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nois-or-e 11-27-2014 04:26 PM

[PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
G'day FFR.

Since my last visit, things have taken a rather dire turn for the worse. As some of you are aware, my wife musical_vampire has had her visa cancelled after 33 months of marriage and 32 months of waiting for it to process. I have a 7yo daughter that looks up to her like she's her real mum, and we have a son together that is turning 2 in march.

Long story short, the cost of the appeal totals over $1600. We're hoping to qualify for financial hardship which will reduce this cost to $1155 (this is all in AUD, btw). Our representative for the appeal is almost guaranteeing us that we can get the decision overturned. The cost of the appeal is all that is stopping us.


It would mean the world to my family if you could read the following.

In 2011 I had been a single parent with a young daughter for 4 years & after going through several hardships met an American woman through a website I was doing volunteer work on. She arrived on a tourist visa in December 2011, originally just for a holiday. My daughter never had a mother figure around, and neither of us wanted to part ways -- so before her 3 months were up, we got married in the February. Immediately I put all of my savings into paying the $3000 for her partner visa, of which we applied for in early march 2012. From there, my wife was very confused by the visa process & unbeknownst to myself, inadvertently dragged the process out unnecessarily.
Due to her arriving on a tourist visa. The no work/study clause carried over to get temporary visa. So I was supporting both my daughter and her while trying to find gainful employment after years of single parenting, without the luxury of a vehicle, or family that were prepared to help. She fell pregnant & we had to move into a larger house, stretching our limitations financially. Having completed a pre apprenticeship while being a single parent in Brisbane, I made an application with the defence forces.
I aced both aptitude tests and had my choice of 147 jobs. I selected a job & kept physically training, preparing to leave for basic training with the navy soon after my son was born.
In the weeks following my sons birth, I was the victim of a hit and run while cycling & was unable to do anything other than struggle from week to week and recover.
Due to an error I made in the medical paperwork in my navy application, I was eventually given a class 4, making me ineligible. So we started the long appeal process. Understandably during this time while our son was only a matter of months old, I had my wife keep track of her correspondence with the immigration department. As far as we knew, she only needed documents for police checks via America & her family over there was helping. As the global economic crisis came to a close, her family in America was going through bankruptcy and losing their house.
Eventually, 2 separate trips over here in 2013 were cancelled & they finally managed to get here this year in September. The police documents were passed on & there was but one step to go (her medical). 2 attempts were made to get this done. The first was foiled when my wife had her handbag stolen, containing the $400 we'd diligently saved for it. With the police unable to return our money, even after they caught the culprit, we started saving for it again.
The second time was cancelled due to my wife being in her period at the time of the appointment in late September.

To make matters worse, in late July, I was the victim of an attempted mugging where I was jumped by 2 junkies while walking home. Being 6'6", I defended myself, but shattered my 5th meta carpel in the process. The ensuing hospital visit referred me to an orthopaedic surgeon that brushed my condition off as being 'fine'. Weeks passed and something wasn't feeling right, so I contacted my gp who referred me to Dandenong Hospital. This process took weeks & I was denied surgery to fix it, with a new assessment booked in for November. At the start of November, they again denied me surgery, citing that the fault lay with the initial surgeon who had failed to operate in a timely manner. A new assessment date has been set for February 2015.
While this was all transpiring. We have had a neglectful landlord that refused basic maintenance on our house causing us untold havoc during the year. Eventually we had to broker a break lease deal as my medical costs were causing too much strain & we could no longer afford to live there. Having moved in with a friend and her children, we've been displaced completely with no internet to maintain contact with things like the immigration department.
We received an email on Monday explaining that her visa had been knocked back, with 28 days to appeal or have her thrown out of the country, due to her medical not being completed. The only reason we haven't been able to do it is because we cannot afford to get it until we've sorted out moving house and my hand recovering so I can work. With my wife not allowed to work or study until the visa is approved, this has made the last few months a financial hell and quite frankly, impossible.

To appeal the decision, it is going to cost us $1604 + $353 for her medical, and while supporting 2 children and my wife while still on a single parenting payment while I'm out of work with a broken hand, this has proven to be a very tall ask. Not to mention the cost of moving into cheaper accommodation so that we can save to keep her here. My children don't want to see their mother leave. My daughter is 7 years old and loves her to pieces. Our son is only 20 months old & it seems ludicrous that the government wants to take an Australian citizens mother away from him at this tender age a week before Christmas.

