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-   -   The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=98721)

rzr 08-29-2008 02:12 PM

The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem

Time after time, the werewolves would return to town. Nobody ever knew how to get rid of them for good. So, they all just killed people until things stopped. If they didn't kill them all the wolves would overrun the village, then move onto the next one. One day, in the 1600's, they slipped into a small village called Salem. Things started up again, and that's where our story begins:

Night 1

Makilaz lay in his bed, snoring. A crash outside his window woke him up. Grabbing his pitchfork, the farmer went downstairs into the backyard.
"Hello?" he called out. "Is there anyone there?" A cat lept at him, clawing his chest. While he was distracted by the stray a gray-brown, four-legged creature stalked behind him.
"Awhoo" it howled to the moon. Saliva was dripping down its fangs. Jumping at Makilaz the werewolf tore chunks of flesh from his throat.
The next morning, Travman was headed towards the farm and saw Makilaz's dead body on the ground behind the barn.
"****" he muttered.

Day 1

The bell rang as the town meeting begun. DarkManticore called for silence and spoke to the group.
"Our farmer, Makilaz, was killed last night. We don't know who it was, or why they did it. But he is dead. Do we have any suspects?" he asked.
Heavylee jumped to her feet and pointed at Mamimi. "Her! I saw her out late last night!" All heads turned towards Mamimi. "Me? You liar! I was sleeping, even ask my husband!" A smile flickered across pntballa's face and he vouched for her.
"No," said Heavy "I saw you walking around the market. What were you doing, stealing?" she said, snidely.
"I've already told you, I was in my room the whole night." Mamimi defended.
"Come to think of it," interjected Kekeb, "I think I saw you, too." Manti looked at Mamimi with a suspicious look on his face.
"Kekeb, you've head a grudge against me ever since..." she let her sentence drift off.
"Since what?" asked Mattc.
"Do we really need to go over all this, again?" she said, nervously.
"Well, I guess I missed the meeting about this, so, yes" he said.
She looked up with a guilty look on her face. "We had an affair. Me and Kekeb slept together and his wife caught us."
Kekeb spoke up "no such thing ever occurred!" he denied. Laughter spread across the meeting room. Mamimi let a dark look fall like a shadow down her face.
Emerald stood up and said "I believe we have all come to an understanding here." The rest of the hall agreed. Jwcgator came out from behind Manti and roped Mamimi's hands together. She cried and begged as they dragged her off to her prison cell.
"Meet at the platform at 3:59. She dies when the clock strikes 4:00." Everyone scattered off to their homes and jobs. By three o'clock the lynching platform was surrounded with people. Mamimi stood on it with a noose around her neck and Jwcgator standing under her, laughing.
"Please! I'm innocent!" she wailed. Manti slowly walked up the plank and stood next to her.
"Mamimi, you have full understanding that you are to be executed for being found guilty of committing the act of murder?" he asked, not really expecting a response.
"I didn't kill him! It wasn't me! Spare my life!" she screamed out. "Do you understand that at the end of my speech the platform underneath you will fall causing the rope around your neck to kill you?" he asked, still not caring what she said.
"Please, Lord! Don't let them kill me! You can save me, you know I am innocent!"
"May god have mercy on your soul."
Jwcgator pulled a lever and the platform dropped. Her body slammed down, then her neck snapped. The crowd around was cheering and sounds like "kill another!" and "die wolf!" were heard. Her limp body swung back and forth as she was being cut down. The crown slowly dispersed as
the sun set and the moon rose.

Night 2

Travman and Kekeb met under a tree.
"Are you ready?" asked Kekeb.
"Ready?" said Trav.
Legs sprouted from their chests and their fingers melted into paws. Coarse brown fur erupted from their skin and layered their bodies. Trav hit the ground first and howled. Kekeb came down second and snuck behind him. They stalked the town. Sneaking up and pressing their snouts to windows they searched for the perfect target. Heavy soon joined the pack. Together the three of them walked through abandoned houses and buildings, sneaking around the market and up through the church. The reverend, BDN, was fast asleep. Baring his teeth in a wolf smile, Kekeb nodded his head in the direction of the reverend's room. Leaping silently up the stairs, they worked their way into his room. BDN rolled over. Kekeb backed up. Heavy pushed him aside with her back legs and got up on his bed. She growled quietly and Trav got on the bed, too. Kekeb liked to have fun, so pounced on the reverend's back. BDN jumped up with Heavy, the werewolf, staring in his eyes. He opened his mouth to scream, but didn't get the time before Trav tore his throat to pieces. They quickly
devoured his body and headed back to their houses.

