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NorthStrong 06-14-2014 09:18 PM

NorthStrong's Training Log
At the behest of SCWolf, I've decided to start keeping a training log here to just give you all an idea of how I'm doing things since a couple of you were curious about how things are structured with my training.

Some background info on me that is hopefully relevant

Started lifting in December 2012, so about a year and a half of training. Had pretty bad training ADD for a while. Started at 196lbs, sitting at around 205 right now.

Started out doing a starting strength thing, then a few months of greyskull LP, then 5/3/1 for like 2 cycles, then 16 weeks of the juggernaut method, back to 5/3/1 for about 6 months, and have been training on an RTS system since about december of this year. All kinds of different training has been done, and I should have stuck to fewer things, for longer.

I have my first powerlifting meet coming up on June 28th.

I'll start logging my sessions in here starting on Monday, which will be the first session of the week before meet week which will be more or less of a deload.

Here we go!

dragon890x 06-15-2014 03:20 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
I'm looking forward to this!

Thanks for taking the time to log your training sessions here. :D

NorthStrong 06-16-2014 05:11 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
2 Weeks out from CPF Nats

Squat x 3 @ 10, 5%

bar x 10
385x3 @ 9.5 (PR, just a bit over opener)

365x1 felt like ballz

Pause Bench x 3 @ 10, 5%

245x3 @ 10 (PR, also, spotter grabbed it a bit but I know I had it)

230x1x3 (for practice with singles)


Happy with this session. The triples will be just over my opening attempts, and both went well. IDK why the 365 felt so heavy for squat, but it folded me over and I was like whatever I'll go bench.

Meet is very soon, and I'm getting really excited.


Originally Posted by dragon890x (Post 4150407)
I'm looking forward to this!

Thanks for taking the time to log your training sessions here. :D

Thank you for following along!

NorthStrong 06-17-2014 10:46 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
2 Weeks out from CPF Nats Secondary Sh!t

Pause Squat x 2 @ 9, 6%

bar x lots
315x2 @ 8
335x2 @ 9

315x2 @ 9 (elbows up, upper back got loose)

Spoto Press x 2 @ 9, 6%

225x2 @ 8
235x2 @ 9.5

220x2 @ 9

Press x 5 @ 10, 6%

bar x10
135x5 @ 10 (shame)

125x5 @ 10


Alright session tonight. Went at like 11:30pm. Had to pause squat first (was supposed to be spoto press first) due to equipment usage etc. Not a big deal though.

Pause squats were meh, felt really tight still from yesterday. 335x2 was harder than it should have been.

Spoto pressing was alright. 225x2 moved very well, 235x2 not as well. I find this movement very stressful on the pec tendon for some reason, I might rotate it out of my programming after the meet for this reason.

Pressing was alright too. No rest between the bench stuff and overhead stuff, so it was maybe a bit sub par compared to what it could have been. My press strength has gone down since not prioritizing it as much. Might change that after the meet as well since overhead stuff is cool. 135x5 was meh, best rep pr is 135x8.

That was it for tonight. Lats and abs and calves tomorrow.

SCWolf 06-17-2014 11:15 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by NorthStrong (Post 4151844)
calves tomorrow.

I need to start training calves more. What are you going to be doing for calves?

NorthStrong 06-17-2014 11:28 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4151882)
I need to start training calves more. What are you going to be doing for calves?

Calf raises

SCWolf 06-17-2014 11:30 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by NorthStrong (Post 4151902)
Calf raises

lookin' gooooood man

Reach 06-18-2014 12:22 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
I brought my calves up from 13.5 to 17.25 inches in 2.5 years.

Calves 3 times a week. I have two calf routines.

Day 1: 4x12 standing calf raise, done in smith machine on a block. 4x15 seated calf raises.

I usually keep the weight the same on the second session and try to do 13 or 14 reps, and then increase the weight the next session.

Day 2: Standing calf raises with weighted pack. 100 reps. Add 5 lbs to this every 2 weeks or so.

After resting for 5+ minutes, I then take the same weight and start with 20 reps. Rest 1 minute. Do 30 reps, rest 1 minute, do 40 reps, rest 1 minute etc until I fail a set.

The most important factor for growth that I've found: full ROM with no bouncing. You must absolutely squeeze out fully at the very top of the ROM. This is extremelyyyy important because it's the only way to fully engage the gastrocnemius. If you stop short you get very little contraction of the gastroc and get mostly soleus activation.