A good friend of mine, from the website I worked on voluntarily (www.FlashFlashRevolution.com), Mitch Simpson set up a crowd funding page to try and help raise some of the money towards our appeal against the decision. We've only got until the 19th to have lodged our appeal & our representative (a family friend that works in local government) thinks we have a very good case to win the appeal and keep her here with myself, her kids and friends that she loves so very much.

Any tiny little bit helps, so we've been trying to get as much attention to this crowd funding link that we can. If 10,000 people see it & 1% of them donate a few dollars, we'll be half way there in no time!!


The image on the page is her and I during happier times at her first AFL game. She loves this country dearly. She took on the responsibilities of being a mother for a 4 year old girl that thought she'd never have a mum of her own & has given birth to a beautiful boy that adores her. All we want is to be together and have her stay here with her children. She dreams of studying photojournalism, and has had many photos published in our local paper since she's been in Australia. I dream of working with the navy, but this would prove impossible when the government wants me to go back to struggling as a single parent. This time with 2 children.

We're currently living with a friend, with a terrified mum that is wondering what the hell we're going to do if we can't come up with the money before the 19th. We constantly see Sudanese families come over here and get automatic payments, loans, housing and endless opportunity. My poor Katie can't even get permission to work or even stay with her children for Christmas...


Mitch Simpson set up an indiegogo page
to help raise the money. Every share or dollar helps helps make keeping Katie here with the family we've created, a possibility.

Joe Irion set up a reddit page for extra exposure. Anyone with a reddit account that could help us upvote the story and get it some extra attention would be appreciated.

As we're putting all of our money into getting into cheaper accommodation and trying to come up with funds for this. Katie's family is returning any Christmas presents she got for her & the kids (I refuse presents because of postage costs), so that she can chip in towards keeping Katie with her family here. If anyone would like to donate directly for a present for Marissa or Corey, you can PayPal us with details of what you'd like us to get for them on your behalf at jaeliveshere@gmail.com

At the end of the day, all I'm trying to do is stop the government from taking 2 beautiful children's mother away a week before Christmas. If Katie is deported, she isn't allowed back for a minimum of 3 years.

Every share counts guys, thank you for your time.

Once imgur finishes being a derp, I'll post some family photos from this year.
Edit: here you go.

Netjet! 11-27-2014 04:31 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
Heyo, I set up the indiegogo page for jae and katie. If anyone's able to help by either donating or sharing the story/link, I would be extremely grateful. :)

Litodude 11-27-2014 04:35 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
take a funny photo with ur fam

PhantomPuppy 11-27-2014 04:44 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
i would help out, but as im 17 and have no money, i don't see how i can do much :/ really sorry man, i wish you and your family the best of luck.

nois-or-e 11-27-2014 04:50 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
Sharing the indiegogo link through social media & upvoting the reddit page helps gain exposure. The more people we can get to see this, the better.

Lito, the wife is under the weather today with a bit of a stomach bug and Marissa is at school. I'll take an updated family photo during the weekend. (Friday morning here atm)

nois-or-e 11-27-2014 05:03 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
I threw in the pic of my dad with Katie and Corey sitting on his '09 soft tail Harley Davidson cos I remember you like bikes ;)

.v. 11-27-2014 05:09 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
I hope everything works out. I would be more than happy to throw some money in to help..But i'm short on money too at the moment to the point where i've had to stop smoking. You have a great family and the government fucking sucks.

irionman 11-27-2014 05:33 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
If you can't donate, please upvote the reddit thread. The more exposure it gets the potential increases for earning more money.

Fission 11-27-2014 06:07 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
so you disappear from FFR for at least a year, come back and expect people to donate to you? i feel no sympathy for your situation because these posts pop up on FFR semi-frequently and you're no different than anybody else asking for money.

i know this is really direct and i'm going to get negative attention for this post, but FFR doesn't owe you anything.

TC_Halogen 11-27-2014 06:12 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas

Originally Posted by Fission (Post 4239488)
so you disappear from FFR for at least a year, come back and expect people to donate to you? i feel no sympathy for your situation because these posts pop up on FFR semi-frequently and you're no different than anybody else asking for money.

i know this is really direct and i'm going to get negative attention for this post, but FFR doesn't owe you anything.

There are points where being inappropriate in a thread are hardly worthy of batting an eye, but this is most certainly not one of them given how dire the situation is to their livelihood.