Day 2

The following day there was another meeting. Pntballa brushed up against Kekeb on the way in, and kekeb stumbled. He looked over his shoulder and met Pnt's gaze. Forgetting for a minute that he was a human, Kekeb snarled at Pnt. Pnt jumped backwards.
Soon everyone was seated and the meeting began.
"the Reverend was torn to shreds in his own bed last night" Manti declared.
A hushed silence spread through the room like wildfire. Heavy burst into tears and Trav held her to comfort her. Manti continued.
"We're going to figure out who's killing our townsfolk. Let's start the accusations."
Pnt jumped to his feet and pointed at Kekeb. "He snarled at me on the way in here! I saw his wolf fangs!"
Kekeb stood up, calmly, and said to the room "when I was a small boy my parents were discipling me and my father threw a knife at me. it his me in the face, between these two teeth," he pointed to his sharp front teeth, "that is all you saw. I'm sorry for getting upset with you, next time please don't push me." Pnt sat down feeling foolish.
Manti laughed as he said "well, that accomplished nothing."
Roundbox stood up, slowly, and addressed the people "I was thinking to myself last night before I went to bed, and I think I have an idea." He paused and looked down at Thunder. "Thunder, who's the oldest man in our village?"
"I am" thunder replied.
"And, who came here after Lexington Wolfings stopped?"
"I did."
"And who went there after the Lancaster Wolfings?"
"I did."
"And now it's happening here? Who's to say you're not a wolf? Who's to say you didn't kill the people in Lexington and Lancaster?"
"I did not do that. I got lucky that I was not killed either time" the old man wheezed.
"My friends, do you believe this?" asked Roundbox.
Manti whispered something to Jwcgator and Jwc disappeared. A few moments later he returned with some rope. He stepped up to the old man and told him to show his palms. As soon as his wrinkly old arms were outstretched Jwc bound them together and dragged him off.
"I did nothing," he whispered, "I am not a murderer."
Later that evening they put Thunder down on a piece of wood. Manti ordered the rest of the execution. Thunder lay there with two pieces of wood over his body.
"Why did you kill the reverend?" asked Manti.
"I did not kill him."
Several heavy boulders were placed on him.
"Why did you kill the farmer?"
"I did not kill him."
More rocks were rested down.
"If you confess we will spare your life" said Manti, trying to get a confession. The old man was silent. Six more rocks were put down. The breath was being squeezed from Thunder's lungs.
"Why did you kill the reverend?"
"I did not kill him" said Thunder, weakly.
"Why did you kill the reverend?"
"I did not kill him"
"Why did you kill the reverend?"
"I did not kill him"
"Why did you kill the reverend?"
"I did not kill him"
"Why did you kill the reverend?" asked Manti, yet again. The old man silent and his eye lids slid down. With his last breath Thunder repeated the same line; "I did not kill him."

Night 3

Heavy crept around, cautiously. The pack had to split up since there was now a search party looking for the wolves. As the torches begun to light up the path she was on she lept behind a tree.
"Yeah, the corn's growing so well this year" said a voice.
"I wouldn't have thought it could get much better than last year" said someone else.
"Aye, I need to piss. Slow down" asked someone. A man came over to the tree Heavy was hidden behind. She flattened her ears to her head and crouched down, low to the ground. The man did his business and zipped his pants back up. From behind another tree Trav came and took the man to the ground. Heavy hit him across the face with her paw and Kekeb snuck up for the kill. Pnt's blood was dripping down Trav's snout. Heavy signaled for Kekeb to leave, but he only went behind her flank. Trav smelt another man coming. When he got to behind the tree he looked down and saw his friend's dead body and opened his mouth to scream. Before he had a chance to Trav locked his jaws around the man's throat and sunk his long fangs into the wind pipe. lapping up the blood that came with the bite. They took off through the woods to transform. Once the three of them were back as humans Kekeb brought up a delicate subject.
"What do we do if we get caught in this town?"
"We die" laughed Trav, nonchalantly, "too bad these fools will never figure it out."
Heavy rested her head on Trav's chest. "I think we should kill Manti next" she said.
"Not yet, love. We'll wait and see where things go from here. maybe we'll get lucky... I have an idea" and with this final word they departed.