NorthStrong 06-18-2014 12:30 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
So much calf talk

more squat talk pls

But yeah I'm mostly doing them to try and improve ankle flexibility, letting it stretch really hard at the bottom, just doin a couple sets of 10 ish with light weights 2x a week. My calves are like 17.5 without doing anything so I'm not concerned with size really.

Reach 06-18-2014 12:39 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
17.5 doing nothing.

I don't like you :(

Mind you I have 8 inch ankles so I wasn't exactly blessed in that department.

Squat is by far my least favorite of the big 3.

But if we want to talk squats, how often do you pause squat? I noticed above that you were doing them. You do them ATG? ATG pause squatting is by far my favorite way to squat.

NorthStrong 06-18-2014 01:34 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
I just checked and have 10" (c)ankles.

But yeah I hate pause squatting lol, pretty much been doing it 1x a week. I try to go right to where I would in a normal squat, just to train it in a more specific manner. Further out I might do them with a higher bar position and a closer stance, deeper depth kinda thing. Dan Green and Ed Coan are both big fans of that variation.

Reach 06-18-2014 07:31 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Yeah I just started squatting again tonight actually after a huge hiatus because of my injury...been stretching a lot though these past few months, and squatting felt good tonight.

I guess I do that variation, since I do high bar, moderate stance, ass to basically the floor and pause for 2 seconds. Brutal, but fun.

I don't know if I'll ever get back up to a 385x3 squat but I guess I'll see. For the time being I'll see if I can stay ahead of you on bench ;)

SCWolf 06-18-2014 07:36 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Get your form down and you won't have any issues with that.

My goal is to keep up with him lol

NorthStrong 06-18-2014 09:33 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 4152383)
Yeah I just started squatting again tonight actually after a huge hiatus because of my injury...been stretching a lot though these past few months, and squatting felt good tonight.

I guess I do that variation, since I do high bar, moderate stance, ass to basically the floor and pause for 2 seconds. Brutal, but fun.

I don't know if I'll ever get back up to a 385x3 squat but I guess I'll see. For the time being I'll see if I can stay ahead of you on bench ;)

Lol the bench shouldn't be any problem, it's not my favourite lift. 315 in 2015 though for sure. Gonna get on dat dere Bill Kazmaier time.

Yeah high bar close stance squats are godo to just teach you to push with your quads if you are a PC dominant kinda person, since for a while in the powerlifting world it was considered wrong to squat with your quads at all, lol.


Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4152385)
Get your form down and you won't have any issues with that.

My goal is to keep up with him lol

You're pretty much fukn ahead of me on bench you kuntbag. At like a whole person lighter bodyweight.

SCWolf 06-19-2014 12:56 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

NorthStrong 06-19-2014 09:08 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Deadlift x 3 @ 10, 6%

355x3 @ 8
375x1 @ grip failure, this is new.

Close Grip Bench x 2 @ 9, 6%

225x2 @ 8
235x2 @ 9.5

Front Squats

bar x10
185x5x3 (forgot squat shoes, knee hurting)



Terrible day.

NorthStrong 06-20-2014 09:47 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
8 days out CPF Nats

3ct Pause Bench x 2 @ 9, 5%

215x2 @ 8
215x2 @ 8
220x2 @ 9


Stiff Leg Deadlift x 5 @ 9, 5%

275x5 @ 9

260x5 @ 9 (farted hard mid set was lols / lost concentration tryin not to sh!t srs!)

Incline x 5 @ 9, 5%

165x5 @ 9

155x5 @ 9


Solid session, feeling sliightly better. Had a headache and was a bit dehydrated / needed to chit today so it wasn't awesome or anything but I got in a final bit of work.

One week out!

NorthStrong 06-22-2014 05:31 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Fluff n Buff

Bent Rows


Abs 2 sets

Calves 2 sets

Pushdowns 2 sets

Curls 2 sets


Tired today. Now begins my "deload" leading into the meet. 6 days out.

SCWolf 06-22-2014 11:21 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
How'd the calf training go

NorthStrong 06-22-2014 11:54 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4154785)
How'd the calf training go

It was terribly exciting. I can't wait to not have these days in my programming anymore lol.

NorthStrong 06-23-2014 10:03 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Meet Week!

Squat 3x5 @ 8


Bench 3x5 @ 8


Lats n abs 2x10


Solid day overall. Had 3 hrs of frisbee prior to, so I was bruuuttally exhausted. Felt stupid tight on squats, some of the worst I've ever done lol. Had a good talk with Coach Doollas today and I'm feeling good and excited for my meet. Looking forward to it. This week is easy now, just a lil prehab type day on Wednesday. I'll find out on Wednesday if I can get a handler for the meet or not.

