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-   -   Mapping Keys in FFR (WITH IMAGES) (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=41727)

jwcgator 04-30-2006 07:00 PM

Mapping Keys in FFR (WITH IMAGES) !!!!UPDATE 6/11/07!!!

use ffr built in keymapping.

but continue to read if you want to use a pad or R2/Resonance

NOTE: I have updated the actual code that you put into the ahk script, it allows you to suspend the script and unsuspend the script at a single keypress. Scroll down to see it

Tired of having to use <V86 as a pseudo-spread setup in FFR? Tired of having to get accustomed to 2 different setups between Stepmania and FFR? Well, you've come to the right thread. In this thread I'm going to be teaching you how to use a program called Autohotkey for your key mapping pleasures.


A. Setting up Autohotkey
B. Setting up the Autohotkey script
C. Running the Autohotkey Script
D. Closing the Autohotkey script
E. Other Cool Stuff
F. Troubleshooting

A. Setting up Autohotkey

Step 1: Download Autohotkey
Step 2: Install the program by double clicking the AutoHotkeyInstall.exe that you downloaded. (It would be wise that you restart the computer after installation)

B. Setting up the Autohotkey script

Step 1: Right click on the desktop, go to New, then click on New Autohotkey Script.

Step 2: Right click the New Autohotkey Script.ahk on your desktop and click Edit Script.


Step 3. Add the following code to your script:

a::Send {left}
s::Send {down}
k::Send {up}
l::Send {right}

;Do not delete this, it allows you suspend and unsuspend the script at any ;time with
;a simple press of the ` button (next to the number on on the number row ;above the letters on your keyboard


Step 4: Edit the letters before the ::'s to your choosing. The arrow setup for FFR is (LEFT)(DOWN)(UP)(RIGHT) For example, I have my script set up as

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:      English
; Platform:      Win9x/NT
; Author:        A.N.Other <myemail@nowhere.com>
; Script Function:
;        Template script (you can customize this template by editing "ShellNew\Template.ahk" in your Windows folder)

m::Send {left}
,::Send {down}
.::Send {up}
/::Send {right}

;Do not delete this, it allows you suspend and unsuspend the script at any ;time with
;a simple press of the ` button (next to the number on on the number row ;above the letters on your keyboard


Step 5: SAVE IT.

C. Running the Autohotkey Script

Just Double click the New Autohotkey Script.ahk. Simple as that.

D. Closing the Autohotkey script

Right click on the green H in the task bar and click Exit.

E. Other Cool Stuff

add this to your code if you havent already:

;Do not delete this, it allows you suspend and unsuspend the script at any ;time with
;a simple press of the ` button (next to the number on on the number row ;above the letters on your keyboard


This is very useful. Right click on the script and click Compile Script. This will make a portable EXE that you can put on other computers and use as FFR hotkeys without installing AutoHotKey Numerous times.

F. Troubleshooting

My script isn't running or I get an error message when I start up the script!
-Make sure that the syntax is correct. Look at the example above and make sure it looks like that.

It won't exit!
-Yes it will. If for some odd reason it wont exit when you click exit(and make sure you're doing it right!) then just delete the script on the desktop.

Well that's about it. The reason I omitted using a pad is because no one wants to use a pad on FFR anyways lol. If you really want to, Figure it out yourself. If you want to use this somewhere else please ask permission because I worked hard on this.

If anyone sees anything wrong please tell me and I will fix it ASAP

*EDIT - An AHK code that works on R2/Resonance (thanks to the DtTvB)


#SingleInstance Force
JustEval(name, state) {
  If (jl%name% != "" && jl%name% != state) {
    jl%name% := state
    Return "Changed"
  jl%name% := state
  Return "I"
Checkstate(name, state, key) {
  If (JustEval(name, state) != "I") {
    If (state) {
      Send {%key% Down}
    } Else {
      Send {%key% Up}
  jl%name% := state
JoyGet(b) {
  Global Joynumber
  Return GetKeyState("Joy" . b)
KGet(b) {
  Global Joynumber
  Return GetKeyState(b)
Loop {
  Checkstate("l", KGet("d"), "left")
  Checkstate("d", KGet("f"), "down")
  Checkstate("u", KGet("j"), "up")
  Checkstate("r", KGet("k"), "right")

This code uses loop to check if a key is pressed and released.
This way it can work with freezes.

