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-   -   what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement (http://www.flashflashrevolution.com/vbz/showthread.php?t=149665)

Arch0wl 08-23-2018 03:31 PM

what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
are insults true?

can insults be relevant to arguments?

how is an insult different than a personal attack?

you're fat
how does this differ from
your BMI indicates you're morbidly obese
when both can be saying the same thing?

or, take this:
A: you're unreliable
B: you have missed rent three times this year, and flaked on plans several times.
it seems that, for every insult, e.g.
"you're stupid"
this can just be expanded on, to e.g.
"you're stupid" --> "you're being stupid" --> "you're being thoughtless" --> "you have not given this issue due diligence"
few people would consider "you have not given this issue due thought" an insult, but "you're stupid" is almost always considered one.

where do you draw the line for insults?

what is an insult to you?

gold stinger 08-23-2018 03:52 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
I don't usually post in Critical Thinking but here we go.

Insults can be both true and false, but whether it's classified as a personal attack, an insult, or truth in my opinion depends on how informatively or derogatorily it is delivered. It also depends on how insecure someone is to receive such information as well. Some people can shrug it off as "Yes, I know I'm fat. Can't do much about it because of xxxxx/not number one on my list as of right now" or take it offensively as "BMI is a myth, how dare you say I'm morbidly obese I'm going to live another 50 years I aint dying anytime soon you are off your rockers mate".

Personally, I draw the line at when it goes from informative information from an outside perspective, to intentionally derogative to either inflict mental harm, or to damage reputation/character and the opinion of you from others. I would be okay with people acting in a derogative manner towards me, as long as it stays informative and there's some level of acknowledgment prior, or after that they didn't have the best choice of words.

xXOpkillerXx 08-23-2018 04:03 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 4645084)
where do you draw the line for insults?

what is an insult to you?

The former is relevant because you ask for personal, subjective content.

The latter isn't because you're basically asking people to define "insult" the way they want, which leads to nothing unless you actually want to redefine the word.

Travis_Flesher 08-23-2018 04:30 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
To be receptive to insults implies that one has an emotional soft spot. Insults cause people to try harder, either to change or assert themselves. At the moment of insult there's a reaction that is usually kinda uncomfortable.
Theoretically, the insult and the reaction could be independent of each other and coincidental, which is what I like to believe, because I hold being different in the highest regard.
Often to give an insult implies that you are, in fact, insecure, even if your heart's in the right place.
Even the maddest situation, when one deserves insult and is a problem or nuisance, can be attributed to coincidence. A buildup of brain chemicals in this increasingly kooky world. An example would be, let's say, if someone bogarted all your Doritos when you left the room and now you seek vengeance. Why my friend? Flesher's theorum clearly states that the social world is purely divine and the Dorito's aren't actually Doritos.
I hope you found this interesting and remember that all things good and evil are real.

Moria 08-23-2018 05:54 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
A personal attack is to criticize without reason. an insult is to take offense.
Truth follows reason.

devonin 08-23-2018 06:07 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

you're fat
how does this differ from
your BMI indicates you're morbidly obese
when both can be saying the same thing?
When you're offered both from a random person on the street who intends to make you feel bad/guilty/negative about your weight? There is no difference. They are both insults, and they are both personal attacks because the insults are about something to do with the person themselves.

When you're offered both from a doctor that you went to see to evaluate your overall physical health including your weight? The former is certainly delivered without tact, and they are maybe being insensitive, but since you -asked for information on that subject- from somebody -qualified to give it- it stops being insulting.

FoJaR 08-23-2018 06:12 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
I think something like "you're an ass" would be an insult.

"You stopped emotionally developing in middle school" rides the line between insult and informative.

And "get a therapist" is just good advice.

xXOpkillerXx 08-23-2018 06:21 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by FoJaR (Post 4645182)
And "get a therapist" is just good advice.

Not if 0 legit reasoning can be brought up.