Meetin Brandon Lilly for the seminar on Friday, and then lifting on Saturday.

SCWolf 06-23-2014 10:13 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Are you going to train calves with Brandon Lilly

NorthStrong 06-23-2014 10:31 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4155179)
Are you going to train calves with Brandon Lilly


SCWolf 06-24-2014 08:53 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

NorthStrong 06-25-2014 09:51 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Swer 2 god m8.

NorthStrong 06-25-2014 08:12 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Fluff. 2x10 of everything with light ass weight.

SCWolf 06-25-2014 11:13 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

NorthStrong 06-29-2014 12:37 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Weigh ins and seminar write are in my log if you wanna check it out, B Lilly did the seminar and it was a very good!


Woke up at 6:45 am - drove to the meet and was there in time for the rules meeting. It was nice to have that just to go over how things would be in real time. I was in flight 3 out of 4, so I had quite a while to chill before lifting. Eating was hard, couldn't eat much without feeling sick but managed to get some beef jerky in, and a bit of a sandwich. Just nerves I think. Took some caffeine when I was warming up.

Warmups went good, a few guys commented saying my squats looked good / fast, ended up hitting 315 for a caouple singles before going on the platform. Opener was good, second was good and felt fast, so I took my 3rd attempt at 410 and missed it. Really should have had it. I almost missed the rack command on the first squat, but they just told me to wait for it longer the next time since it was my first meet, so I did.

Rested between squat and bench, and got a bit more food in. Most of the nervousness was gone but it was still hard to eat an appreciable amount of food.

Was sitting next to Lilly and Amit Sapir (an ifbb pro) who were both really nice guys. Got a pic with Amit - he's a short ball of muscle lol. Very friendly.

Bench warmups were strange, as the equipment was very different and I couldn't set my feet properly. Not a big deal though. Might have warmed up too heavy for bench honestly, hit 225 in the warmup room about 10 mins before my first bench on the platform, but I don't think it took anything out of me.

Again I don't know the exact weight in kilos but I opened with about 235. (Once the results are posted I will post the exact kilos / pounds). Opener moved well, and I had my JTS hat on when doing it. Brandon Lilly was MC-ing and he said "If you're gonna be lifting with a juggernaut hat on you better make it look easy - good lift!" which was really cool to hear. Second attempt at 255, to set me up fo 275 on my third. The 255 went up cleanly, but I knew that 275 wasn't there on that day so I took roughly 265 and grinded it out. Was 5/6 at this point and was feeling good.

Deadlifts were strange to warm up for, but they were feeling good. Took some more caffeine, and got in more food (feeling even less nervous now) before the warmups started. The bars in the warmup room were just regular power bars and the one on the platform was a deadlift bar (first time using one). Killed the first and second attempts at roughly 365, and 390, so I jumped up to about 415 (was like 418 or 413, i think 413 though, so like an 8lb PR) and crushed that too.

After the first deadlift when I went to go and choose my next attempt, Amit was there, looked at me and told me that I had a lot more and to put a lot more weight on the bar which I thought was very cool and encouraging.

Pulled my 3rd DL, went to go sit with my friends and see how the video looked, but they instead called me over for a drug test. Was weird, I just peed before DLs and farted and made sure nothing stupid would happen on the platform. So they were like can you be in a cup. I was like no. Had to slam 2 liters of water in like 10-15 minutes and got stupid bloated.

Was happy with getting 8/9 lifts, even though I had more weight left in me on the deadlift I'm happy with how they went.

I won second place in my class / age division so I am basically a champion. not srs. Got a lil trophy for it which was cool though. The main trophy for best raw male and female lifter was badass - a mjolnir (Thor's hammer)

And then after the awards were given there was a prize draw which I won. That was sick, I got a bunch of stuff (haven't really looked at it much yet) but like a METAL hat, a 100 dolla gift certificate to a fitness type store. And some other supplements / t-shirts.

Although my lifts were not as good as I had hoped, but this meet was more about the experience and learning how to compete.

Can't wait to get back to training.


SCWolf 06-29-2014 02:13 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Congrats man! Great work!

Reach 06-29-2014 02:45 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Great work :) Sounds like a pretty sweet time.

Was it in Amherst?

If I ever don't suck at lifting I might try a meet. Especially if my hips stay good and my squat can recover.

I know Cherie would like to try. How were the females there? Her PR deadlift is 270 and I'm curious as to how well that would do there.

