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star reaper 02-21-2013 05:48 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate (Post 3866527)
Yes, we absolutely are.

EDIT: Fuck you are posting faster than I can reply. This view, as you just put it, has been debunked via physical evidence. The whole "global flood" thing / Noah's Ark / etc is nonsense.

How has it been debunked? what evidence do you have to say that without a doubt?

star reaper 02-21-2013 05:53 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Also, be back to chatting in a few hours. I have some work to do.

Reincarnate 02-21-2013 05:55 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
What if I told you my faith IS a science? What if I told you my faith is a science in which you do not comprehend because you chose not to? I know God exists. Where's the evidence? The evidence is inside me and all around me. I sense the presence of God with my heart, mind, and soul. It is a sense that is above and beyond logic and reason. People who do not believe in god, do not understand God. They don't know God. I can not explain God to someone who is chosing not to understand God.

Because faith isn't science. Science is a physical framework. Scientific findings are universally verifiable. They're true for me, true for you, and true for everyone -- because we live in the same physical universe. You can't say you live on a flat Earth while I live on a round one because we can both see the exact same evidence to show that it is indeed round.

Religious faith is belief in something *without* such evidence. So it's not science. Again, see my reply to star reaper about what it means to have "religious evidence" and why it's problematic in a physical universe.


Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
And so an atheist would say, "How do you know the Bible is an accurate source? Can you prove it to me? Again, using the same argument that something is not credible because it can not be proven.

Do you not see a problem with believing in something that can't be proven or disproven? If it can't be proven or disproven, it is indistinguishable from not existing.


Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
Years ago when the vast majority of the world believed the earth was flat, there were the few that said the earth is not flat, it is round. The people said no! You are wrong/crazy/ridiculous/stupid, the earth is definately flat. Can you prove to me that it's round? At the time it was not proven to the world that it was round, that is why everyone believed it was flat. But what happened? The world eventually found out that they were wrong, and the earth was round.

Science is always adjusting its views.. If something is proven wrong or insufficient, it gets replaced by something stronger and more universally consistent. Religion, on the other hand, tends to maintain its views no matter how the evidence changes (a prime example being Creationists who refuse to acknowledge that evolution is true even though it's an open-and-shut case).

That's also why a hypothesis in the scientific method must be falsifiable.


Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
On the other hand, do any of you atheists reading this have any children? Are you close with your parents? Do you love them? If so, are your parents atheists as well?

The reason I ask these questions is because when you can understand the love a parent has for his/her child, you bring yourself closer to God and have a better understanding of why God does exist. If you're not a parent, you are not going to experience or understand this feeling first hand. Eventually you all will come to find out for yourselves that God does exist, it's only a matter of time. I love you all, so I hope you do so sooner rather then later.

Why do you assume "love" implies a God? To an atheist, love is an emotion like any other. Love is still a chemical process in the brain. It's capable of utterly fantastic things, but it does nothing to say that it "trascends" in some way. Our brains are pretty amazing things, considering what they're made of.

ilikexd 02-21-2013 05:56 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
...and that's the circle of life

but going back to what bmah said:

"It's when you try to apply science to religion or religion to science that things don't make sense. That's comparing apples and oranges. So while they both can exist together, unfortunately a lot of people think that they have to be compared (and so logic from one train of thought is applied to the other which results in arguments that obviously will never be satisfiably resolved)."

That's what makes this such an interesting challenge. Remember, an atheist initiated this thread. How bias would it be to only hear the input of other atheists/agnostics? Do I annoy certain impatient atheists because i fail to explain my faith to them with science? What if I told you my faith IS a science? What if I told you my faith is a science in which you do not comprehend because you chose not to? I know God exists. Where's the evidence? The evidence is inside me and all around me. I sense the presence of God with my heart, mind, and soul. It is a sense that is above and beyond logic and reason. People who do not believe in god, do not understand God. They don't know God. I can not explain God to someone who is chosing not to understand God.

In response to the bolded parts in their respective order,

That is not the definition of science. Science is subject to scrutiny and review.

That is not the definition of evidence. Evidence is physically and readily accessible.

I am curious to know if you are also RB_Spirit, as you both intriguingly and uniquely use the word 'bias' as an adjective.

Reincarnate 02-21-2013 05:57 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by star reaper (Post 3866534)
How has it been debunked? what evidence do you have to say that without a doubt?


As you can see, there's a lot.

Pretty clear-cut.

Nullifidian 02-21-2013 05:58 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

I can't take the misconstruing of definitions anymore. Enjoy waiting for afterlife.

Mollocephalus 02-21-2013 05:59 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
That's what makes this such an interesting challenge. Remember, an atheist initiated this thread. How bias would it be to only hear the input of other atheists/agnostics? Do I annoy certain impatient atheists because i fail to explain my faith to them with science? What if I told you my faith IS a science? What if I told you my faith is a science in which you do not comprehend because you chose not to? I know God exists. Where's the evidence? The evidence is inside me and all around me. I sense the presence of God with my heart, mind, and soul. It is a sense that is above and beyond logic and reason. People who do not believe in god, do not understand God. They don't know God. I can not explain God to someone who is chosing not to understand God.

That's not evidence. It's only a matter of what you feel. You do not understand what evidence means, evidently.


Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
But in all these posts I haven't read not one reason why someone doesn't believe in God except to say that he doesn't believe he exists because I can't prove he exists. While on the other hand, I have gave countless reasons why I believe by qouting many passages from the Bible to explain them. And so an atheist would say, "How do you know the Bible is an accurate source? Can you prove it to me? Again, using the same argument that something is not credible because it can not be proven. Years ago when the vast majority of the world believed the earth was flat, there were the few that said the earth is not flat, it is round. The people said no! You are wrong/crazy/ridiculous/stupid, the earth is definately flat. Can you prove to me that it's round? At the time it was not proven to the world that it was round, that is why everyone believed it was flat. But what happened? The world eventually found out that they were wrong, and the earth was round.