Day 3

"That's a good point" said Manti to Roundbox. "Kekeb, why is it that Pnt died right after he accused you?"
Kekeb looked up and said "Perhaps someone is trying to frame me?"
"It's possible, but unlikely. Why did Argo die with him?"
"I do not know" he answered.
"Well," said Manti "I'm thinking you killed Pnt. And I'm thinking xception helped you."
Xception was a quiet merchant and he stood up, surprisingly defiant.
"And what is this foolery? What have thou against me?"
"I was informed that you were seen leaving your house late last night."
"By whom? I wanted to know who would make such lies up about me" he said, angrily.
"I am not at liberty to say" replied Manti. "However, you are acting quite guilty."
"I am not!" he retorted.
"Jwc, arrest them both" ordered Manti.
Jwc tied the two together and they sat back off for the lynching platform.
Once the two of them were strung up by their necks Manti begun to read off the sentencing.
"Xception and Kekeb, you both understand you are here to be executed fro the murders of Pntballa and Argo?"
Kekeb turned towards xception and said to him in a low voice "let's pray. I'll start"
Kekeb rose his voice and spoke to the sky "Now, I lay me"
Xception followed his lead; "down to sleep"
"I pray the lord"
"my soul to keep"
Manti continued to ask them why they killed the two men, though nobody payed much attention.
"And if I die"
"before I wake"
"I pray the Lord"
"My soul to take"
Once the last line was said the platform dropped and the two hung there, limp.
"Let's hope this is over, now" Manti called out to the crowd around the lynching platform.

Night 4

Trav met Heavy near her house, and the two crept off into the woods to transform. Soon they were werewolves. This time Trav led the way. Knowing their biggest threat was Roundbox, they headed to his house. They tore his body to body, no questions asked. However, sitting alone in his bed, unable to sleep, Manti prayed. Heavy always had a dark, evil, deep inside her. She took Roundbox's head as a trophy and clamped it in her jaws. She ran with Trav behind her, to Manti's house. Trav pounced on her to stop her, but missed and scraped his chin on the cold ground. She got on her hind legs and looked into his window. Manti was staring at the ceiling. Heavy threw her head backwards and then jerked it forwards. Roundbox's head smashed through the window and landed on Manti's lap. He screamed and the two werewolves took off into the night. Heavy stopped at the edge of the woods and turned around. Tilting her head to the sky sky howled. Trav smiled with his lips curling up, the way a wolf would smile

Day 4

The town house was filling with people. Manti was shooken up about the night before and stared straight. Nothing was in his vision, he just simply stared. Jwc came over and shook him.
"Last night," Manti began, cutting straight to the issue, "I was laying in my bed, praying. Right before I was about to say "Amen" the glass of my bedroom window shattered. Roundbox's head landed in my lap. These terrors... They aren't over." the hall went quiet.
Heavy stood up. "I'm sorry, but I must make a point. Is it not possible that you killed Roundbox and faked this to gain our trust?"
Manti looked outraged as he yelled at her "what in God's name would give you a crazy idea like that?"
Emerald spoke up "she does have a point."
Trav quickly agreed. Soon the hall was filled with people questioning their neighbors and even their own family. Manti backed off the podium and Jwc stepped to it.
"Does this mean we will execute Manti?" he asked the townsfolk.
Shouts of "yes" and "do it now!" were thrown around. Jwc grabbed Manti and pulled him out behind the meeting hall.
Emerald built a small fire around a large, wooden pole. Fiction Junction and X3r0 propped Manti up on the pole.
"We have no reason to ask if you're guilty. We all you know you are." said Jwcgator.
Fiction added oil to the fire and to rose up lo lick Manti's feet and he screamed out in pain. Soon the fire completely engulfed him and his flesh melted from his body. Manti died over a fire, without so much as a blessing.

Night 5

"This is it. If we make it past tonight the town will be under our control" said Trav.
"Yes, I know. And we only lost one of our own." said Heavy.
"I think we should get the balif tonight. You know, that Jwcgator fellow. I don't want to have to go up against him if things go poorly." Heavy suggested.
"I don't see how it could hurt. Plus, I don't really have any better ideas" Trav laughed.
They transformed and took off after Jwcgator. As they approached his house they saw a figure in his front yard. they split up and circled around it. Heavy went to the left and Trav took the right. Once they were behind it they headed towards it, side-by-side. Heavy sprinted ahead of Trav and took the figure to the ground. Biting into its straw flesh she was upset to learn it was only a scare crow. Trav turned around towards a half ajar door at the back end of Jwc's house. Sneaking inside it they pawed their way up the stairs and into Jwc's living room where he was asleep in his rocking chair. They swiftly killed the man in his sleep, and departed.