NorthStrong 07-1-2014 11:05 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 4158237)
Great work :) Sounds like a pretty sweet time.

Was it in Amherst?

If I ever don't suck at lifting I might try a meet. Especially if my hips stay good and my squat can recover.

I know Cherie would like to try. How were the females there? Her PR deadlift is 270 and I'm curious as to how well that would do there.

Thanks man, it was a ton of fun.

Yeah it was.

Just do it, lifts don't need to be good, look at mine lol. Just did it to get some experience and have fun. Having a competition in mind gives your training more purpose and you'll train harder and get better results too.

Lots of girls, about 1/4 competitors were girls. Some where pretty strong. Depends on her weight class for how well that would do. Lots of light girls were pulling about 300.

NorthStrong 07-6-2014 01:58 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Gonna start my off season training tomorrow with a fuckload of squats.

Reach 07-6-2014 05:08 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Plans for offseason training?

I want to gain as much strength as possible this fall/winter. Hoping to ramp up the frequency that I'm squatting/benching/deadlifting.

NorthStrong 07-6-2014 08:47 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 4161073)
Plans for offseason training?

I want to gain as much strength as possible this fall/winter. Hoping to ramp up the frequency that I'm squatting/benching/deadlifting.

low frequency, half bodybuilding half powerlifting style stuff. losing a bit of weight over the next couple months to be at the 198s for next meet.

off season is cycling from 10s to 3s and in season is from 6s to 2s. Just 2 linear cycles - all autoregulated still. More focus on the sport form as compeition approaches.

NorthStrong 07-8-2014 09:32 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Off Season Week 1 Squat

Squat x 10 @ 9, 5%

bar x lots
315x10 @ 8ish? too painful to be super accurate
300x10 @ 9

High Bar Close Stance Pause Squat x 10 @ 9, 5%

225x10 @ 9
215x10 @ 9

Front Squat x 10 @ 9, 5%

155x10 @ 8
155x10 @ 9
145x10 @ 9


This was awful.

NorthStrong 07-8-2014 05:13 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Off Season Week 1 Bench

Bench x 10 @ 9, 7.5%

175x10 @ 8
175x10 @ 9
165x10 @ 9

Close Grips x 10 @ 9, 7.5%

135x10 @ 9
125x10 @ 9

Inclines x 10 @ 9, 7.5%

95x10 @ 8
95x10 @ 8
105x10 @ 9
95x10 @ 9

curls, pushdowns, flyes


Today went astonishingly quick. My legs are absolutely fukked from yesterday...walking is very painful. I feel like the douchebags from the "don't skip leg day" memes right now srs.

As you can probably tell my training is really heavily influenced by Ed Coan right now, as well as being combined with that template that Brandon Lilly talked about. It's painful right now, but this kind of training will lead to having a nice base for me leading into the next meet.

So yeah today went very well. Kinda strange to not be training heavy for a while - but like I said I believe it will pay off.

NorthStrong 07-9-2014 09:02 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Off Season Week 1 Deadlift

Deadlift x 10 @ 9

275x10 @ 9

Sumo off 4" Block x 10 @ 9


Stiff Leg DL x 10 @ 9



Today went really well! Was happy overall with the day. Did not do any backoff work, listened to my body and cut some of the work out. Legs are still absolutely fuked up from squatting so much on Monday. Also today was the first time I wore a tank top. Far too pasty and fluffy for dat **** lol.

Conv pulls for reps are SO much harder than squatting for reps. Hooly nuts they suck. 275x10 was insanely hard.

Doing the sumo pulls off blocks as per Dan Green and Chris Duffins' recommendations and they were good. 315x10 was more than I thought I'd hit - these smashed my upper back. The transition to sumo will be smooth I think.

Did some sumo pulls from the floor with 225 after too. Felt good. More flexibile than I thought I was.

SLDLS were good. So much better since I learned how to do them from that Ed Coan video. Also did some ab work, stir the pots. That stuff that Brian Carroll's been writing about.

Leg day tomorrow!

SCWolf 07-9-2014 11:03 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Your sumo deadlifts looked great btw

NorthStrong 07-10-2014 09:56 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Leg stuff

Leg Press / Hack Squat

4x10, these both suck.

Reverse Lunges

3x8leg, 80lbs

Calf Raise


Leg Curl


Stir the pots

3x6 each way.


Today could be described as "lame as fuk". Because of this, and since I'm still very sore from Monday, I am making a minor change in my programming. Moving front squats from Mondays to the "leg days". One is so I can walk after Mondays, and two is so I have an exercise on leg days that I can actually work hard at and go somewhat heavy on. Leg press and hack squats both just hurt and sucked.