MRichards' Simple Alternative for Key Remapping

I've uploaded a very simple program to remap the cursor keys for FFR. I know this duplicates the work of jwcgator (AutoHotKey), but this is much simpler to set up, and has a minimum of timing delay:



The program defaults to remapping FFR R1, and can remap the cursors for other windows or programs too. It also supports dancepads, joypads, guitar controllers etc. Unfortunately, R2 and Resonance use low level keyboard access and it doesn't work with them.

Minimum Specification

Works in Windows XP and Windows Vista (may need to use "Run as Administrator" in Vista).
I'm afraid I'm not a Mac or Linux programmer, sorry guys...

To get the absolute minimum of timing delay, the program injects a message hook directly into the target window. This is flagged up as a potential attack by many firewalls and spyware programs - because accessing another window's messages could indicate unauthorised activity. In fact, the program is harmless and simply needs access to the keyboard messages to do its job. However, to be open, I've put the entire project and source code on the above site, so it can be checked and compiled by those who know how.

petpro32 05-1-2006 06:14 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
i just wanted to say thanks for posting this. It has really helped my game on some of the more difficult songs. Again, thanks.

TheRapingDragon 05-2-2006 02:05 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
When I click on your link I get a "This webpage cannot be found" page. Can you fix the link and I'll try it.

EDIT: Got it working

talisman 05-2-2006 02:18 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
so... how do you turn this off again?

without ctrl alt deleting of course

TheRapingDragon 05-2-2006 02:21 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by talisman
so... how do you turn this off again?

without ctrl alt deleting of course

haha was just about to ask the same question until I released if you just delete the script you made on the desktop and wait about 10-20 seconds it'll stop.

talisman 05-2-2006 02:23 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
pretty nice though. fun to play ffr on spread. (which was not possible before on laptops).

edit: well on second thought this might be good and bad as it opens possibilities for double setups and whatnot. hmmm.

jwcgator 05-2-2006 07:20 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by talisman
pretty nice though. fun to play ffr on spread. (which was not possible before on laptops).

edit: well on second thought this might be good and bad as it opens possibilities for double setups and whatnot. hmmm.

I see what you're saying. but if people were that desperate they could just use numpad+arrows.

Oh sorry, and to exit this go to the taskbar, and right click on the H in the little tray. There should be "Exit AutoHotKey" or something to that effect. You dont have to delete the script

Fimbulvetr 05-6-2006 07:54 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
I can't seem to get the link to work

nvm, i just googled it.

AasumDude 05-6-2006 12:29 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
This is a pretty nifty thing... someone should put this into a vid sometime.

dead_juggalo 05-6-2006 10:01 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
Does that make it where you can play spread.
I play index on here.
But on SM I play a mixture of Index and Spread.
I'm not that good though.
The best AA I've gotten on SM is Black Dragon Oni.

petpro32 05-9-2006 04:16 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
Go back to the Brag Boards, Juggalo. This isn't the place.
And yes, you can play spread, or index, or whatever.

TK_Killer 05-9-2006 07:44 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
WOAHH..thats cool..i didnt know you could do that :)

Novacaine 05-15-2006 07:46 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by jwcgator
Start up FFR and try it out, however i reccomend you stay on the easy songs with a pad, i dont even think the best DDRer in the world could beat gradeus.

You'd be suprised. I've heard of someone doing eggmans one more lovely on standard on foot.

jwcgator 05-15-2006 07:52 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by Novacaine
You'd be suprised. I've heard of someone doing eggmans one more lovely on standard on foot.

o. k.

Novacaine 05-18-2006 04:14 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

ok apparantly he didnt actually beat it, but he got a decent way through.

what i'm saying is if he can do that at 200 bpm 16ths, why not gradeus thats only 180bpm 16ths.

jwcgator 07-2-2006 07:51 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by Novacaine

ok apparantly he didnt actually beat it, but he got a decent way through.

what i'm saying is if he can do that at 200 bpm 16ths, why not gradeus thats only 180bpm 16ths.

asdfasdfasdf wtf omg thats awesome

and BUMP because this thread's awesome

hellspare 07-5-2006 01:05 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
Oh god i love you

Afrobean 07-5-2006 03:55 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
This thread is an excellent resource.

Why is it not stickied?

jwcgator 07-5-2006 07:44 PM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad

Originally Posted by Afrobean
Why is it not stickied?

I dunno

Chromer 07-6-2006 05:03 AM

Re: How to map different keys in FFR and Use a Dancepad
Yay now I can finally try spread! :D

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