Day 5

Fiction Junction laughed as Flawofhumanity's hands were nailed to the cross underneath him. Heavy sat back and watched with a tear in her eyes. Flaw whimpered as the nails stunk into his palms. The pain traced down to his feet which were already nailed into place. Fiction dragged the cross into town and a crowd quickly gathered. Trav helped Fiction stand the cross up as Emerald packed the dirt and rocks around the base to keep it in place. DrKirth threw a rock at him and Fiction yelled out "not yet!"
Trav was a bit excited to read off the execution speech.
"Flawofhumanity, you understand that you are here to be crucified for committing the act f murder?"
"I killed nobody! Please, don't bring it to this! Don't let them win!" he cried to the crowd. They didn't listen and began pelting him with stones. The jagged rocks hit his body and with every hit he twitched. DrkirthDrkirth looked into Flaw's eyes. With a swift arm motion he chucked a rock through Flaw's skull. As soon as he died Heavy hit the ground and howled. Trav did the same and they transformed in front of the crowd. People began running in circles and screaming, nobody knew what to do. The two werewolves took turns. they'd jump on someone's back, pin them down, and the other would bite the neck. Finally, all of the townsfolk were laying on the ground, bloody and not breathing. A whimper came from near the market. Emerald was huddled behind a counter, choking up. Heavy circled around the counter from the left, and Trav from the right. Heavy allowed her body to once again become human, and looked down at Emerald. Trav did the same. heavy laughed at him, as pathetic as he looked she didn't have the heart to kill him like this.
"C'mon," she said to Trav and they started off towards the next town.

edubardus 08-29-2008 02:16 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
what is this

FictionJunction 08-29-2008 02:17 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
I'm so confused

rzr 08-29-2008 02:17 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
A little short story I wrote up when I didn't internet.

robertsona 08-29-2008 02:20 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
FictionJunction and edubardus are the same person.

rzr 08-29-2008 02:27 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
We all know. And he still thinks he's funny.

hoochan 08-29-2008 02:30 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
Haha, rzr, you are hilarious! I wish I had the incredible wit that you have!

Cloud0005 08-29-2008 02:30 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
pure epicness

robertsona 08-29-2008 02:31 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
if this isn't game maybe more fit for literature (?)

rzr 08-29-2008 02:32 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem

Originally Posted by hoochan (Post 2770430)
Haha, rzr, you are hilarious! I wish I had the incredible wit that you have!

Most people do. Glad to see you're unbanned. Such a welcoming sight to meet my eyes.


Originally Posted by robertsona (Post 2770437)
if this isn't game maybe more fit for literature (?)

I didn't thinnk anyone would see it there. I made it for the guys in here, so I put it here.

hoochan 08-29-2008 02:34 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem

Originally Posted by rzr (Post 2770439)
Most people do. Glad to see you're unbanned. Such a welcoming sight to meet my eyes.

I know, man. I saw an entirely new light while I was banned. I'm sorry for all of the **** I did to you. No hard feelings?

robertsona 08-29-2008 02:34 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem

Originally Posted by hoochan (Post 2770443)
i know, man. I saw an entirely new light while i was banned. I'm sorry for all of the **** i did to you. No hard feelings?

it's a trap

rzr 08-29-2008 02:35 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
If you're sincere, no hard feelings.

robertsona 08-29-2008 02:39 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
why didn't you heed my warning

FictionJunction 08-29-2008 02:39 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
uh oh rzr's defensive

FictionJunction 08-29-2008 02:41 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
oh yeah I didn't read this because I ctrl f'ed myself and saw something about crucifictions and was kind of disturbed by it considering that rzr wrote this in his free time

robertsona 08-29-2008 02:42 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem

Originally Posted by robertsona (Post 2770450)


robertsona 08-29-2008 02:42 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
it's a trap

rzr 08-29-2008 02:46 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
I think one day you might learn, hoochan.

Thanks, Trav. Cloud's telling me to do some more. I've got a few ideas in my head, I might toss something together later.

travman301 08-29-2008 03:05 PM

Re: The Werewolf Game - A Tale From Salem
Me and heavy pwned. XD

This was an interesting read rzr. TWG in written form.

Also, everyone please stop turning this into the last signup thread. =/

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