Get a life


Get a life, you dont work, you're in good shape and not mentally ill. Do something productive.

komochii 08-23-2018 06:22 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Here's a personal attack fuk u archowl more like barn owl cuz u STINK

komochii 08-23-2018 06:23 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Also most people know they're fat as fuck u don't gotta rub it in

Edit: in serious it's simply the motive - insulting someone is just taking an aspect of them you find negative and using it to cause guilt, so ya

DaBackpack 08-23-2018 11:47 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 4645084)
you're fat
how does this differ from
your BMI indicates you're morbidly obese
when both can be saying the same thing?

read: denotation vs connotation

Moria 08-23-2018 11:49 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
In early cultures, being fat was a sign of nobility. A show that one could afford more food than they needed was expressive of the status quo

Moria 08-23-2018 11:51 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
We may have better technology and medicine, but we're no more or less human now than we were then.

Hakulyte 08-24-2018 12:03 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
I'm surprised no one just said: "the intentions".

notmclaren 08-24-2018 04:22 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
This topic of discussion is inane. An insult can be an untrue statement and furthermore can even be totally irrelevant to truth. Example: "fuck you" is an insult which is totally unconcerned with truth. "You're fat" or "you're a piece of shit" still counts as an insult even if it's untrue.

Also, "You're fat" vs "your BMI etc" are really different if you spend even one second barely thinking about it. The second statement includes a step in logic, uses BMI, and morbidly obese is a different concept from being fat. However they can both be either insulting or not, it depends on the purpose.

Come on, if you gave this even one second of thought you would have realized this. The differences are very obvious.

Arch0wl 08-24-2018 04:31 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by devonin (Post 4645179)
When you're offered both from a random person on the street who intends to make you feel bad/guilty/negative about your weight? There is no difference. They are both insults, and they are both personal attacks because the insults are about something to do with the person themselves.

this doesn't seem good enough to me, because imagine this scenario:

A: I am not trying to insult you. your BMI indicates you're morbidly obese.
B: yes you are!
A: no I'm not

how, exactly, do you prove intent here beyond just stating what your intent is? I don't think it's possible.

in this scenario, there's no way for B to know A's intent. the person hearing the remark just has to have some vague feeling of whether there's an insult or not. but this doesn't actually make it one.

it seems like to say something is an insult or personal attack you have to be able to point to information about the sentence that makes it one and that indicates intent.

"you're 150lb" is completely neutral without context -- it could be weight loss for one person or weight gain for another person. whether it's an insult or not depends on how the person interprets the information, but the claim itself is not inherently insulting.

so e.g. "you're a fucking idiot" would be a clear insult, but "you're thoughtless" is very possibly not.

the factor for me seems to be the counterfactual. there is a better, less biased version of "you're a fucking idiot", like "you're being thoughtless", but there isn't really any way to say "you're being thoughtless" more accurately without merely telling someone something about themselves that they don't want to hear.

choof 08-24-2018 04:37 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 4645656)
this doesn't seem good enough to me, because imagine this scenario:

A: I am not trying to insult you. your BMI indicates you're morbidly obese.
B: yes you are!
A: no I'm not

how, exactly, do you prove intent here beyond just stating what your intent is? I don't think it's possible.

it's pretty obvious what the intent is if this scenario occurs in a doctor's office
it's also pretty obvious what the intent is if this scenario occurs on the streets of new york city
exception: literal autism

Arch0wl 08-24-2018 04:46 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
what you are doing is giving the two most extreme circumstances, and saying that due to these extreme circumstances, there can't be any ambiguity as to intent, and that people who see ambiguity are autistic or something. that's clearly false.

many if not most comments between people about themselves or their actions will be situations without such clear-cut extremeties as an unprovoked street remark and a doctor's office, so that doesn't help resolve the ambiguity.

devonin 08-24-2018 07:40 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Why does person A feel they have any business commenting on person B's weight in the first place? How do they have access to person B's BMI?

What we're talking about is a random stranger saying "Not an insult BUT" and then saying something none of their business about another person personally, outside any setting where that is a reasonable interaction to assume the other party wants to have.

The other problem with your example is that we don't have Person A's motive. They saying "No I'm not" is meaningless if they actually are, and just lying defensively.