Your opinion is acceptable, but refrain from being overly harsh/blunt about it, because this is something that could lead to an absolutely horrible situation. In this case, support is all that is needed and nothing more. If you have nothing to contribute, don't post.

That goes for anyone posting in this thread in the future.

Litodude 11-27-2014 06:17 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
nah i think it's horrible to try and beg ffr for donations. this happens frequently. and honestly while asking for community help is definitely a blow to one's ego, you should have forseen this happening and planned this out financially

regardless, threw in a bill out of the altruistic goodness of my heart, and to think a family has to split up due to financial reasons just doesn't sit well w me.

just don't fuck up anymore capice

TC_Halogen 11-27-2014 06:20 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas

Originally Posted by Litodude (Post 4239495)
nah i think it's horrible to try and beg ffr for donations. this happens frequently. and honestly while asking for community help is definitely a blow to one's ego, you should have forseen this happening and planned this out financially

regardless, threw in a bill out of the altruistic goodness of my heart, and to think a family has to split up due to financial reasons just doesn't sit well w me.

just don't fuck up anymore capice

I don't disagree at all with the first situation, but it's not exactly nice to see "you don't deserve it" when they're in such a horrible situation.

The bolded situation is how I felt too, which is why we tossed a little something to them as well. Jae and Kayla/I have had our differences in the past, but having two kids makes it that much harder to imagine what it would be like to have the family not just split up, but split up so incredibly far away.

irionman 11-27-2014 06:25 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
Wow, some real prick comments already. Saying ffr doesn't owe someone is just ridiculous. He's not posting as if people owe him something, he's utilizing his resources. If you don't agree with it, or don't like it, pass over the thread. And planning for a revoked visa is not something you just do. 33 months and now it's happening? Marriage puts a financial strain on the best of us, and some things just cannot be forseen. Shit happens. Maybe one day you'll see it first hand.

AlexDest 11-27-2014 06:32 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
would donate if i could

upvoted the reddit page anyway, hope you reach your donation goal

Fission 11-27-2014 06:33 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas

Originally Posted by irionman (Post 4239504)
He's not posting as if people owe him something, he's utilizing his resources.

you're not getting my point so i'll rephrase. why should anybody help if he hasn't done anything for FFR in a long while? it just comes off as borderline begging if you haven't helped FFR in any way for this much time.


Originally Posted by irionman (Post 4239504)
If you don't agree with it, or don't like it, pass over the thread.

i'm allowed to post my opinion on a public forum that is asking for something from me. don't tell me otherwise.


Originally Posted by irionman (Post 4239504)
Marriage puts a financial strain on the best of us, and some things just cannot be forseen. Shit happens. Maybe one day you'll see it first hand.

i have seen it first hand -- my own family was involved in financial hardship. they didn't ask for donations, they worked to dig themselves out of it. nice assumption even though you know nothing about me.

irionman 11-27-2014 06:36 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas

Originally Posted by Fission (Post 4239509)
you're not getting my point so i'll rephrase. why should anybody help if he hasn't done anything for FFR in a long while? it just comes off as borderline begging if you haven't helped FFR in any way for this much time.

i'm allowed to post my opinion on a public forum that is asking for something from me. don't tell me otherwise.

i have seen it first hand -- my own family was involved in financial hardship. they didn't ask for donations, they worked to dig themselves out of it. nice assumption even though you know nothing about me.

Your family doesn't translate to you. Don't try and make it sound like it does. Do you know for an absolute fact that your family sought no assistance of any kind from anyone?
The thread didn't ask anything from you specifically, or any specific person for that matter. And who gives a flying shit if he's been away from an online arrow smashing game for a while. What part of raising a family do you not understand?

nois-or-e 11-27-2014 06:39 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
This post was too help gain exposure. If you can share, like, upvote or help, every little bit helps. FFR doesn't owe me anything, but having friends here that I can reach out to for more exposure to our cause is an avenue of assistance that seemed feasible enough at the time.

Sprite & Chaz seemed to think it was acceptable on Facebook to post this here, originally I wasn't going to.

Thanks lito & anyone else that had donated, shared, liked or upvoted.

Izzy 11-27-2014 07:56 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
Donated some money. Good luck to you.

TrixiePuff 11-27-2014 08:27 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas

dAnceguy117 11-27-2014 08:42 PM

Re: [PLEASE READ] #SaveKatieForXmas
Chipped in and upboated. Best wishes, man.

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