the-lines stuff. You guys need to be a LOT more careful, you need to be aware of the implications of what you're saying, and you need to be careful of who you're associating with. And when I say "associating with" I don't mean talking directly with. I never talked to fiction until the last day, but anyone reading through the first day would probably have associated us together. That's what I'm talking about. It's compatibility of goals, or possibly even showing off of "incompatibility". Also: when whoever that was voted for me and/or called me out as a possible wolf on the last day. Did you really think this was possible that I was a wolf? All I saw when I read that was "oh no! this guy wants me dead, maybe I should do what I can to kill him first!" If I play with these people again, and you know who you are, I want you to be a little more aware of what you're saying, or I assure you, I will jump all over you again.

#3: The wolves never killing me. But was I right, or was I right? Fiction said it was likely one smart one was pulling the strings and choosing bad kills on purpose, but I was sure the 4 of them had no idea how to make good choices. They got lucky in getting the psychic night 2, but I know that wasn't their intent. No offense, a2p too, looking more at freakysnots. Oh, and I'm REALLY mad the wolves didn't catch on to my hinting. In at least a few posts, I made sure to pepper in overt hints that I was blue, that I was in on someting, but even that, combined with my activity, combined with the fact that iggy named me publicly day 1... should have been TOTALLY obvious to the wolves to kill me. I hope that at least some of the greens picked up on my hints and ****, because working that hard at it and not getting the payoff of being killed really bugged the hell out of me. Note: I knew iggy might've figured me as MW, so that, combined with my inability to feel like I was helping made me want a way to verify my role 100%, basically I saw 100% verification of my role as more important knowledge than my attempted railroadings of (who I now know to be) humans.

#4: All of the people who even for ONE second entertained the notion that iggy might actually be red. I had a little extra info on my end (he had come to me day 1 to tell me I had been seer'd), but still, how could you possibly think that "gun was seer, iggy knew it and faked his role" is even POSSIBLE? I was so aghast with it all that I was going to publicly reveal in the thread that I had been seer'd night 1 just to instantly dispel the secondary possibility of iggy being a front chosen by the real seer to keep himself hidden. I was writing the post and told fiction about it and he ended up talking me out of it, but I honestly wish I had at this point. The wolves STILL probably wouldn't have bothered offing me.

#5: Going on the notion that fiction might've been the "last wolf" (due to his VERY strange behavior on the last day mostly). I'm glad iggy pulled out a win in spite of actively lying to all of us (especially me), but if he hadn't, I don't think there was much of a shot after how vocal I had been against ruritsu and viccica, as well as suggesting that people reread the thread with psychic info in mind (which turned out to ALLLLLL be lies). And that bit of talking on aim I had with temote, and briefly with redherring I believe it was. Then again, now that I think about it, iggy lied about how many wolves there were left, so we had a couple additional days in reality... Can you imagine what would happen if it got down to like 4 people left and iggy was still saying there were 3 wolves left?

#6: Roundbox never posting at all. I recommend we get some TWC-esque action in here. Ban this dude from signing up for a while. He shouldn't be able to remain on good terms when he posts like two times all game and each post is a safety vote and NOTHING else.

#7: Iggy being sloppy with alliance dealings. Naming me and manti day 1 was a VERY bad idea. The execution was TERRIBLE and naming us both SHOULD HAVE made it clear that BOTH of us were in on something or would soon be in on something. I got the impression that iggy wanted to keep manti alive to seer him, but that apparently was not the case at all. The REAL way to keep him alive is to SUBTLY hint that you think he might be a wolf and leave it at that. Or hell, grab some cojones and just guard manti WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING IN THE THREAD ABOUT IT.

emerald000 09-15-2009 12:54 AM

1- I still don't get why iggy was faking psychic results. As soon as he makes a mistake, the wolves would know the psychic was dead. And that mistake came at the very start. That lie only hindered humans.

3- Actually, we didn't get lucky on manti wolfing. From what we could see from the thread, he had a good possibility of being a blue. And afro, you were really too obvious trying to look out like a blue. It could be seen from miles around that you were faking it. I know you wouldn't do such stupid mistakes if you would have been a real blue.

Bolth mannn 09-15-2009 01:36 AM

im confused as to why iggy seered me red and didnt tell anyone?

FictionJunction 09-15-2009 01:38 AM

keep you alive to gather more info, I suppose. kill you later through vigi

it was a good idea if he had his sights on emerald but that doesn't seem like it was the case?

Afrobean 09-15-2009 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by emerald000 (Post 3228398)
3- Actually, we didn't get lucky on manti wolfing. From what we could see from the thread, he had a good possibility of being a blue.

There was no evidence suggesting he was blue. All that was suggested was that he was or soon may be in on something. Not necessarily blue. I read it as that he was going to be seer'd night 2. But again, this mistake falls on iggy's shoulders, him naming manti day 1 when he shouldn't have.


And afro, you were really too obvious trying to look out like a blue.
Find my clues then, I challenge you. Most of my posts were played as a person who had been seer'd green, since that's what I was. I think there was only one or two posts where I actually put hints to me being blue in it.


It could be seen from miles around that you were faking it.
Even so, I was clearly not being looked at by iggy, and I was clearly acting like I was in on something. Even if you were able to tell I was giving false clues, you still should have recognized that even if I wasn't really blue, I was in on something.


I know you wouldn't do such stupid mistakes if you would have been a real blue.
You'd be surprised what I can be capable of. Go back and read some of the games where I was red or blue. Total 180 from the sort of stuff I did in this game.


Originally Posted by FictionJunction (Post 3228456)
keep you alive to gather more info, I suppose. kill you later through vigi

I told you this was probably the case when it happened and you didn't believe me!!!!!!!!!

Keeping a wolf alive for a day when you know he's not the last one left doesn't hurt anything. All it does is let you gather more evidence, especially in a situation where the alliance leader is lying to everyone about cardflips.

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