Lunges are great, I like doin em reverse style, doesn't hurt my knees at all and works the hamstrings more. Leg curls were good and calf stuff is fun also since you get to sit down.

Stir the pots are hard, gonna really be working on these.

Traps and adductors are very sore from the pulling yesterday. I am going full sumo cheater.


Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4162602)
Your sumo deadlifts looked great btw

Thanks hunny

NorthStrong 07-14-2014 04:38 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Squat x 10 @ 10

bar x lots
325x10 @ 8 PR
335x10 @ 10 PR


High Bar Close Stance Pause Squat x 10 @ 10

first of all fukn lol at the name of this exercise

225x10 @ 9
225x10 @ 10


Today was a good day! Pretty stoked on 335x10, woulda been good for more if I didn't do the 325x10 beforehand for sure.

The HBCSPS (LOL) were super hard. Just so much tension on the quad and quad only it's super hard, making an effort to stay perfectly upright and I'm hoping that this will carryover to my competition squat to keep me from folding over which is my usual weakness.

Decided not to do any backoff work today since I was so sore I could hardly move after last week, which was just too taxing on my recovery and kept me from getting in really good benching or deadlifting.

I have a game of frisbee tonight, and I'm gonna do some stir the pots and kettlebell swings after that is over.

SCWolf 07-15-2014 12:29 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Congrats on the PR's dude, good job

NorthStrong 07-15-2014 10:18 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Off Season Week 2 Bench

Bench x 10 @ 10, 7.5%

bar x10
185x10 @ 10 PR
195x10 @ 10 PR

180x10 @ 10

Close Grip Bench x 10 @ 10, 7.5%

155x10 @ 10

140x10 @ 8
140x10 @ 10

Incline Bench x 10 @ 10, 7.5%

bar x10
115x10 @ 7
125x10 @ 10
115x10 @ 10


Alright so today went really well. Happy with the benching training so far. Hitting some rep PRs this early in the cycle is a good indicator to me, whenever I stay away from the heavy weights for a while I get really excited to lift them once I get back to them, with a bunch of rep PRs underneath my belt.

The setup of bench, close, inclines is awesome. Did all of this work in just 40 minutes today.

Trying to widen my grip on bench as I said, I will keep it where it was today which was pinkies just next to the ring, like one finger inside of them. It felt good today and didn't bug my shoulders at all. Still trashed my triceps even with the wider grip. Then close grips gave me a tricep pump of the gods. Inclines were good too, went with PoR grip on these, and I think it helps to still get more work in with the pecs being the muscle that's getting the most love there rather than continuing to smash my triceps lol.

I wanted to get some curls in but I just did them at home later because I had to go to the movies. Went to see "The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" - I liked it a lot.

Big ass rep PRs happening already, and I'm feeling strong and in shape. Building a big ol base. I'm hoping for the rep work to make me strong enough so that I can beat my previous 3-6 rep PRs by the time I get to those given rep ranges.


Originally Posted by SCWolf (Post 4165161)
Congrats on the PR's dude, good job


SCWolf 07-16-2014 10:54 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by NorthStrong (Post 4165591)
195x10 @ 10 PR

Getting stronk

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 02:57 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 03:51 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Figured I might as well post a bit of training in here. Here is what's been going on in a nutshell..

Recent history of training.

Last meet was December 3rd, 2016. Totaled 1224 by the way of 457 + 314 + 452. Hurt my back pretty badly before this meet so my deadlift and squat were way down from what they should've been. Bench was good though. (Hit 452 for a double with one left in the tank in training before this meet on the squat).

I was going to do a single ply meet in February 2017, but was unable to due to logistic reasons, although I hit a 575 squat and 395 bench in training, but didn't do almost any deadlifting due to the back injury (slight QL tear if I am guessing).

January 2017 - was 240lb, and started to cut.
February 2017 - Hurt the posterolateral aspect of my left knee (back and outside part), and I was unable to do any decent training for the next while on the squat, although I did still train.
March 2017 - more of the same, althouh I hit 315x15 high bar squat which was ok.
April 2017 - Graduated university, trianing a bit chaotic, but my BW was down to 219 ish by now, so about 20lb lost since January. Go to Cuba for a week at the end of the month.

May 2017 - Back from Cuba on May 6th, started actually training again on May 8th. Did one 3 week cycle, and now I am on cycle 2, and here we are..

Hope I can have a few of you along for the ride. Current training program is hypertrophy oriented (with a clear powerlifting focus), and I'm trying to diet down to about 200lb. Weighing about 220-222 right now.