Sure Person -B- won't have their true motive to hand necessarily in the actual interaction, but you invented both of these people so tell me, why does Person A think an appropriate thing to say to Person B out of nowhere is a comment on their being morbidly obese?

xXOpkillerXx 08-25-2018 10:39 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Arch idk if you realize this but you're basically asking for a solution to the unsolved problem that is pragmatics analysis in natural language processing. If we could prove the intent of someone by simply analysing the language (syntax, vocabulary, etc) we'd revolutionize that whole field. So yeah, you use context to infer intentions that hopefully the receiver will understand, and if they dont believe your intentions after you explicitely mentionned them, then something else needs to happen (stop the discussion, try to convince, rephrase your message, etc).

Arch0wl 08-26-2018 11:20 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by xXOpkillerXx (Post 4645977)
Arch idk if you realize this but you're basically asking for a solution to the unsolved problem that is pragmatics analysis in natural language processing.

had no idea this existed, no. completely unfamiliar with NLP as a field.

I'm concerned with the application to language rules / speech codes, such as the vagueness in policies that prohibit insults -- because for every policy that prohibits insults, it also seems to prohibt neutral, but displeasing information about other people.

xXOpkillerXx 08-26-2018 11:39 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 4646237)
had no idea this existed, no. completely unfamiliar with NLP as a field.

I'm concerned with the application to language rules / speech codes, such as the vagueness in policies that prohibit insults -- because for every policy that prohibits insults, it also seems to prohibt neutral, but displeasing information about other people.

Well, that would be a very hard task and here's why:

1. You have to define a logical structure from a grammar and most likely use some probalistic analysis on words. See this for info on NLP grammars. See that for probabilistic parsing.

2. When backing up your claim that x structure tends to be content that prohibits insults, you Must stay objective in your definition of "prohibiting insults". You also need to somehow label many policies (prohibits insults y/n, prohibits neutral displeasing y/n, etc) or find such a dataset. Labeling that is a massive task because you can probably hardly remain objective, unless you come up with a thorough labeling system that is accepted.

3. Same thing kinda for vagueness; that is probably a badly defined metric of language and would need a strong logical definition (in terms of NLP grammar, at least).

Elmerz 08-26-2018 01:16 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Well considering English is one of the most broken languages in terms of logic in existence, good luck determining anything.

DaBackpack 08-26-2018 01:45 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by xXOpkillerXx (Post 4646245)
Well, that would be a very hard task and here's why:

1. You have to define a logical structure from a grammar and most likely use some probalistic analysis on words. See this for info on NLP grammars. See that for probabilistic parsing.

2. When backing up your claim that x structure tends to be content that prohibits insults, you Must stay objective in your definition of "prohibiting insults". You also need to somehow label many policies (prohibits insults y/n, prohibits neutral displeasing y/n, etc) or find such a dataset. Labeling that is a massive task because you can probably hardly remain objective, unless you come up with a thorough labeling system that is accepted.

3. Same thing kinda for vagueness; that is probably a badly defined metric of language and would need a strong logical definition (in terms of NLP grammar, at least).

Building off what OpKiller said, computationally (read: procedurally) this task is currently unsolved.

But humans can do this, albeit inconsistently, because we are exceptionally good at building heuristics on-the-fly. So I don't think it's not worth discussing, but a lot of the answers you'll find for specific cases is "because that's just how it is".

aperson 08-26-2018 03:15 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
I think most societies have a pretty consensus-driven view of what is an insult or not. You could use a population sample to review conversations and determine if there is much of a consensus on whether an insult occurred or not. If this is the case, you can use the responses to train a supervised neural network (see: backpropagation).

The more interesting question becomes what sort of richness do you need in the dataset to make the evaluation? Do we need information on the surrounding scene? Speaker and audience relationship? What happens on different media like video vs text transcripts? Etc...

Funnygurl555 08-26-2018 03:24 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
personal attack: arch0wl has a bad face

insult: arch0wl has a bad face

true statement: arch0wl has a bad face

i don't see a difference?