Good job using the worst possible example. The people who discovered the earth was round, they did it through experience. An experience that anyone can share and always get the same result. You can't do that with any god. You are not the daring who supports a revolutionary idea which will one day be confirmed. You're the one who keeps an old and outdated idea which has been around since forever, and which has never been confirmed by anything we've discovered. On the contrary, it gets weaker and weaker with any new thing we understand about the universe.


Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866529)
On the other hand, do any of you atheists reading this have any children? Are you close with your parents? Do you love them? If so, are your parents atheists as well?

The reason I ask these questions is because when you can understand the love a parent has for his/her child, you bring yourself closer to God and have a better understanding of why God does exist. If you're not a parent, you are not going to experience or understand this feeling first hand. Eventually you all will come to find out for yourselves that God does exist, it's only a matter of time. I love you all, so I hope you do so sooner rather then later.

This argument again. UGH. The feeling of being close with someone is unrelated to god. The intensity of love you can feel has nothing to do with your supposed spiritual thickness. Being a parent, having a deep bond with the life you have created does not get you in contact with god. It makes you feel what you already have inside. Stop using this denigratory argument. You are not enlightened. You are not morally above anyone else just because you believe in a mythological imaginary friend.

customstuff 02-21-2013 06:01 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread
An Atheist starting the thread doesn't create a bias when he doesn't even state his opinion in the OP. The only reason this thread seems biased is because people that enjoy to discuss the evidence for God existing or not existing tend to be more logical thinkers, which in turn tend to be Atheists.

gnr61 02-21-2013 06:05 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by star reaper (Post 3866530)

ah. this. i uh.............. i see.

normally i try not to sound too dismissive, but dude. that's a fucking creationist apologetics lobby lmao. it's the definition of propaganda, if you think it's a credible source of scientific information then...

man i need to not get sucked into these things

gnr61 02-21-2013 06:07 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread


ilikexd 02-21-2013 06:10 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread
star reaper, here are some excerpts from the website you linked.


"What You Will Learn

Many people do not realize that science was actually developed in Christian Europe by men who assumed that God created an orderly universe. If the universe is a product of random chance or a group of gods that interfere in the universe, there is really no reason to expect order in nature. Many of the founders of the principle scientific fields, such as Bacon, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton, were believers in a recently created earth. The idea that science cannot accept a creationist perspective is a denial of scientific history."



"This illustrated expose reveals and refutes every instance of evolution in America’s four most popular biology textbooks. A true eye-opener for teens, teachers and parents."

Evolution gets refuted? RIP biology.

JJTrixX 02-21-2013 06:21 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by ilikexd (Post 3866557)
star reaper, here are some excerpts from the website you linked.


"What You Will Learn

Many people do not realize that science was actually developed in Christian Europe by men who assumed that God created an orderly universe. If the universe is a product of random chance or a group of gods that interfere in the universe, there is really no reason to expect order in nature. Many of the founders of the principle scientific fields, such as Bacon, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton, were believers in a recently created earth. The idea that science cannot accept a creationist perspective is a denial of scientific history."



"This illustrated expose reveals and refutes every instance of evolution in America’s four most popular biology textbooks. A true eye-opener for teens, teachers and parents."

Evolution gets refuted? RIP biology.

^^^^ there you have it.

the funny thing is, most of you who claim to be atheist, aren't even sure if you're atheist or agnostic.

@ reincarnate:

"Science is always adjusting its views.. If something is proven wrong or insufficient, it gets replaced by something stronger and more universally consistent."

Science will come to adjust its view to the existence of God in time.

Dorby 02-21-2013 06:23 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread
With that mindset, it's pretty much obvious that you cater your opinion over anything that even has the slightest relevance to changing your mind, so therefore you should just cut yourself out of the conversation altogether.

ilikexd 02-21-2013 06:23 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866564)
Science will come to adjust its view to the existence of God in time.

This is impossible due to the nature of the scientific method.


^^^^ there you have it.

gnr61 02-21-2013 06:27 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread
ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much dictionary abuse. people are attributing WAY too much significance to personal interpretations/misinterpretations/non-understanding of basic words.

latest: almost ALL atheists are technically agnostic-atheists. that is, they don't believe god can be disproved, that whether or not he exists makes no difference in the world around us, and therefore that there's no reason to believe in him, so they don't. even though they accept the possibility, they don't attribute any more likelihood to it than other things that fit that description (ie flying spaghetti monster).

we call them atheists because it's easier. they know what they are dude lmao you are smug as hell.

EDIT: this isn't a discussion at this point. there's a refusal on one side to talk about the fundamental premises on which we disagree. only smug circular walling. i usually love this stuff, but lord is this pointless and aggravating. never thought i'd say this but bring adlp back he at least talks like a calm grownup most of the time

Nullifidian 02-21-2013 06:30 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866564)
the funny thing is, most of you who claim to be atheist, aren't even sure if you're atheist or agnostic.

I had to come back for this one. You have the audacity to say something like that when you don't even know what these categories mean?

Here's an image that I hope will ENLIGHTEN you

Everything that's been happening in this thread comes down to misconstruing of words to fit religious agenda ugh

Reincarnate 02-21-2013 06:36 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by _.Spitfire._ (Post 3866575)

I just spat up my tea

ilikexd 02-21-2013 06:37 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread

Originally Posted by JJTrixX (Post 3866285)
I understand you may have a reading deficiency.

No, this one still takes the cake.

bmah 02-21-2013 06:39 PM

Re: Atheism/Theism thread
This isn't going anywhere now.

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