So now we pick up on Cycle 2... I'll post Monday / Tuesday / Thursday's workouts, then post tonight's when it's done.

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 03:53 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 1 - Volume SQ/BP

Beltless Front Squat


Wide Grip Bench



Chins - 30
Step Ups - 45x12x3 each leg, no rest
Side Raise - 20x12x3
DB Curls - 25x12x3
Neck Work - 20x20x3 extension, 20 flexion, 20 each side w/10lb

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 03:54 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 1 - Volume DL/OHP

DoH Beltless SLDL


Feet Up Fat Gripz Close Grip Bench Press



Deficit Rows - 135x12x3
Pause Shrug - 135x12x3
Step Ups - 45x12x3
Incline Flyes - 20s x12x3
FatGripz Barbell Curl - 45x15x3
Neck Work - 20lb x20x3 extension, 20 reps sides/front with 10lb.

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 03:55 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 1 - Intensity SQ/BP

High Bar Squat


Close Grip Bench



Chins - 30
Step Ups - 3x10x55lb
Side Raise - 3x10x25s
DB Curls - 2x10x25s
Neck Extension - 2x12x30lb

NorthStrong 06-2-2017 06:26 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 1 - Intensity DL/OHP

Deficit Deadlift





Deficit Row - 3x10x155
Pause Shrug - 3x10x155
BSS - 3x10xbw
Incline Flyes - 3x10x30s
FatGrip Curl - 3x10x55


Alright day, really not a strong day though, but hit everything with no issue. Bit under-recovered right now. Deficit starting to hit me I think lol. Need to weigh myself, haven't in nearly a week.

Reach 06-4-2017 08:32 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Did I read that correctly? 395 training bench?

What :o

NorthStrong 06-4-2017 12:31 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 4557182)
Did I read that correctly? 395 training bench?

What :o

When training for the single ply meet, in a single ply bench shirt lol.

Reach 06-5-2017 07:50 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Oh, somehow I missed that part.

lmao alright that makes more sense.

nice numbers all around though.

NorthStrong 06-5-2017 09:30 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 2 - Volume SQ/BP

Beltless Front Squat


Wide Grip Bench



Step Ups - 3x12x45
Inverted Row - 3x12xbw
DB Curls 3x12x25s


First real decent day in a few sessions, felt like I was actually lifting stuff that wasn't totally awful. Fixed my knee thing up a bit more I think. Bench felt crappy but I got all the reps pretty decently.

Hoping for a strong week three next week. Gotta start focusing harder on diet or I will never get to where I want to be BW wise.

Mahou 06-5-2017 10:05 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by NorthStrong (Post 4558099)

Beltless Front Squat


I envy anybody that can front squat a good amount of weight. I don't know what it is, but I find this lift to be extremely uncomfortable and putting pressure on my deltoids. I'm assuming most of it is barbell placement or just bad form for not practicing the lift.

NorthStrong 06-6-2017 06:23 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 2 - Volume DL/BP

DOH Beltless SLDL





Deficit Row - 3x12x135
Incline Flyes - 3x12x20s
Pushdowns - 3x12xband


Good day overall.


Originally Posted by Mahou (Post 4558112)
I envy anybody that can front squat a good amount of weight. I don't know what it is, but I find this lift to be extremely uncomfortable and putting pressure on my deltoids. I'm assuming most of it is barbell placement or just bad form for not practicing the lift.

Yeah front squats are rough lol. I am not very good at them, but you need to get the barbell behind the delts and almost right in front of your throat, should be touching the throat imo.

NorthStrong 06-8-2017 07:35 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 2 - Heavy SQ/BP

High Bar Squat


Close Grip Bench



Step Ups - 3x10x55
Chins - 15
Inverted Row - 2x12
DB Curls - 3x10x25s


Low energy day from being up early with the pup. Other knee starting to hurt a bit now lol. Decent enough though I guess, next week going to be very hard, probably in excess of MRV. We'll see.

NorthStrong 06-10-2017 05:10 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 2 - Heavy DL/OHP

Deficit Deadlift





Deficit Rows - 3x10x155
Incline Flyes - 3x10x25s
Tricep Tendon Work - 3x100 various


Decent day, deadlifts felt pretty solid, working on a little bit new setup with them. Excited to actually not be hating my life every time I pull.

Not sure if I mentioned this previously or not, but I have a meet in mind now. King's County Open, same meet I did last year, in December. That's the next planned meet, so hopefully this will help kick my training up a notch.