Xiz 08-26-2018 03:30 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
There was a time a few years ago when I thought arch0wl was just a bunch of different ffr people who would all post together on one account.

xXOpkillerXx 08-26-2018 03:38 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by aperson (Post 4646288)
I think most societies have a pretty consensus-driven view of what is an insult or not. You could use a population sample to review conversations and determine if there is much of a consensus on whether an insult occurred or not. If this is the case, you can use the responses to train a supervised neural network (see: backpropagation).

The more interesting question becomes what sort of richness do you need in the dataset to make the evaluation? Do we need information on the surrounding scene? Speaker and audience relationship? What happens on different media like video vs text transcripts? Etc...

If there was such a dataset, you'd need contextual information. Otherwise, you'd only pick up insults with very strong words/n-grams such as "fuck you", "bitch", etc. Pretty sure a PCA would show some interesting relationships between the vocabulary and the various contextual data, but then there is just So much info that can be needed to understand an insult...

xXOpkillerXx 08-26-2018 03:50 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Imagine the following:

- Someone (person P) knows someone else (person Q) very well. P tells Q a certain insult X. A population reads X and determines it most likely isn't an insult, because they don't know Q (and P) at all. In this case, X will probably always be misclassified.
- Same scenario but P means no insult to Q. However, the population believes it is one. Also problematic.

Therefore, you cannot possibly have a classifier that performs on anything else than non-pragmatic analysis and since we (as humans in a society) communicate by using a whole lot of contextual information, that classifier would most likely do nothing interesting.

PrincessCaderpio 11-18-2018 02:29 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Arch0wl (Post 4645084)

it seems that, for every insult, e.g.
"you're stupid"
this can just be expanded on, to e.g.
"you're stupid" --> "you're being stupid" --> "you're being thoughtless" --> "you have not given this issue due diligence"

Buddha washed life down enough to say that all suffering stems from ignorance. Furthermore, the dhammapada describes many ignorant actions as ones done by fools. It basically says 'you're foolish' which could easily be the same as 'you're stupid' and it's a well-renowned religious text for like, one of the most pacifistic religions around, and it literally has insults embedded in it. In it's case though, the insults are of a general, non-directed nature, and intended to make people think things through more as a general matter of course. Nor is there anything about them actually being -right-

I seem to one of those people that can be insulted from literally anything. I'm specifically remembering that 1 TWG I played on here where I chewed someone's head off for being too nice to me because I perceived I was being treated differently due to not having a dick and it fucked up the game royally because it wasn't clear, due to it being in a game setting, that that was my actual intention for ranting. Good times!

PrincessCaderpio 11-18-2018 02:35 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by xXOpkillerXx (Post 4646296)
Imagine the following:

- Someone (person P) knows someone else (person Q) very well. P tells Q a certain insult X. A population reads X and determines it most likely isn't an insult, because they don't know Q (and P) at all. In this case, X will probably always be misclassified.

Why imagine it when you can real-life live it every goddamn day of your life for months?

mewtikz 11-18-2018 03:19 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657154)
Why imagine it when you can real-life live it every goddamn day of your life for months?

Are you ok?


Anyhow, the way I see it is that there is no difference between a personal attack, an insult, or a true statement, when just looking at the words alone. After all, these labels are applied after someone receives the message and judges as such. I don't think there's any reason to figure out the difference because determining if it's an insult or a statement is done with so much more context than just the words alone.

TL;DR - there's no difference if trying to analyze solely on the words

Elena- 11-18-2018 04:39 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657153)
Buddha washed life down enough to say that all suffering stems from ignorance. Furthermore, the dhammapada describes many ignorant actions as ones done by fools. It basically says 'you're foolish' which could easily be the same as 'you're stupid' and it's a well-renowned religious text for like, one of the most pacifistic religions around, and it literally has insults embedded in it. In it's case though, the insults are of a general, non-directed nature, and intended to make people think things through more as a general matter of course. Nor is there anything about them actually being -right-

I seem to one of those people that can be insulted from literally anything. I'm specifically remembering that 1 TWG I played on here where I chewed someone's head off for being too nice to me because I perceived I was being treated differently due to not having a dick and it fucked up the game royally because it wasn't clear, due to it being in a game setting, that that was my actual intention for ranting. Good times!