Got video of all this week's training, going to download some kind of editing software and put it together.

NorthStrong 06-12-2017 07:27 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 3 - Volume SQ/BP

Front Squat Beltless


Wide Grip Bench



Step Ups - 1x12 x45lb
Inverted Row - 1x12
DB Curls - 1x12x25s


Very hard workout today, definitely tested some mental limits. This is supposed to be my "MRV" week, and it definitely feels like it is. Wide grips were also very hard, but it's just easier to bench than it is to squat. Getting ready for some retarded soreness in quad and upper back tomorrow. Probably pecs too.


NorthStrong 06-13-2017 06:50 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 3 - Volume DL/BP






Deficit Row - 3x12x135
Incline Flye - 3x12x20s
Tricep Rehab - 3x100


Solid day.

Mahou 06-13-2017 06:51 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by NorthStrong (Post 4561593)
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 3 - Volume DL/BP






What is this?

Reach 06-14-2017 06:35 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Stiff Leg Deadlift

As for that other lift...well, pretty sure he just made that shit up 8)

Reincarnate 06-14-2017 08:23 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
something + close grip bench press?

NorthStrong 06-14-2017 09:10 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
lmao, it is a stupid but great variation for pure arm work in the bench

stands for - Feet Up Fat Gripz Close Grip Bench Press.

Reasoning is, fat gripz take stress off elbow and shoulder, while providing about 1" extra ROM by creating a small camber in the bar. The close grip adds to the tricep stress. And to give my back a break after deadlifting, I bench with my feet up, which eliminates leg drive, and allows for even more stress in the triceps.

Reach 06-15-2017 09:13 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Feet up is a fantastic way to bench for hypertrophy especially, I find I can get the same workout with much less weight and it's much more comfortable on the joints.

That acronym though jesus lmao

NorthStrong 06-15-2017 02:48 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by Reach (Post 4562273)
Feet up is a fantastic way to bench for hypertrophy especially, I find I can get the same workout with much less weight and it's much more comfortable on the joints.

That acronym though jesus lmao

Yeah big time lol, the whole concept of "underloading" is pretty useful imo. If you can get the same amount of work on the system with using a bit less weight, or perhaps even more weight with an adjusted ROM (less likely) it is a good strategy for longevity.

Same reason I'm doing a lot of front and high bar squats right now, very very easy on the upper body which is partially what's premitting me to press 4x a week rn.

NorthStrong 06-15-2017 08:14 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 3 - Heavy SQ/BP

High Bar Squat


Close Grip Bench



Chins - 20
Step Ups - 3x10x55
Inverted Row - 3x10
DB curls - 3x10x30s


One more session of the hardest training week I've had in a long while...

Twisting soo much on squats, really need to fix that. Did one set low bar and it was astonishingly easier, and uncomfortable as hell since i haven't done it in a long time now.

Knees are going to be pretty happy about the deload...pecs too.

This MRV week may have actually been a bit too much, might have to lower by a few sets the next cycles, we'll see.

BW 217.9 today, lowest in a few months, and the cut is back on track. I think once I am at about 200 or so, and I can actually eat food again I will gain a lot of strength back, and once body is a lot healthier and in better condition as well...

NorthStrong 06-17-2017 09:48 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Week 3 - Heavy DL/OHP

Deficit Deadlift





Deficit Rows - 3x10x155
Incline Flyes - 3x10x25s
Tricep Tendons - 3x100


Solid day again, time for a deload week. Not sure if this was truly my MRV week, or if I could push the volumes any higher. Might try to add more next 6 week phase, which will be comprised of 2 ramping cycles, same as the one I just finished.

Might not be able to push the volumes much higher while I'm cutting, but once I can eat at maintenance or surplus again I think I could push things up by another set or so each week..

NorthStrong 06-19-2017 09:34 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 1 Meso 2 Deload

Front Squat


Wide Grip Bench







Chins - 10
Step Ups - 1x6x45
Bent Row - 1x6x135
Flyes - 1x6x20s
Curls - 1x6x20s
Tricep Tendon Work - 100


Combined today and tomorrows' workouts because I won't have time for tomorrows workout. All very easy stuff anyway.

Body feeling very good after this workout.

NorthStrong 06-26-2017 06:37 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Did a really light session of a few things on Friday too.

Hurt back somehow.

NorthStrong 06-26-2017 06:37 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Volume Lower

Beltless Front Squat


Beltless SLDL



Goodmorning 45x12x3
Step Ups 45x12x3

Plank bwx10x3
Band Row yellow x12x3


Good day! First 100% pain free in the knees session of squatting in IDK how long. Not only was it tolerable, but was zero pain whatsoever. The deload probably helped, and my stance and focus is better on hip position etc. Very happy.

Back was hurting a lot yesterday but the SLDLs were OK today. Did a lot of mcgill big 3 at work and that seemed to help. Not sure how it went wrong in the first place though. Pretty sure it's partially from not doing ab work the previous 6 weeks...

Split is changed up slightly as well, back to an upper lower. The SQ/BP - DL/BP thing was alright, and I just wanted to try it but I think having 4 sessions that stress the low back hard is not great for me.

Volume pressing tomorrow less goooo.

NorthStrong 06-27-2017 07:51 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Volume Upper

Wide Grip Bench


Close Grip Bench





Pullups - 30
DB Flyes - 3x12x20s
Rear Delt Raise - 3x12x15s
Tricep Tendon Work - 3x100
Fat Gripz Curls - 3x12x45


Good easy session, had to do some of the benching with my feet up because my back/oblique on the right side cramped up pretty hard and a foot down position was bugging it.

NorthStrong 06-29-2017 10:37 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Heavy Lower

High Bar Squat



285x1 conv / 1 sumo x8 sets


Bent Rows - 3x10x160
Mcgill Abs - 20s


G'daayyy to ya.

Another nice no pain squat workout in, decided to nbap on the 2nd set and actually push hard and without fear of knee or hip, felt like myself again a bit.

Just started working on regular, low volume, low RPE deadlifts again instead of another high volume or hard DL session to avoid killing my spine again.

kommisar 06-30-2017 08:26 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
yo ricky you still have #1 high score on Jerry's pump machine you turbodouche

NorthStrong 06-30-2017 01:48 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Originally Posted by kommisar (Post 4566893)
yo ricky you still have #1 high score on Jerry's pump machine you turbodouche

u wot

NorthStrong 07-1-2017 04:45 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Heavy Upper

Wide Grip Bench


Close Grip Bench



Press - 115x9, 95x8x2
Chins - total 30
Incline Flyes - 3x10x20s
Fat Bar Curls - 3x10x55

pre-hab stuff

tricep tendon work - 3x80
Rotator cuff work - 3xcircuit


Liss - 15 mins.


Low energy day, but hit a BW pr of 214.9 today. Benching was alright.

Decided I will be doing Easterns in October, so that's the next meet for me. Starting to plan out the prep for it a bit now.

NorthStrong 07-3-2017 06:50 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Volume Lower

Front Squat Beltless


Stiff Leg DL beltless



Bent Rows - 140x12x2
Step ups - 50x12x2


mcgill sit ups / side planks


15 min incline treadmill LISS


Really solid day. SLDL felt super strong so I just combined the last 2 sets into one. Front squats all easy enough too. Next week is MRV week, and it's gonna be a rough one.

NorthStrong 07-4-2017 09:02 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Volume Upper

Wide Grip Bench


Close Grip Bench



Press - 95x8x3
Chins - 30+
DB Flyes - 3x12x20s
Fat Bar Curls - 3x12x55

rehab stuff

rotator band work
tricep tendon work


Another good day today. Building a lot of momentum right now.

NorthStrong 07-7-2017 10:43 AM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Heavy Lower

High Bar Squat





Bent Rows 160x10x2
Step Ups 60x10x2/leg
McGill abs


15 min LISS treadmill


Decent day, squat didnt feel as dialed in as last week though. Overall happy with it though.

NorthStrong 07-7-2017 10:21 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i - Heavy Upper

Wide Grip Bench


Close Grip Bench



DB Bench 50s x20,18
Flyes 15s x10x2
Chins - 30 total
Fat Gripz Curls - 60x10x2

rehab stuff

Tricep tendon work - 2x100x10s


Felt really sick to my stomach for some reason this workout, cut the volume a bit, avoided OHP and didn't do the cardio at the end. Decently happy with the benching though.

NorthStrong 07-10-2017 10:05 PM

Re: NorthStrong's Training Log
Hypertrophy Block - Cycle 2 Meso i Week 3 - Volume Lower

Beltless Front Squat


Beltless SLDL



Inverted Row - 2x12xbw
Step Up - 2x12xbw
McGill Abs - 12 ish stuff


Low, low energy day today. Moved the weight decently but could not complete the planned volume. Got really nauseous after the squatting so had to lower the volume on the SLDL and just did BW stuff for assistance. Not a great day but not a bad one I guess.

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