It takes a fool to know a fool. So when someone calls you one, take it to heart; it may serve you well into the future.

Dinglesberry 11-18-2018 05:56 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657153)
I seem to one of those people that can be insulted from literally anything. I'm specifically remembering that 1 TWG I played on here where I chewed someone's head off for being too nice to me because I perceived I was being treated differently due to not having a dick

Eww u don't have a dick wtffff that's gross

Funnygurl555 11-18-2018 07:03 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657153)
Buddha washed life down enough to say that all suffering stems from ignorance. Furthermore, the dhammapada describes many ignorant actions as ones done by fools. It basically says 'you're foolish' which could easily be the same as 'you're stupid' and it's a well-renowned religious text for like, one of the most pacifistic religions around, and it literally has insults embedded in it. In it's case though, the insults are of a general, non-directed nature, and intended to make people think things through more as a general matter of course. Nor is there anything about them actually being -right-

I seem to one of those people that can be insulted from literally anything. I'm specifically remembering that 1 TWG I played on here where I chewed someone's head off for being too nice to me because I perceived I was being treated differently due to not having a dick and it fucked up the game royally because it wasn't clear, due to it being in a game setting, that that was my actual intention for ranting. Good times!


who you?

edit: i took a fun trip down memory lane and realized who you were. that game was a ride.....

Skullbac 11-18-2018 09:14 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
Personal attacks and insults are meant to offend.
True statements are not meant to offend.

DaBackpack 11-18-2018 10:36 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
let this thread die

edit: since this is """critical thinking""" and I don't want to get banned I'll add that the distinction in the OP is """critically""" useless

PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 02:27 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Elena- (Post 4657163)
It takes a fool to know a fool. So when someone calls you one, take it to heart; it may serve you well into the future.


PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 02:28 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4657170)

edit: i took a fun trip down memory lane and realized who you were. that game was a ride.....

Yeah I never liked you before, still don't like you now. You should be in jail or helping put the person who told you to write that, in jail.

Funnygurl555 11-19-2018 06:58 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657220)
Yeah I never liked you before, still don't like you now. You should be in jail or helping put the person who told you to write that, in jail.

surprised that you have an opinion of me at all really. unfortunately that's not mutual.

Elena- 11-19-2018 07:07 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
I know you're having a stressful time but attacking others won't make it any easier.

Charu 11-19-2018 07:20 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657220)
Yeah I never liked you before, still don't like you now. You should be in jail or helping put the person who told you to write that, in jail.

Where in the world is this coming from?

WTFBrandon 11-19-2018 08:08 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Skullbac (Post 4657190)
Personal attacks and insults are meant to offend.
True statements are not meant to offend.


Originally Posted by DaBackpack (Post 4657194)
let this thread die

edit: since this is """critical thinking""" and I don't want to get banned I'll add that the distinction in the OP is """critically""" useless

Ya, that alone killed the thread. Simple as that.
Doesn't really need to get much further in depth as you're just picking out specific scenarios.

PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 09:34 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Charu (Post 4657233)
Where in the world is this coming from?

Glad you're not in on stalking me Charu.

PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 09:37 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Funnygurl555 (Post 4657231)
surprised that you have an opinion of me at all really. unfortunately that's not mutual.

Its for the best you don't think of yourself as a piece of shit.

PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 09:37 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by Elena- (Post 4657232)
I know you're having a stressful time but attacking others won't make it any easier.

That's where you're wrong.

Funnygurl555 11-19-2018 09:58 AM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement

Originally Posted by PrincessCaderpio (Post 4657244)
Its for the best you don't think of yourself as a piece of shit.

jesus christ

PrincessCaderpio 11-19-2018 01:48 PM

Re: what's the difference between a personal attack, an insult, and a true statement
funnygurl is neither a girl or funny

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